


发布时间:2019-02-22 17:32   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:916





Grammar for use

1.       Lead-in

Ask students to pay attention to the word form of the   underlined words in the following sentence from the text. (v. ing)

He didn’t actually play bridge and ended up chatting with a lady there who   didn’t play either.

3 min

2.       Explain the grammar point

Step 1

Ask students to read the other three sentences and find   rules by themselves. (after preposition   or  prepositional phrase)

Step 2

Explain the use of non-finite verb (v. ing) with some examples.

Step 3

Ask students to make sentences by using the following   phrases:

be for/against, give up, keep on,   leave off, put off

1)        Students should be against   cheating in the exam.

2)        We couldn’t give up searching for   the lost boy.

3)        The cost of travel will keep on rising.

4)        He left off working and had some   coffee.

5)        He put off dealing   with the matter week after week.

15 min

3.       Practice

Add some exercises for consolidation.

(refer to My Progress CheckVocabulary and Structure Part 1)

Key: Part 1

1. meeting   2. making  3. paying

4. changing  5. trying     6. being

5 min

Practical Reading

1.       Lead-in

Get some knowledge about making   apology.

1)      When should you make an apology?

(make a mistake, do something   wrong, annoy somebody, carelessness, bad attitude, misbehaviors, offer poor   quality products and inadequate services…)

2)      How will you make the apology? (offer a face-to-face apology, make a phone call, send an   e-mail, writing an apology letter…)

2.       Pre-reading

Ask students to think about apology letter.

1)      What is an apology letter?

(An apology letter is written to   say sorry to someone for what you has said or done.)

2)      What will be written in an apology letter?

(offer apology, explain the   situation, take the responsibility, provide a solution, express regret,…) 

5 min

3.       While-reading

Step 1

Skim the apology letter and answer the   following questions:

1)      Which hotel did Ms White stay in?

(Garden Hotel)

2)      What does Martin Brown apologize for?

(inconvenience and disturbance   brought by repairing hotel rooms during Ms White’s stay)

3)      What’s the compensation offered?

(a free breakfast and a 10%   discount on the accommodation fee)

Step 2

Read   the apology letter again and match the expressions with their relevant   functions.

Key: 1-B   2-A   3-C

8 min

4.       Post-reading

Group   work: discuss if you were Ms White, whether you will accept the apology or   not, and give your reasons. (satisfying   compensation, sincere tone, take the responsibility… )

Then choose a representative to express your group’s idea.

5 min


Task 1

Review the passage and memorize the new words and   expressions.

Task 2

Review the grammar pointnon-finite verb (v. ing).

Task 3

Do some extensive reading on apology letter, analyze them and   collect some writing tips.

5 min


Supplementary materials

1.     Background information

Poor Service Apology Letter

In businesses, it is impossible to meet your client’s expectations all the time. There are instances wherein your poor service is given. This causes inconvenience to them. An employee isn’t very attentive, a package was delivered late, or many other reasons. But there will always come a time that a company has to apologize for poor or inadequate service sooner or later.

The secret to winning back your unsatisfied customer is to apologize sincerely. Remember that your success depends on our customers’ satisfaction. Once you lose their trust, you might as well lose everybody’s trust. So be sincere with your apology and admit your mistake. Before you send your customer an apology letter, give them a call or better yet, talk to them personally. The letter only serves as a follow-up for another conversation.

The letter must be concise and have included all the necessary details. Never defend yourself. But instead of focusing on the problem, concentrate more on the measures being done to resolve the issue. Offer them some compensation to make up for the unmet expectation. And lastly, assure them that it will never happen again. Tell your customer that you are looking forward to serving them again in the future.


2.     Non-finite Verb (v. ing)非谓语动词 


v. ing做介词宾语,介词后接动名词做宾语。




be interested in, be/get tired of, dream   of/ about, insist on, succeed in, look forward to, be good at, be excited   about, be responsible for, complain about, apologize for, get/be   used/accustomed to, devote oneself   to, object to, pay attention to, put off, give up, keep on, end up, turn   to, in addition to…


1)      How/What   about going to the cinema?

2)      I burst in   on you without warning.

3)      Nothing can prevent us from realizing the four modernizations.

4)      At   last he succeeded in performing his task.

5)      His   job consists of gathering information and writing articles.

6)      I’m   sorry for giving you so much trouble.

7)      Nothing   can stop them from falling in love with each other.

8)      We   had no trouble in finding his house.

9)  Everyone   thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

10)   He is used to working on the night shift.


Supplementary exercises

Choose the best answer from four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1. Nothing can stop me from _______ to college.

A. going     B. gone       C. be going         D. Went

2. They attended the meeting without ________.

A. to invite    B. inviting     C. to be invited     D. being invited

3. My sister and I are used to _______ in the countryside.

A. live      B. lived      C. living     D. having lived

4. I’m surprised at ______ the house empty

A. find       B. finding       C. found        D. having found

5. If you insist on ______ something, do it every day. 

A. do      B. doing      C. to do       D. have done

Key1. A   2. D   3. C   4. B   5.B


3.     Extensive reading materials




4.     Sample apology letter


Dear Ms. Watson,