


发布时间:2019-02-22 17:41   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:455






Warming   up

1.      Lead-in

Describe   the picture and brainstorm the things related to travel.

1)      What can   you see in the picture? (tourist, map,   bicycle)

2)    What is a well-planned trip? (prepared, check-list, smooth, orderly,   enjoyable)

3)    What   preparations do you usually make before a journey? (hotel   arrangement, guidebook, clothes, money, luggage, tickets, camera, medicine,   customs)

5 min

2.       Warm-up

Step   1

Share students’ own experiences of   booking tickets.

1)    What   is your favorable transportation tools for long distance travel?

(train,   flight, ship)

2)    How   do you book the tickets?

(booking-office,   website, travel agency)

3)    Have   you ever book an air ticket online? If yes, which website do you log on?

(airlines’ official   websites, travel sites, eg. Ctrip, Qunar, Elong)

Step   2

Pair work: Students are required to   log in airlines’ official websites or open a mobile booking APP to look up   the information.

Then figure out the correct order of   the flight ticket booking steps.


Step 3

Teacher checks the answer.

Key: 2-5-4-6-3-1

10 min

Listening   1

1.       Pre-listening

Step   1

Introduce some background information   by asking the question:

What flight information can you get   from the airlines’ website? (departure   and arrival time, flight number, flight type, fare, carrier…)

Step   2

Pronounce the new vocabulary and key   sentences for the class to repeat and explain them individually.

5 min

2.       While-listening

Step 1

Listen   to the dialogue for the general idea and write down some key words.

Step 2

Remind   students to see what information they are expected to find before listening.   Then listen again for specific flight information and fill in the blanks.

Key: 1) John Anderson  2) October 14, 2014  3) CZ3484)  4) Lijiang  5) 9:35 am

Step 3

Listen   for the third time with focus on the possible reasons for the reservation   mistake.

Key: mistyped the name of the passenger

10 min

3.       Post-listening

Group work: discuss other mistakes which   the booking office clerk might make. (booked   a seat on the wrong flight, overcharged the airfare, forgot to send the   itinerary to the passenger…)

5 min

Speaking   1

Role   play (pair work)

Step   1

Get students involved in the situation   by asking questions:

1)    Have   you ever gone to the airport or railway station to pick someone up?

2)    If   so, what kind of information you need?

Step   2

Help students to make a dialogue with   the given information and offer some useful expressions.

Step   3

Invite two pairs to give a presentation   of their dialogue.

10 min


Supplementary materials

1.     Background information

Preparations for travelling

    For travel preparations, airport security, currency exchange, packing for trips, travel insurance, travel itineraries, tourist visa and identifications are involved. Tickets check-in desks are available at the airport. You will also find check-in machines there. Remember what identification Airlines require for domestic air travel or cross-border journey. Besides, be aware of baggage policy. Airport security has been and continues to be strict on what items can and cannot be brought on to an airplane.


2.     Word attack

1)    confirm to show that something is definitely true, especially by providing more proof 确认;确定;证实

Eg.You must also confirm your request in writing in the relevant box on the booking form.

   The figures in the table above seem to confirm this point of view.

2)    reservation an arrangement which you make so that a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane etc. is kept for you at a particular time in the future 预约,预订;保留

Eg. As each train arrived you would see the reservation stickers on the coaches.

   I have a reservation on his words here.

3)    surname family name, the name a person shares with all members of their family. 姓,姓氏;

Eg. She realized that she had betrayed her knowledge of Russian by using the feminine version of the doctor’s surname.

   She preferred the surname alone.

4)    departure an act of leaving a place, especially at the start of a journey an act of leaving a place, especially at the start of a journey离开;出发

Eg. On the day of our departure all our close friends came to the railway station to see us off.

   I would be very grateful if the departure could be as low key.

5)    right away without delay or hesitation, at once马上;立即

Eg. I’ll go, I’ll go right away.

   We will get down to business right away.


3.     Useful expressions

book airline tickets

1)    This plane is fully booked.

2)    One way trip or round trip? 

3)    Do you want to fly first or economy class? 

4)    Do you want a morning or an afternoon flight? 

5)    Do you prefer an aisle or a window seat? 

6)    Do I have to confirm my plane reservation? 

7)    You can change your flight reservation at any time. 

8)    When do I have to check in? 

9)    Please arrive at the airport one hour before departure. 


arrange a pick-up

1)      Hello, this is …speaking.

2)      I’d like to arrange a pick-up for you.

3)      That’s very kind of you.

4)      Would you please tell me your flight number?

5)      May I ask when will you arrive?

6)      Certainly, it’s 11:05am.

7)      See you then.


4.     Extensive reading materials

booking a flight




travel sites recommended

www.airchina.com.cn 中国国际航空公司



www.qunar.com 去哪儿网

www.ctrip.com 携程网







Listening 2

1.       Lead-in

Explore the topic of hotel check-in   with the following questions:

1)    When   you arrive at the destination, what will you do next? (have a rest, check into a   hotel, go sightseeing… )

2)    Do   you think it’s necessary to book a hotel in advance? (more hotels to choose from, room available, better price)

3)    How   to book a hotel online? (browse   websites, log in your preferred hotels or travel sites, enter the place you   wish to go, choose your arrival and departure dates, determine room type and   number of rooms, fill up the guest information, write down your   confirmation number)

It   is advisable for the teacher to log in a 5-star hotel website and illustrate   the students the procedure of hotel reservation.

6 min

2.       Pre-listening

Step   1

Introduce some background information   by asking the question:

If you’ve booked the hotel in advance,   do you know how to check in? (go to   front desk, tell your name, show your passport or ID card, pay a deposit,   get the room key)

Step   2

Pronounce   the new vocabulary and key sentences for the class to repeat and explain them   individually.

5 min

3.       While-listening

Step   1

Listen to the dialogue for the general   idea and write down some key words.

Step   2

Remind students to see what   information they are required to offer after listening. Then listen again for   specific information and fill in the form.

Key: 1) Garden   Hotel  2) single room  3) April 19th

Step   3

Listen for the third time and focus on   the problems Mr. Nelson met and the solution the receptionist worked out.


1)    The hotel reservationist made a mistake   on Mr. Charles Nelson’s arrival date.

2)    The receptionist arranged a single room   for him immediately.

12 min

4.       Post-listening

Pair work: talk about the problems or troubles   you met while staying in a hotel once.   

Step 1

Give some hints (location, record, rate, service,   facilities…) or expand to other experience students have seen or heard.

(go to the wrong hotel of the same chain or   similar name, reservation has been canceled without any reason, no   reservation record, the gap in room rate between online and actual hotel,   poor hotel facilities and services)

Step 2

Invite some students to share their stories   with the class.

7 min

Speaking 2

1.       Role-play (Pair work)

Step 1

Choose one of the situations mentioned in the above exercise and   discuss the possible solution to the problem.

Step 2

Make up a dialogue between customer and receptionist of the   hotel check-in according to the discussion.

Step 3

Invite some   pairs to give a presentation of their dialogue and point out the common   mistakes students have made.

2.       Group discussion

Step 1

Watch a clip or listen to a sample dialogue of hotel check-out   and discuss the check-out procedures. (payment,   check-out time, valuable things, room check, damage, extra charge… )

Step 2

Summarize the useful words and expressions   for after-class activities.

(check-out, bill, service charge, deposit, receipt, invoice,   currency, exchange, rate, total…)

10 min


Task 1

Search for flight and hotel   information online according to the following situation.

Mr. Black   is going to Shanghai for a trade fair next Monday morning. Please book a   round-trip flight ticket and a single room in a 5-star hotel for three nights   near the airport for him.

Task 2

Make up a dialogue with your   partner on the situation of hotel check-out.

5 min


Supplementary materials

1.     Background information


The reservations agent will likely require a credit card to hold the reservation for you. Some hotels require a deposit to keep the room, but most do not. The deposit is usually fully refundable as long as you cancel or change your reservation before the cancellation deadline. (Get cancellation deadline and details from the agent or website.) Be sure to confirm all reservation details are correct and jot down your reservation number or code. If you lose the code, you can call the hotel, and they should be able to look it up for you based on your name and travel dates.


Hotel cancellation policy

A hotel booking cancellation policy can depend on several factors, such as the rate of the booking and the date of check-in. 

The “cancel by certain date” policy 

This type of cancellation policy gives travelers the option to cancel hotel reservations free of charge up until a certain date. Once this date passes, hotel cancellation policies can either charge a standard cancellation fee or require the full payment for the reservation.

The “one night penalty” policy 

For this type of hotel room cancellation policy, hotel charges a cancellation fee equivalent to one night’s stay at the hotel. 

The prepaid, nonrefundable hotel reservation policy

This type of hotel booking requires payment for the entirety of the reservation at the time of booking and is nonrefundable.

See below for a few examples of different hotel cancellation policies 

Hotels.com Cancellation Policy

l   No cancellation fee imposed by Hotels.com itself

l   Individual hotels are responsible for setting their own cancellation policies for hotels.com reservations booked through hotels.com

l   Such policies vary depending on the specific hotel and may or may not include cancellation fees

Disney Hotel Cancellation Policy

The hotel booking policy for reservations booked through Disney’s Central Reservation Office (CRO) requires:

l   An initial deposit of one night’s rate within 14 days of the reservation in order to secure it.

l   Compliance with the reservation cancellation policy which allows cancellations up to six days in advance of your check-in date in order to be reimbursed for the initial deposit



2.     Word attack

1)    solution a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation 解决方案

Eg. However, these GPS seemed to be seeking a medical solution to these women’s problems.

   Ideas were sought to find a solution.

come up with/ find a solution 找到解决方法

2)    arrange to organize or make plans for something such as a meeting, party, or trip.安排

Eg. They moved on smoothly enough to arrange a meeting.

   Give me the time of your flight and I will arrange everything else.

arrange about/for 做安排

3)    inconvenience problems caused by something which annoy or affect you.不便;麻烦

Eg. It is no great inconvenience to help him, either of you, I assure you.

   There was to be no inconvenience to the General, he had been repeatedly told.


3.     Useful expressions

booking hotel

1)    What rooms do you exactly want? 

2)    Do you have a double room overlooking the sea?

3)    Will you give me some discount? 

4)    You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room. 

5)    We usually have high occupancies in the peak seasons. 

6) I placed reservation for this room through a travel agency, not through the Internet.

6)    I’d like to reserve 10 double rooms with twin beds for five days. 

7)    I have no reservation. Do you have a room available for tonight? 


   hotel check-in  

1)  I made a reservation last week by the name of Benjamin. Here they are.

2) I’ll just get your bill.

3) One double-room for a whole week, here is the registration card.

4) You’ll have it right away.

5) Will you please fill this form out, sir?

6) Could you just sign here, please?

7) How will you be paying, madam?

8) Now everything is in order. Your room number is 8715.


1)    I’d like to check out now. Here is my key.

2)    I’ll have your bill for you in just a minute.

3)    Your bill comes to a total of $145.

4)    What’s this charge?

5)    Can I pay in cash/ by credit card?

6)    I’d like to settle my bill.

7)    Here is the receipt and the change.

8)    Please take your credit card and keep the receipt.


4.     Extensive reading

How to choose a suitable hotel to live in




Ways to book hotel in advance




How to make hotel reservation online




5.     Sample dialogue for oral practice

Hotel check-out


Hotel: Did you enjoy your stay with us?

Guest: Yes, very much so.

Hotel: Oh, before you go would you be able to settle the bill?

Guest: Oh yes certainly. How much will that be?

Hotel: Let’s see. The bill comes to $37.50. How would you like to pay for that?

Guest: I’ll pay with my Visa thanks, but I’ll need a receipt so I can charge it to my company.

Hotel: Absolutely. Here we are sir. If you like you can leave your bags with the porter and he can load them onto the shuttle for you when it arrives.

Guest: That would be great thank you.

Hotel: Would you like to sign the hotel guestbook too while you wait?

Guest: Sure, I had a really good stay here and I’ll tell other people to come here.

Hotel: That’s good to hear. Thank you again for staying at The Grand Woodward Hotel.