


发布时间:2019-02-22 17:28   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:1618

第4 课时




Grammar for use

1. Lead- in

Ask students to read the   following sentences from the text and pay attention to the form of the   underlined parts.

1) President Roosevelt’s house was   once broken into and lots of things were stolen.

2)Nothing can be done without   hope and confidence.

3 min

2. Illustrate the grammar point

Step 1

Ask students to read the   other three sentences in this section and then discuss in pairs the form and   use of passive voice.

1) It is quite unfortunate for anyone to be   robbed.

2) And choices are driven by attitudes.

3) This book has been translated into many   languages.

Step 2

Illustrate the use and   form of passive voice.

Step 3

Ask students to read the   four sample sentences in this section and tell the tense of each sentence.


1. Passive voice in   the simple past tense

2. Passive voice in   the future tense

3. Passive voice in   the simple present tense

4. Passive voice in   the present perfect tense

12 min

3. Practice

Ask students   to change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. She has   finished her work.

2. Children often   sing this song.

3. They will   plant some flowers in the garden next spring.

4. They made   shoes in that factory many years ago.

5. Susan is   cooking dinner.


1. Her work has   been finished (by her).

2. This song is   often sung by children.

3. Some flowers   will be planted in the garden next spring.

4. Shoes were made   in that factory many years ago.

5. Dinner is   being cooked by Susan.

5 min

Practical   Reading



1. Lead-in

Introduce the topic of   anxiety:

1) Use the PPT slides to show students some pictures   depicting anxiety. (Anxiety   is an inevitable problem of life, which we may suffer from time to time   whether we are students or working adults. Fortunately, anxiety can be   managed and kept under control.)

2)Ask students the following question:

Have you ever been troubled or annoyed by anxiety?

3 min

2.   Pre-reading

Discuss the common mental problem of   anxiety by asking questions:

1) Do you sometimes get upset because of something that happens   unexpectedly on the campus?

2) Do you suffer from sleep disorder?

3) Do you feel stressed while preparing for exams or term   paper?

4) How to cope with the above problems? (Regular physical   activities; listen to the music you like; not   to stay up late; go to bed at the same   time each night, and get   up at the same time each   morning; develop effective study habits;   develop good time management skills.)

5 min

3.   While-reading

Step 1

Ask students   to read the tips on how to cope with anxiety and answer the following   questions:

1. What practices can help people relax?

(Yoga and   massage)

2. Why should people avoid drinking too much tea or coffee?

(Caffeine   can increase anxiety levels.)

3. What’s the meaning of ‘finding a sympathetic ear’?

(Share your   anxiety with other people.)

Step 2

Read again and   ask students to match the sentences with the tips listed above.


1-2; 2-1; 3-3;   4-4

8 min

4.   Post-reading

Step 1

Pair work: Ask   students to work in pairs and talk about their anxieties and ways to cope   with them. (Tips for reference: Develop some regular sleeping hours if you   don’t have a regular sleeping pattern; Slow down the pace of your life and spend a   few quiet nights recharging your batteries. Taking a rest may help you relax   and not to get over- loaded; Manage your time better. You can make a   list of tasks and rank them in order of priority to make sure that the right   task is completed at the right time. )

Step 2

Invite students   to present their discussion.

7 min


Task 1

Review the grammar point   and do vocabulary and structure exercise on page 23

Task 2

Do some extensive reading on coping with anxiety. Share with your   classmates and find out what is most helpful. http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/coping

2 min


Supplementary materials

1.     Background information

Depression and anxiety among college students

Depression and anxiety are prevalent problems in colleges across. There is no question that there is a distinct rise in the number of mental health problems. Indeed, in the past 15 years, depression has doubled and suicide tripled, according to a survey from the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA), universities and colleges also have seen an increase in students seeking services for anxiety disorders.

The average age of onset for many mental health conditions is the typical college age range from 18 to 24 years old. In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, 75 percent of all individuals with an anxiety disorder will experience symptoms before age 22, as cited in the ADAA Report.

2. Passive voice 被动语态



eg. It is quite unfortunate for anyone to be robbed.


eg. The structure was designed by a student.


eg. He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience.(这样安排只要一个主语就够了。)

● 被动语态的构成:

助动词be 动词过去分词

● 被动语态的时态:




S  am/is/are done


S  was/were done


S  will be    done


S  am/is/are being done


S  was/were being done


S  have/has been done


S  had been done


情态动词 be to be done


Supplementary exercises


1) It’s said that the long bridge ______________ (build) in two months.

2) Which language ______________ the most widely______________ (speak) in the world.

3) The lost boy ______________  (not find) so far.

4) Last year a number of trees  ______________ (cut) down.

5) The students  ________ often  ____________ (tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.

6) The old man is ill. He  ______________ (must send) to the hospital.

7) Vegetables, eggs, and fruits  ______________ (sell) in this shop.

8) Can the magazine  ______________ (take) out of the library?


1.will be built  2. is, spoken   3. hasn’t been found  4. were cut

5. are, told    6. must be sent   7. are sold   8. be taken


3. Extensive reading materials

How to cope with anxiety


