


发布时间:2019-02-22 17:28   发布人:郑加玲   浏览次数:347





Warming   up

1. Assignment   check

Step 1

Invite some pairs to   present dialogues on problems on campus and the solutions.

Step 2

Discuss students’   presentation and find out more solutions to the problems mentioned. 

5 min

2. Lead in

Step 1

Talk about the power of   positive thinking. (Positive thinking is a   mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and   expects favorable results.)

Step 2

Ask questions:

1) Do we have negative effect on the people around   us? In what case? (Bring others’ mood   down with your anxiety and pessimism; discourage others   from pursuing their dreams,“very few people   make it big.” just because you yourself failed.)

2) Do you want to be around outgoing people, and prefer to   avoid negative ones? (There is no wonder we want to be around outgoing and   optimistic people. When   people around are nice to you, you can’t help but feel happy; when they are   negative, you are bound to be unhappy and may become negative too.)


Step 3

Summing up: In order to turn the mind toward the   positive, some inner work is required, since attitude and thoughts do not   change overnight.

10 min

Listening 1

1.     Pre-listening

Step 1

Question: When bad things happen, such   as failing in the exam or having conflicts with classmates, are you going to   let yourself down or look for positive aspect and find the solution to the   negative situation/adversity (Don’t be afraid of failure, be grateful and   work harder to make progress; figure out the root of the problem, communicate   adequately and timely.)

Step 2

Pronounce the new vocabulary and key sentences for the   class to repeat and explain them one by one.(lane, press, brake, by inches, garbage, pile up, dump)

5 min

2.     While-listening

Step 1

Listen for the general idea: What is it about? What   happened to the taxi driver? (There was almost a car accident due to the   other driver’ s unexpected overtaking. My taxi driver just smiled and waved   to the guy who yelled at us. )

Step 2

Listen again and discuss why the taxi driver didn’t   get angry at the other driver? What would your response be if you are in the same   situation? (The taxi driver was a person with positive thinking. He tended   to look on the positive aspect and find solutions to the negative situation.   If I were in that situation, I   might yell back and have conflict with that driver.

Step 3 

Listen again for more details, and explain what ‘The Law of the Garbage Truck’ is. (The   taxi driver compares some negative people to garbage trucks. They may dump   their frustration, anger and disappointment to others around. What we should   do is to smile and move on. Don’t   take their garbage and spread it. Life is ten percent what you make it and   ninety percent how you take it.)

5 min 

3.       Post-listening

What is your   understanding of the sentence Life is ten percent what you make it and   ninety percent how you take it.”? (Attitude   is the most important factor in life. The way you look at life will determine how you feel, how you   perform, and how well you will get along with other people. There is nothing   that you cannot do with a determined mind and positive attitude.)  

5 min

Speaking 1

Step 1 Group discussion:

1) Discuss what you have learned from The Law of the   Garbage Truck”? (Successful people do not let negative emotions take over   their day. Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. Attitude   is the most important factor in life. We should love the people who treat you   right. Pray for the ones who don’t. )

2) What would you do if   someone dumps “garbage” on you? (I would not   take the garbage and spread it to other people. In return I would just smile   and wave. Wish him/her well and move on.)

Step 2 Presentation

Ask students to make a   monologue presenting their experiences about “garbage dumping”.

Step 3 Summing up

Teacher sums up based on students’ presentation.

13 min


Task1: Listen to the monologue after class.

Task2: Share with your partner more experiences of   “garbage dumping”.

2 min


Supplementary materials

1.     Background information

The benefits of positive thinking

Positive Thinking helps reduce stress, improve health and leads to more happiness.

Theres been a lot said about positive thinking, that it can not only reduce stress but also bring miracles and help people overcome cancer and other medical and non-medical setbacks.

Science is now proving that positive thinking, your overall attitude and how you see the world have a direct impact on your life. The kind of positive thinking that results from being optimistic helps you manage stress better, improves your health and allows you to overcome many setbacks quickly and easily. The negative thinking that comes from being pessimistic doesnt help you cope with stress and will likely create more of that stress.

2. Word attack

1brake  n. a device which makes a vehicle go slower or stop, or a pedal, bar or handle which makes this device work 制动器;刹车

eg. I slammed on (= quickly used) the brake, but it was too late, and my car crashed into a red one.

2) by inches  very closely or only just 差一点儿;几乎

eg. Luckily, the truck missed me by inches.

3) garbage  n.  waste material or unwanted things that you throw away垃圾;废物

eg. They polluted the river by throwing in garbage.

4pile up   (of something bad) to increase 堆积;成为一堆

eg. They piled up such a huge debt that they soon went bankrupt.

5)  dump  v.  to put down or drop something in a careless way 倾倒;扔下

eg. He got my backpack from the cab and dumped it at my feet.

3. Useful expressions

negative self talk & positive self talk

Negative   Self Talk

Positive   Self Talk

I   can never do this.

I   can do this and I can find a way to do this.

I   do not know how.

I   can learn and I can do anything.

It   is too hard.

There   is an easy way, and I will find it.

I   am not smart enough.

I   am smart and I can find a solution.

I   am too tired.

This   is important and I can get this done now.

I   have never done this before.

There   is always a first time, I can learn how to do it.

It   will never work.

It   can work and I can find a way to make it work.

I   will do it tomorrow.

I   will start today and get this done on time.

There   is too much to do.

Let’s   start with the important things and get this done one at a time.


4. Extensive reading materials

positive thinking