


发布时间:2022-02-09 13:29   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:172





Reading &

Grammar for Use


1. Pre-reading

1) Ask the students to talk about their understanding of communication crisis by telling stories; or teacher prepares pictures illustrating this issue for students, and asks them to discuss it.

E,g. People are always busy playing with their smartphones while meeting with each other, but silence falls.

2) Ask students to make a list of positive and negative aspects by using internet and e-devices.

2) Teacher explains the keywords in the box to students.

10 min

2. While-reading

1) Read the passage for the general idea and ask one or two students to summarize the main idea.

e.g. The phenomenon and cause of “the death of conversation”

2) Ask students if they share the similar feeling with Wang Yun in the passage.

3) Ask students to read the passage again, explain death of conversation”, and then ask them to choose the correct answer.

Key: 2 We enjoy e-technology at the sacrifice of face-to-face conversation.

4)Teacher explains the key works and sentences in the passage

3. After-reading

Group work: Ask the students to work in about four groups. Each two groups will be one debating party. And teacher directs them to debate on the relationship between e-world and communication.

40 min

Grammar for Use

1) Ask the students to find out the formation and meanings of the listed words. Then they are required to think out more ones.

 Daybreak, dutyfree, heartfelt, update, shorthand checkout, selfish

2) Teacher explains the categories of word-formation.

4) Ask the students to work in pairs and list as many compound words as possible with similar word-formation.

10 min

Practical Reading & Writing

Practical Reading

1) Explain to the students what etiquette means.

2) It was said that cell phone are the cigarettes of this decade. Most cellphone owners cant go on an hour without looking at their devices. However rude cell phone users are everywhere. Please discuss with your group on the tips for the rude cellphone users to avoid offending others. The read the text and compare your suggestion with those mentioned in the article. 

3) Direct the students to understand the various activities mentioned in the table.

4) Discussion: encourage students to add more tips of the e-world etiquette.

Practical Writing

1) Direct students to read the example in the box.

2) Role play: ask the students to role play three situations in the textbook. After each performance, ask other students to point out the impolite behavior and correct it.

3) Direct students to write down the suggestion to the following situations.


Project & Assignment

1) Group work: ask the students to work in four group, and choose one topic to do the research.

3) Each group needs to search online about the topic they have chosen, and do their presentations in the next class sessions.

4) Remind students the main points required to be presented in their report.



Supplementary materials

1. Extensive Reading

  Smartphone Etiquette: 10 Tips for Mindful Use

  Use “Do Not Disturb” Instead of Vibrate

  Take the Phone Off the Table

  Tell Us What You’re Doing

  Don’t Use Your Phone When You Are Bored

  Texting and Anything

  Disable Text Preview on Home Screen

  Ask Permission to Swipe

  Stop Documenting Everything

  Turn Down Your Headphones

  Unplug for Short Periods


2. Word attack

1) be occupied with v.   忙着做…,忙于某事物

e.g. It must be occupied with problems, with worries, with speculations.



2) lament v. to mourn aloud; to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively; to regret strongly.     悲叹,悔恨,哀歌,挽歌       

e.g. Ken began to lament the death of his only son.



3) fragment n. a part broken off or detached     碎片,片段,未完成的部分

e.g. She read everything, digesting every fragment of news.



4substitute v. a person or thing that takes the place or function of another   代替,替换

e.g. They were substituting violence for dialogue.



5) strike up a conversation v.     搭讪,攀谈       

e.g. She’s too shy to strike up a conversation with him.



6) virtual a. being such in essence or effect though not formally recognized or admitted; of, relating to, or using virtual memory    实质上的,虚拟的,事实上的

e.g. Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played.



7) etiquette n. the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life     礼仪,礼节,规矩

e.g. This was such a great breach of etiquette, he hardly knew what to do..



3. Useful expressions

1) Strike up a conversation

2) Death of conversation

3) We enjoy e-technology at the sacrifice of face-to-face conversation.

4) Take good care of your personal privacy and information security.


4. Useful links

