


发布时间:2019-02-22 17:27   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:339






Warming up

1. Lead-in

Introduce the topic of thinking positively by asking   questions:

1) What difficulties have you ever got into since   you came to college? (miss deadlines; worry about making mistakes; how to get   along well with roommates?… )

2) How have you coped with the difficulties? (take control of your schedule;   everyone makes mistakes, and all great people do. remember to learn from   mistakes; communicate with roommates actively and learn to respect,   understand, forgive and love.)

5 min

1. Warm-up

Step 1

Pair work: Look at the pictures and the statements.   Discuss and find ways to cheer them up.

(1.Tell her   that failures make us stronger, and the only real failure is to give up.

2. Make more friends and do activities you enjoy; stay busy.

3. Learn to share and be tolerant; have a heart- to-heart talk with   roommates.

 4. Keep track of all of your   expenses, and make a spending plan.)

Step 2

Invite students to give a   presentation on their solutions.

10 min

Listening 1

1.     Pre-listening

Step 1

Introduce the topic of getting along with roommates   by asking the following questions:

Do you have difficulty getting along well with your   roommates? If yes, how do you cope with it? (Move out of the dorm; stay alone, communicate with them, and find   out the problem.

Step 2

Talk about social phobia.

5 min

2.     While-listening

Step 1

Listen to the dialogue for the general idea and   write down some key words. (General   idea: how to cope with social phobia and get along well with roommates.

Key words: live off campus, social phobia, do team sports; communicate   with, learn to forgive.)

Step 2

Listen again and find out what problems John has mentioned   in the dialogue. (He can’t fit in with his roommates, and feels   uncomfortable with people around.)

Step 3

Listen for the third time for detailed information.(John wants to move out of the dorm, and live off campus; he always feels   people are speaking ill of him behind his back; has difficulty concentrating   on studies; keeping himself alone will be of no help. )


5 min

3.     Post-listening

What suggestions does the adviser give   John for his problems?( Try to do some team sports with his roommates; get exercise and also have opportunity to communicate   with others; make the first step and    learn to understand, respect, and forgive gradually.)

5 min

Speaking 1

Discussion in pairs: Have you ever got into John’s situation? Do you have any other problems   on campus? How do you cope with them?

Step 1: Provide   expressions for the topic

1) talk about problems.(I   have difficulty/problem in getting along well with classmates; I don’t know   how to cope with/deal with stress; I can’t manage time efficiently…)

2) figure out ways on how   to cope with problems. (Do some   activities together with classmates, eg. go for a picnic, watch movies, go   shopping, communicate while doing activities; share your feelings with your   classmates or teachers for help, make time for leisure activities that   bring you joy, exercise regularly; make   a schedule ahead of time and stick to it, focus on one thing at a time… )

Step 2:   Ask students to speak in pairs talking about their problems and ways to cope   with them

Step 3:   Invite 2 or 3 pairs to give a presentation of their discussion. Teacher makes   comment on students’ presentation.

13 min


Task1: Listen to the dialogue again after class.

Task2: Practice talking in pairs on students’ own   problems and solutions.

2 min


Supplementary materials

1.     Background information

Social phobia

Social phobia (also called social anxiety) is a type of anxiety problem. Extreme feelings of shyness and self-consciousness build into a powerful fear. As a result, a person feels uncomfortable participating in everyday social situations.

People with social phobia can usually interact easily with family and a few close friends. But meeting new people, talking in a group, or speaking in public can cause their extreme shyness to kick in.

With social phobia, a persons extreme shyness, self-consciousness, and fears of embarrassment get in the way of life. Instead of enjoying social activities, people with social phobia might dread them — and avoid some of them altogether.


2.     Word attack

1) fit in with   to feel that you belong to a particular group and are accepted by that group 合得来,相合

eg. It’s no surprise she’s leavingshe never really fitted in with others.

2)speak ill of   to say or think bad things about somebody 说坏话

eg. I refuse to speak ill of any of my friends.

3) focus on   to give a lot of attention to one particular person, subject, or thing 致力于;对……予以注意

eg. All eyes were focused on him when he came in late.

4) break the ice   to make people who have not met before feel more relaxed with each other 打破冷场;打破僵局

eg. Someone suggested that we play a party game first to break the ice.

5) forgive   v. to stop blaming or being angry with someone for something that person has done, or not punish them for something原谅;宽恕

e.g. I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to the kids.


3. Useful expressions

1)    talk about difficulties

·It seems that I still cannot adapt to college life very well.

·I find it hard to balance between social activities and studies.

·I have difficulty/trouble getting along with my classmates.

·I feel lonely at times.

2)    keep in a good mood

·Tell myself to be in a good mood every morning when I get up.

·Choose to look at the bright side of things.

·Focus on the things I have rather than things I do not have or cannot get.

·Do some sports or play some computer games to distract myself when in a bad mood.

·Take a walk on campus.


4. Extensive reading materials

1) social phobia


2) mental health
