


发布时间:2019-02-22 17:34   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:356







Warming up

1.      Lead-in

1)      Explain the keywords “lifestyle”, “way   of thinking”, and “family structure” to the students.

e.g.   The westerners prefer living alone, while eastern people enjoy living   together in a family form.

2)      Ask   students to brainstorm what they can think of the differences between Chinese   and the Westerners.

e.g. The way to treat guests is different. Chinese will   prepare many dishes to serve guests and will help them hospitably with food ,   while westerners wont but just tell guests help yourselves.

5   min

2.     Warm-up

Step 1

1)      Ask the students to discuss in pairs   the differences they notice in these three pictures.

e.g.Picture1:   The westerners prefer living alone and in quiet, while easterners enjoy   living together.

Picture   2: The westerners like to express their thoughts in a direct way, but things   are different in China.

Picture   3: In western countries, children in a family enjoy the same status with   others. But in eastern countries, a child usually gets the attention from   other family members.


2)      Teacher summarizes the cultural   differences between the East and the West and presents more examples to   students.

e.g.   The way of treating friends.

The religious beliefs.

The table manners.

15 min

Listening &

Speaking 1

1.     Pre-listening

Step 1

Discussion:   students discuss what they have known about studying abroad, for example, the   language obstacles.

e.g. different living or eating habits; culture shock; go Dutch…

Step 2

Teacher   explains the keywords in the box to students, and remind students to pay   attention to two aspects—language and culture--mentioned in the dialogue.

5   min

2.     While-listening

Step 1

Listen   to the dialogue for the general idea and write down some key words.

Step 2

Listen   again, choose the correct answer, and explain the answers to students.

Key: a good way to learn a foreign   language; a chance to widen her horizons and deepen her knowledge; to have   close contact with other cultures; to develop social skills and diversify none’s   life.

25   min

3.     After-listening

Pair   work: Ask the students to discuss if they would accept the opportunity to   study abroad or not.

E.g. Yes, broadening horizons, deepening knowledge, practicing   foreign language…

No, culture shock, language obstacles, different living styles…

10   min

Speaking &   Listening 2


Step 1

1)   Give students a situation about paying bill when dining out with friends and   ask them how they will deal with it.

e.g. go Dutch or pay by one

2)   Ask students if they know how the westerns will deal with the similar   situations and then explain the phrase “Go Dutch” to students.

e.g. go Dutch: to   go to a movie, restaurant, etc., as a group with each person paying for his   or her own ticket, food, etc.

Step 2

Teacher   explains the keywords in the box to students.

2.     While-listening

Step 1

Listen   to the dialogue for the general idea and write down some key words.

Step 2

1)   Listen again, and direct the students to summarize the main aspects of   cultural differences mentioned in the dialogue.

2)   Discussion: show the students four main aspects of cultural differences   mentioned in the box, and ask them to discuss in pairs or groups.

3)   Ask one or two students to summarize their discussion.

3.   After-listening

Pair   work: ask the students to work in pairs. They need to discuss the case about   paying bills, and then role-play the whole situation.

25   min


1) Ask   students to search online about other cultural differences between the   Chinese and the Westerners.

2)   They are required to  present their online   findings in the next class sessions.

5   Min


Supplementary materials

1. Background information

Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Western world, Western society or European civilization, is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social normsethical valuestraditional customs,belief systemspolitical systems, and specific artifacts and technologies that have some origin or association with Europe. The term is applied to European countries and countries whose history is strongly marked by European immigration, colonization, and influence, such as the continents of the Americas and Australasia, whose current demographic majority is of European ethnicity, and is not restricted to the continent of Europe.


2. Word attack

1go Dutch:  to go to a movie, restaurant, etc., as a group with each person paying for his or her own ticket, food, etc.    AA

e.g. I’d love to go, but I insist we go dutch.



2split the bill: to go to a movie, restaurant, etc., as a group with each person paying for his or her own ticket, food, etc.(the same expression with “go Dutch”)  平坦费用

e.g. They agreed to split the bill down the middle.



3marital: a. of or relating to marriage or the married state; of or relation to a hundred and his role in marriage.    婚姻的

e.g. Caroline was keen to make her marital home in London.



4stew: n. a utensil use for boiling; a hot bath; a state of excitement, worry, or confusion.   炖,煨,闷热,担忧

e.g. She served him a bowl of beef stew.



3. Useful expressions

start a conversation

1 It’s a chance for me to widen my horizons and deepen my knowledge.

2Studying abroad gives you close contact with other cultures.

3They take their privacy seriously.

4They split the bill after a meal.


4. Useful links

Culture differences from the perspective of German:


Study on cultural differences:
