


发布时间:2019-02-22 17:31   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:176





Listening 2

1.       Lead-in

Ask students to talk about their   shopping experiences.

1)    Do   you often go shopping?

2)    Do   you prefer shopping in stores or online? Why? (stores: convenient, get the products immediately after payment, touch   and feel the products;

Online stores:   more choices, lower price, time-saving, convenient…)

3)      Do you always have a pleasant shopping experience? If not,   give an example.

5 min

2.       Pre-listening

Step   1

Introduce some background information   by asking the question:

What are the complaints you would make   for online shopping? (poor quality,   after-sales service, return and refund policy, security of the credit card, delayed   delivery, damage, lost…)

Step   2

Pronounce   the new vocabulary and key sentences for the class to repeat and explain them   one by one.

5 min

3.       While-listening

Step   1

Listen to the dialogue and find out   the reason for the call. (A customer   complains about the T-shirt she bought online.)

Step   2

Listen again for details and choose   the information you hear.

Key: 3)

Step   3

Listen for the third time, focus on   the complaint and solution of the issue and fill in the form.


1)      The color of the T-shirt is quite different from   that in the photo on the website. It feels not like 100% cotton. She can’t   find a label on it. She wants to return it.

2)      Report it to the sales manager and reply to the   customer the next day.

15 min

4.       Post-listening

Step 1

Pair work: Discuss whether the solution to Ms.   White’s complaint is appropriate or not. (inappropriate:   she should apologize to the customer for inconvenience, take a responsible attitude,   offer guarantee and after-sale service)

Step 2

Invite some students to state their opinions.

5 min

Speaking 2

1.       Group discussion

Step 1

Discuss if you were the manager, how you would deal with Ms White’s   complaint. (keep a good attitude, apologize   for the problem, change for another one, return the goods and get a refund, give   something to show your appreciation such as coupons…)

Step 2

Invite some group representatives to express their ideas.

2.       Role-play (Pair work)

Step 1

Make up a dialogue between customer and shop assistant according   to the following situation and offer a solution.

Mr. Black complains about the   newly-bought alarm clock which doesn’t work. He wants to get a refund.

Step 2

Some useful expressions of making complaint are provided for   students’ reference.

Step 3

Invite some   pairs to give a presentation of their dialogue.

10 min


Task 1

Search for more information on the   strategies of dealing with complaints.

Task 2

Make up a dialogue with your   partner according to the following situation.

Mrs.   Black complains to the hotel manager that the toilet in her room doesn’t work properly   and the water doesn’t run in the shower.

5 min



Supplementary materials

1.     Background information

Money-back guarantee

A money-back guarantee, also known as a satisfaction guarantee, is essentially a simple guarantee that, if a buyer is not satisfied with a product or service, a refund will be made. The money-back guarantee was a major tool of early mail order sales pioneers in the United States to win the confidence of consumers. The use of money-back guarantees has grown significantly over the last few years and has become standard practice in direct marketing across all media. Very often, unreliable businesses use it as a tact to reel the customer into a false sense of safety. There are many ways customers can take action to pressure a company to stick to its advertised guarantee, such as contacting authorities.


2.     Word attack

1)    go with  if colours, tastes, styles etc. go, they look, taste etc. good together 伴随,与.....相配

Eg. I’d tell my husband I’d rather have a change of holiday and not go with our friends.

Do these shoes go with these trousers?

2)    label  n. a piece of paper or another material that is attached to something and gives information about it 标签;商标

Eg. If anything, the label should be on the other side.

Yet the label ‘British’ has little real impact when applied to food.

3)    Guarantee  n.  a formal written promise to repair or replace a product if it breaks within a specific period of time 保证;担保

Eg. The washing machine has a 20-year wear guarantee and should be fitted professionally.

A guarantee or deposit is required for you

4)    give sb. a reply  respond to sb给某人答复

Eg. Very pleased to receive your mail, I will contact you as soon as possible, and give a reply! 

You’d better think about my plan again before you give a reply.

5)    await  v. to wait for something 等候,等待

Eg.  Outside, other boys lined up to await their turn.

We await further news of surveys with interest.


3.     Useful expressions

Make complaint

1)      It’s about this shirt.

2)      I’m really not happy with this shirt.

3)      It just broke down a few days ago.

4)      I’m not satisfied with the service here.

5)      I’m afraid I have a complaint to make.

6)      I’m afraid, sir, it just isn’t good enough.

7)      Well, this is most unsatisfactory.

8)      It’s always the case.

9)      You’ve got to do something about it.

10)   I really object to your wasting our precious time here.

11)   I’d like a refund please.

12)   I’d be grateful if you would replace this stereo immediately.

13)   I would appreciate your sending me a replacement as soon as possible.

14)   Please let me know what you intend to do about this situation.


Make apologies

1)      I must/do apologize for…

2)      Please forgive me for…

3)      I’m extremely/really/terribly sorry for…

4)      Excuse me for my smoking here.

5)      I just don’t know what to say.

6)      I’m sorry for what I have said to you.

7)      I really feel bad about that.

8)      I do beg your pardon for the mess I’ve made.

9)      I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

10)   It was my fault.


4.     Extensive reading materials

make a complaint



how to deal with a complaint




5.     Sample dialogue for oral practice

Dialogue 1

A: How can I help you, sir?

B: It’s about this alarm clock.

A: What seems to be the problem?

B: It doesn’t work.

A: Have you dropped it on the floor or has the battery run out perhaps sir?

B: No and I only bought it a week ago. It’s still under guarantee but I must say, for the amount of money I paid for it, I’m very disappointed.

A: I’m so sorry you’ve been inconvenienced. Would you like to replace it?

B: No, I’d rather have a refund please.

A: Right, well, show me your receipt and I’ll give you a refund.

B: Here you are.


Dialogue 2

A: Could I see the manager, please? I have a complaint to make.

B: Yes, I’m the manager here. What can I do for you, Madam?

A: Did you have the room checked before we move in?

B: Which room are you in?

A: 1808. The toilet doesn’t work properly; the water doesn’t run in the shower.

B: I’m awfully sorry to hear that. I’ll turn to it right away.

B: I do apologize. We’ll change your room to 2002.

A: That’s not bad. Thanks for your help.

B: It’s my pleasure, Madam.