


发布时间:2019-02-22 17:42   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:328





Warming up

Check   Assignment

Step 1

Invite 10 students to share their findings on travel tips   one by one. Then the class vote for the top 3 most useful tips.

Step 2

Show the students a reservation record form. Ask some   students to fill in the form with booking information they have found online   and explain their ideas.

Your Booking FightDateFlight     numberDeparture     (airport/time)Arrival     (airport/time)Total     fare     HotelHotel     informationArrivalDepartureRoom     typeRate     

5 min

Practical Writing

1.       Review

Ask students to refer back to the itinerary in Practical   reading and compare it with the ones they found online.

5 min

2.       Analysis

Step 1

Analyze the components of these itinerates. Then tick the   items often included in an itinerary.

Step 2

Present more samples of itinerary and give students some   itinerary writing tips.

5 min

3.       Writing practice

Step 1

Analyze the requirements of the task. (city tour, Chengdu, about 3 days, famous attractions, local   specialties)

Step 2

Pair work: Search for relative information online about   the destination and discuss with the partner what should be included in the   city tour. The work out an itinerary together.

Step 3

Invite 3 pairs to present their itineraries and explain   their ideas.

10 min


Group work

Step 1

Read the requirements of the task.   (one week, ¥3000, city   tour)

Step 2

Divide the students into group of four and choose a city   they want to visit.

Step 3

Each of the group members searches the information online   respectively to make a travel plan. (transportation,   accommodation, scenic spots, events, restaurants, local specialties… )

Step 4

Discuss the must-sees and work out an itinerary together.

Step 5

Calculate the cost of the planned trip to see whether it’s   within the budget and make some adjustment.

Step 6

Invite   3 group to perform the task and vote on the best plan.

20 min


Supplementary materials


1.     Background information


                 Itinerary writing skills


Itineraries are essential for travel plans that involve multiple forms of transportation and destinations. An efficient, helpful itinerary quickly shows travelers at a glance, where they need to be at what time so that they can enjoy all of the attractions during their trip.


1.Gather all of the transportation details you need to include on your itinerary including flight departure and arrival times, airport names and addresses, airline confirmation numbers, hotel information and any additional travel (bus, taxi, cruise) information.

2.Open a word processing or graphics software program on your computer. Title your itinerary with a succinct name and purpose in bold at the top left corner of the page.

3.Create a subhead titled “Trip Details”. Include icons on the left side. Use a jet icon to indicate a flight, a car icon to indicate a taxi or rental car, a house icon for a hotel.

4.Create separate rows within each sub-category, by day, for lodging and event information. List contact information, reservation numbers and directions next to each lodging or event entry.

5.Check your document against your details for accuracy. Take your itinerary with you and refer to it often throughout your trip.


2.     Extensive reading materials




3.     Sample itinerary




Day 1

Pick up at   the hotel lobby

9:00 am

Visit Wuhou Shrine, Jinli

10:00 am

Lunch (Sichuan Cuizine)

12:00 am

Visit Tianfu Square, Sichuan Science   and Technology Musem

3:00 pm

Supper (Shu Jiuxiang Hotpot)

6:00 pm

Day 2

Pick up at the hotel lobby

9:00 am

Visit The Wide and Narrow Lanes

10:00 am

Lunch (Bonbon Chicken)

12:00 am

Visit Qingyang Taoist Temple

2:30 pm

Shopping (Chunxi Road )

5:00 pm

Supper (Chengdu snacks)

6:00 pm

Day 3

Pick up at the hotel lobby

9:00 am

Visit Jinsha Ruins

10:00 am

Lunch (Sichuan Cuizine)

12:00 am

Visit Global Center

4:00 pm

Return to the hotel and see off

6:00 pm






Around the world

Step 1

Take a look at the pictures and make   a guess what ways of adventure travel they are representing.

Step 2

Skim three short paragraphs quickly to get the main ideas.   And explain the difficult words and expressions.

Step 3

Invite 3 students to explain these different ways of   travel in their own words.

Step 4

Ask students which one do they prefer and explain the   reasons.

12 min

My Progress Check

1.       Listening Practice

Step 1

Ask students to preview the items listed.

Step 2

Listen to the dialogue and choose the information you   hear.

Step 3

Listen again and check your answers.

Key: 2, 3

8 min

2. Oral Practice

Ask students to talk about their plans for the coming vacation   briefly. And write down ones they like.

5 min

3. Vocabulary and Structure


Part 2

1. confirmed  2. solution    3. handle 

4. essential  5. checked in  6. arrange

4. Translation


1. That is because we read a travel guide in advance.

2. Whatever you choose to do, it will make a difference. 

3. To sum up, you must exercise and quit smoking for the health of   your heart.

4. I’ll call him right away.

5. Reading and Writing

Key: 总之,在下次旅行前稍加思考并做一些详细的计划会使你从中获得的乐趣大不相同。

10 min


1.       Summarize the key points of making travel plan.

2.       Review the steps of booking flights/hotels and making an   itinerary.

5 min


Task 1

Complete the unfinished exercises in My Progress Check.

Task 2

Write a letter to your friend about your travel plan for   the summer vacation and ask him/her to join you.

5 min


Supplementary materials

1.                                      Word attack

1)    trifle something unimportant or not valuable琐事;少量

Eg. You are a trifle short-sighted and do not see the general for the particular.

Such a trifle was not worthy of being brought by such a gentleman as you seem to be.


2)    shelter庇护;避难所

Eg. Who else showed up at the shelter?

   When it started raining, however, he decided to spend the rest of the night in the shelter of the church.


3)    trail 追踪;拖

Eg. That way they can’t pick up your trail.

   The trail starts from the shop in the middle of the campsite.


4)    trace 追溯;沿路走

Eg. People enquired but there was no trace of it.

   Trace its history back to its fathers, and you’ll know how it flies.


5)    low-impact(项目、活动等)对环境影响小的,环保的;(锻炼)对身体冲击力小的,低强度的

Eg. Where there is a high level of predictability there is a low impact.

Really it’s pretty low impact.

have/make a great impact on sth. .....有重大影响


6)    landscape 风景;景色

Eg. Gray had stated that the painter’s view of a landscape had always to be from a low point.

 I began to recognise a landscape.


7)    accomplishment 成就;完成

Eg. Being human is an accomplishment, like playing an instrument.

   Fishing was the latest accomplishment which Miles thought the young executive should not be without.


8)    charity 慈善;施舍

Eg. Such charity was rare, for it meant real sacrifice.

   As if to make this quite clear, the other charity guest that night was Vicky.


9)    fundraising  筹款;资金募集

Eg. If anyone receives any enquiries or complaints, please refer these to the Fundraising department.

   It took four years of hard work and fundraising.


10) venture 风险;冒险

Eg. To my delight, the engineers working with me joined my new venture.

   The Church hopes the TV venture will be just as popular.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 不入虎穴焉得虎子。


Extensive reading
