


发布时间:2019-02-22 17:35   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:167






1.   Pre-reading

1) Ask the   students if they have heard of any story about being a guest in a foreigner’s   house, or being a host/hostess to treat a foreign friend.

E.g.   less dishes than in China; pay more attention to the afternoon tea; the way   of their hospitality: never put food on your plate…

2) Teacher   explains the keywords in the box to students.

10   min

1.     While-reading

1)   Read the passage for the general idea and ask one or two students to   summarize the main idea.

E.g. The different ways to treat guests between eastern families   and western.

2)   Ask students if they have found any shocking details about cultural   differences in the passage.

E.g. Only one dish is served; the hostess can spend more time in   talking with guests…

3)   Teacher further explains the cultural differences in treating friends between   Chinese and the Westerners.

E.g. The differences never mean foreigners are not friendly as   Chinese, but they prefer to give more freedom to guests, making them feel   easy at home.

4)   Read the passage again, and choose the correct answer.

Key: dress normally; bring a gift; show   politeness

5)Teacher   explains the key works and sentences in the passage and then directs the   students to complete the sentences in the exercise.

Key: sincerely; imagined; confused;   treated; become used to

30 min

Grammar for   Use

3.   After-reading

Discussion   and Role play: Ask the students to discuss the case in pairs, and then act it   out in front of the class.

10   min

Grammar   for Use

1) Teacher   asks the students to read the sentences aloud for two or three times, and   then explain the meaning of each sentence.

2)   Teacher asks the student to pay attention to the usage of “it”.

3)   Teacher explains what is noun clauses, and the function of “it” in noun   clauses.

4)   Ask the students to imitate the listed sentences and make more new sentences   about “it” in noun clauses.

10   min

Practical   Reading & Writing

Practical   Reading

1)   Explain to the students what the summer program and academic calendar means.

E.g. Summer program offers adults of all ages and backgrounds an   intensive learning experience with the opportunity to live in some   university.

2)   Direct the students to understand the various activities mentioned in the   table.

3)   Ask students to choose the appropriate titles for the activities.

Key: Southern American culture;   Off-campus excursions; Language workshops

Practical   Writing

1)      Group work: ask the students to work   in groups to design an academic calendar.

2)      Ask the students to post the calendars   they have designed on the walls for others to appreciate.

20   min

Project &   Assignment

1) Ask   the students to talk about the role of search engines play in the real life.

E.g. Search engines are the foundation of the Internet. Most users   will turn to a search engines as the quickest way to get the information, or   product that they need.

2) Group   work: ask the students to work in groups, and choose one Chinese traditional   food to discuss.

3)   Each group need to search online about the Chinese traditional food they have   chosen, and present their search results in the next class sessions.

4)   Remind the students the main points required to be presented in their report.

5   Min


Supplementary materials

1. Background information

1The Most Hospitable Nations in The World

5th Georgians

According to the results of different ratings and surveys, Georgians are in the fifth place. According to Western travelers, this Caucasian country is worth of attention not only because of the stunning natural beauty of western motifs, unspoiled mountain springs and mineral waters, ancient churches, but also with cheerful and friendly locals who believe that the God is who sends guests.

4th Iranians

As to the data always smiling Iranians are sincere and simple. They are always ready to help travelers by offering them a cup of tea, paying for their lunch or inviting them for dinner, and even inviting to participate in the festivities: if you never visited  Iran, then you cannot even assume, how hot local dancing can be!

3rd Canadians

Outsiders are even surprised at how people living in a harsh northern climate, can be so pleasant and sociable as most of the time the conditioning goes the opposite way. After all, existing in cold countries is much more difficult, and therefore friendly, despite the cold, citizens of the maple leaf, of course, deserve this award.

2nd Australians

A friendly “no worries” and a big smile are guaranteed to everyone who will be in Australia for even a short stay. Australians are very open and friendly people, and their positive thinking, combined with the friendliness allows any traveler that happened to be in that remote country, to feel as at home.

1st The Irish

Despite the fact that Irish are mistakenly described as those who always complain about the weather, the economic difficulties and high prices , they remain good-natured and honest people, always ready to help any tourist. And therefore, despite the inhospitable climate the pleasant nature of the inhabitants of Ireland makes this country one of the best places to travel.

2Search Engine

A web search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine results pages. The information may be a mix of web pages, images, and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in database or open directories.

2. Word attack

1) sincere a. free of dissimulation, free from adulteration.   真诚的,诚挚的,不掺假的

e.g. He is sincere in his views.



2) be/become used to    习惯于/适用于…

e.g. This piece of cloth can be used to make a pair of pillow cases.



3) stepmother n. the wife of one’s father when distinct from one’s natural or legal mother.     继母,后母

e.g. Immediately after my father’s death my stepmother was prostrate.



4) cross-cultural communication      跨文化交际

e.g. And this carries some significance in cross-cultural communication and foreign language teaching.



3. Useful expressions

It’s common to ask people about their age or salary in China.

It is showed more by giving you freedom to choose whatever you really want and making you feel at home.

I could not help wondering who would cook the meal.

Crying over split milk


4. Useful links

