


发布时间:2019-02-22 17:31   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:552






Warming   up

1.      Lead-in

Step 1

Get students   involved in the topic of this unit Communication with the   following question:

What are   the common ways of communication? (phone,   letter, e-mail, instant message, social media, visits, get-together)

Step 2

Play a   video clip on communication, and then ask students to point out the characteristics   of effective/ineffective communication?

(speak clearly, reasonable pace, friendly tone,   direct eye contact, raise open-end questions, concentrate your mind, be willing   to actively listen to others, don’t make   assumptions, be polite and friendly.)


5 min

2.       Warm-up

Step   1

Ask students to describe how they make   phone calls with the help of some key vocabulary.

handset      dial    button    hang   up   hands-free

Then answer the following questions on   the expressions used in a call.

1)    What   do you say when you get through? (Hello,   this is …May I speak to…?)

2)    Can   you say some English expressions you’ve heard on the phone?

l   Sorry! The number you dialed is out of   service.

l   The subscriber you dialed is power   off.

l   The subscriber you dialed is busy now,   please redial later.

l   Please hold on, the subscriber you   dialed is busy now.

l   The number you dialed does not exist,   please check it and dial later.

Step   2

Students are required to complete the   exercise on their own and then check the answer with their partner.

Step 3

Teacher checks the answer.

Key: e-d-c-a-f-b

Step 4

More expressions used in telephone calls are provided for   students’ reference.

10 min

Listening   1

1.       Pre-listening

Step   1

Introduce some background information   by asking the question:

What information should you get from   the caller when taking a message? (name,   company, telephone number, date, time, issue…)

Step   2

Pronounce the new vocabulary and key   sentences for the class to repeat and explain them one by one.

5 min

2.       While-listening

Step 1

Listen   to the dialogue for the general idea and write down some key information.

Step 2

Listen   again and focus on Tracy’s expressions.

Key: How may I help   you?

Can you hold for a moment?

Anything I can do for you?

Step 3

Listen   for the third time and complete the message note.

Key: 1) Ms Jones

2)   Bill Burton

3)   Pacific Insurance

4) Call Bill Burton back before 3 pm this afternoon. It’s   important and urgent.

10 min

3.       Post-listening

Group work: discuss how to take a   message effectively. (write clearly and   legibly, write down important   information, confirmation, correct spelling and telephone number…)

5 min

Speaking   1

Role   play (pair work)

Step   1

Set up two situations for students to   make up dialogues with the help of some useful expressions.

Situation 1

John’s classmate Anna called to tell   him there is a party tonight and invited him to go with her, but John went   downtown and his roommate Mark answered the phone. So Anna left John a   message that she wanted him to call back at 250-684-3234 and meet her at   Harold’s Department Store.

Situation 2

Your classmate Anna called to say that   she wanted to use John’s computer for 4 days, but John was out to have   dinner. She would like him to return her call at 021-87860 when he comes back.


Step   2

Ask students to exchange their roles   to practice the dialogues again.

Step   3

Invite two pairs to present of their   dialogue.

10 min


Supplementary Materials

1.     Background information

Telephone message

Telephone messages are the notes taken by other people for the persons who are away. They consist of two kinds: formal and informal one.

Telephone   Message

Date: _______________            Time:   __________             From:   ______________             Tel: _____________

To: ________________ 

Of:   _______________________________________

Message:   _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Signed:  _______


Notes: “To” is the receiver; “From” is the caller; “Of” is the caller’s organization; “Message” is the content of the telephone; and “Signed” is message-taker.


2.     Word attack

1)    human resources HR, the department in a company that deals with employing, training, and helping people 人力资源

Eg. What role will the human resources function perform?

We are currently looking for talented individuals and have an opening for a Human Resources Director.

2)    urgent very important and needing to be dealt with immediately 紧急的;急迫的

Eg. This is an urgent letter, which needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Can I just draw your attention to your item on Urgent Business

3)    later on  后来;稍后

Eg. With the data, it will be easy later on!

   I may ask for your advice later on.

4)    message  a spoken or written piece of information that you send to another person  消息;启示

Eg. He probably had a message from Mrs Wright, something about the hens.

I’m in court this morning, so leave a message with my secretary.

5)    confirm to show that something is definitely true, especially by providing more proof 确认;确定;证实

Eg. Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me.

   Confirm they have received your package.

6)     represent to officially speak or take action for another person or group of people 代表;表现

Eg. This is not about hope, but about vision and what you represent.

It seemed to represent the last word as a model for other cities to follow.


3.     Useful expressions

telephone message

1)      Who is speaking?

2)      This is … (speaking).

3)      May I speak to …?

4)      I’m sorry, but he is not in at the moment.

5)      He’s not available right now. 

6)      Do you know when he will be back? 

7)      Would you like to leave a message? 

8)      Can I take a message?

9)      When he comes back, can you have him call me at…?

10)   Please tell him to call … at ….

11)   Can you repeat again, please? 

12)   I’ll tell him as soon as he is back.


4.     Extensive reading materials

telephone etiquette



5.     Sample dialogue for oral practice

A: Hello.

B: Hello. Is John there please?

A: No, he’s not here right now.

B: This is Mark, John’s classmate.

A: Oh. Hi, Mark.

B: Do you happen to know where he went?

A: He said he was going downtown to do some shopping.

B: Do you know when he’ll be back?

A: He told me he would be back by 4 o’clock. Can I take a message?

B: Yes. Please tell him there’s a party tonight. And could you tell him to call me when he gets in?

A: Sure. Does he know how to get a hold of you?

B: I’m at Harold’s Department Store right now. My number is 250-684-3234.

A: I’ll right. I’ll tell him you called.

B: Thanks a lot. Bye.