
发布时间:2017-09-24 14:16   发布人:张先花   浏览次数:412


  序号     名称              目录


1.连锁经营 chain operation

2.直营连锁 corporate chain

3.特许连锁 franchise chain

4.自愿连锁 voluntary chain

5.总部 headquarters

6.店铺 outlet

7.直营店 company-owned store

8加盟店 franchised store

9. 3S原则 3s principles


1.商圈 trading area

2.商圈分析 business zone analysis

3.核心商圈 core zone

4.次要商圈 secondary zone

5.城市商业网点规划 commercial outlet planning

6.城市商业街 high street

7.中心商业区 centraI business district

8.次级商业区 secondary business district

9.huff模型 huff’s model

10.团购 group purchase

11.环保消费者  green consumer

12.来客数 transaction count

13.客单价 hasket value

14.神秘购物者 secret shopper

15.顾客档案 customer profile

16.顾客服务部 customer service department

17.顾客购买全过程  customer buying process

18.冲动式购物 impulse buying

19.顾客退货 customer return

20.顾客折扣 customer allowance

21.稽核 audit

22.退款 refund

23.客户关系管理 customer reIationship management(CRM)

24.满意度 satisfaction

25.购物者拦截调查 shopper intercept survey

26.客源调查 point-of-originaI survey

27.品牌忠诚度 brand Ioyalty

28.商店忠诚度 store loyaIty

29.客流量 traffic flow

30.顾客终身价值 customer lifetime value

31.购物常客计划 Frequent shopper program


1.供应商 supplier

2.供应商认证 Supplier certification

3.采购 purchasing

4.采购成本 purchasing cost

5.采购订单 purchase order

6.订单接受 order acceptance

7.前置时间 lead time

8.集中采购 centraIized purchasing

9.提前采购 Forward buying

10.定量订购 fixed order quantity

11.定时订购 Fixed order interval

12.联合采购 cooperative purchasing

13.经济订购呈 economic order quantity

14.捆绑合同 tying contract

15.累计数量折扣 cumuIative quantity discount

16.供应商返点 returns percentage

17.物流弹性 Iogistics  fiexibility

18.紧急标签 hot tag

19.实时货物追踪 real-time tracking system

20.托盘化 palletize

21.托盘交换协议 paIlet exchange program

22.托盘流动式货架 palIet fIow racks

23.托盘内空间 deck opening

24.托盘式货架 paIlet rack

25.堆高机 Forklift truck

26.储位档案 locator file

27.储位移转 nocat0n transFer

28.移仓 warehouse transfer

29.店铺直送 direct store deIivery(DSD)

30.统一配送 centraIized delivery

31.配送仓库 dstribution warehouse

32.配送成本 denivery costs

33.配送地点 place of deIivery

34.配送风险 delivery risk

35.配送日 delivery date

36.配送证明 proof of delivery

37.配送周期 delivery cycle

38.退货 return outwards

39.零退货 zero returns

40.退货处理 return goods handling

41.退货中心 return center

42.包装区 packaging area

43.理货单 talIy sheet

44.进货记录 goods recelved records

45.进货检验 receiving inspection

46.净储存面积 net storage area

47.冷藏货品 refrigerated freight

48.冷冻冷藏仓库 refrigerated warehouse

49.冷冻冷藏柜 freezer

50.加工中心 process center

51.存货 inventory

52.库存周期 stock cycle time

53.零库存 zero stock

54.负库存 negative stock

55.安全库存 safety stock

56.暂库存 forward reserve stock

57.安全库存天数 safety stock time

58.循环库存 cycIe stock

59.库存更正 stock modification

60.存货报告 inventory report

61.存货平衡 inventory balance

62.存货期 inventory age

63.存货周转率 inventory tumover

64.过时存货 obsolete inventory

65.季节性存货 seasonal inventory

66.平均存货 average inventory

67.期末存货 ending inventory

68.实际存货 on-hand baIance

69.完全存货 complete inventory

70.缺货 out-of-stock

71.缺货率 stock-out rate

72.缺货成本 out-of-stock Costs

73.缺货登记 want book

74.入库确认 input verification

75.订单频率 order frequency

76.订单拣货区 order  pick storage area

77.越库 cross docking

78.仓库管理系统 warehouse management system(WMS


1.销售额 saIe

2.净销售额 net sale

3.费用回收 expense recavery

4.净营运收入 net operating income

5.销售成本 sale cost

6.费用 expence

7.退换成本 alteration cost

8.水电费用 utilities expense

9.毛利 gross  margin

10.毛利率 gross margin rate

11.毛利存货周转回报率 gross margin return on inventory(GMROI)

12.净利率 net profit

13.贡献毛利 contribution margin

14.会计成本法 cost method oF accounting

15.销售面积 saIe  floor

16.米效 per Iinear meter sale

17.坪效 per square meter saIe

18.人效 per capita saIe

19.销售效率比例 saIe efficiency ratio

20.销售标竿 sales benchmark

21.同店铺销售 same store sale

22.日平均售量 daiIy mean sale(D.M.S)

23.财务报告 financial report

24.财务总监 chief  financiaI officer

25.关键绩效指标 key performance indicator(KPI)

26.人工成本销售比 Iabor as percent  of  sale

27.钱包份额 wallet share

28.账期 days of payment

29.报损 damage report

30.实效面积 actua space

5防损管理专业术语1.损耗 shrinkage

2.损耗率 shrinkage pemtarcentage

3.防损 Ioss prevention

4.电子防盗系统 eIectronic articIe surveillance system(EAS)

6商品陈列专业术语1.收货 receiving

2.空间管理 space management

3.陈列配置表 planogram

4.陈列定位管理 msplay positioning management

5.先进先出 first in First out

6.后进先出 Iast in first out

7.下货 drop

8.上架 display on shelf

9.动线 moving line

10.黄金线 golden line

11.陈列 display

12.关联陈列 cross display

13.垂直陈列 verticall dispIay

14.前进陈列 Forward display

15.平行陈列 horizontal display

16.堆头 floor mega-dispIay

17.端架 end cap

18.端架陈列 TG base display

19.大量陈列 mass dspIay

20.比较性陈列 compare display

21.理货 taIly

22.补货 repIenishment

23.销售报告 saIes report

24.荒草 discard goods

25.拾零 coIIect

7商品定价专业术语1.标价 ticketing and marking

2.大减价 riot seIling

3.改价 price amendment

4.价格卡 price tag

5.尾数定价法 odd pricing

6.整数定价法 even pricing

7.价格带 price lihe

8.捆绑定价 price bundling


1.单品 stock keeping unit(SKU)

2.单品管理 ska control

3.生鲜商品 fresh product

4.农产品 agricultural produce

5.易腐商品 perishable produce

6.报废 scrap

7.产品生命周期 product Iife cycIe

8.保质期 guarantee period

9.产品识别符号 logo

10.产品说明标签 fact tag

11.称重标签 weight tag

12.降价卷标 off-price label

13.款式 style

14.品类 category

15.品类管理 category management

16.品类杀手 category kiIIer

17.商品深度 depth of merchandise

18.商品宽度 breadth of merchandise

19.商品组合 merchandise mix

20.商品种类 variety

21.商品组织结构 assortment

22.交叉比率 cross ratio

23.商品台账 product reckoning

9商品盘点专业术语1.盘点 counting

2.盘点表 count sheet

3.定期盘点 periodic invmtory

4.实地盘点 physicl inventory

5.盘差 counting shrinkage/surplus


1.货架 rack

2.敞开式货架 gondola

3.独立式货架 Free-standing rack structure

4.固定式货架 fixed rack

5.购物车 shopping cart

6.购物篮 shopping basket

7.自助服务器 kiosk

8.冰台 ice table

9.售货车 cart

11营销策略专业术语1.ABC分析 ABC anaIysis

2.80/20原则 80/20ruIe

3.长尾理论 the Iong taiI

4.促销 promotion

5.商品企划 merchandise pIanning

6.促销广告 promotional advertising

7.促销员 promoter

8.关联促销 cross-promotion

9.促销车 promotion cart

10.促销服务费 promotion fee

11.销售点广告 point of purchase advertising(POP)

12.DM海报 direct mail(DM)

13.插页广告 preprint

14.换档 shift

15.目录营销 cataIogue marketing

16.折扣广告 off-price advertising

17.清仓 clearance

18.优惠券 coupon

19.会员卡 membership card

20.贴花 applique

21.积分换购 cumulative points buying

22.积分回报 cumuIative points rebates

23.叠加吸引力 cumulative attraction

24.搭配 tie-ins

25.价格促销 price promotion

26.产品线 product line

27.产品组合 product mix

28.引导品项 leader item

29.同质产品 homogeneous commodity

30.促销产品 promotionaI product

31.试吃(用)品 tasting(testing)sampIe

32.赠品 free promotonaI product

33.自有品牌商品 prlvate brand

34.畅销商品 fast selling merchandise

35.滞销商品 slow-moving merchamdise

36.冲动购买型商品 impusle merchandise

37.大众化商品 staple merchandise

38.店门摆放的零码商品 door busters

39.耐用商品 durabIe merchandise

40.非耐用商品 non-durable merchandise

41.季节性商品 seasonaI merchandise

42.便利性商品 convenience products

43.可立即销售的商品 floor-ready merchamdise

44.楼层就绪商品 floor-ready


1.店内条码  in-store bar code

2.原印条码 source marking

3.手持终端 handheld terminal

4.消磁 magnetic abatement

5.计算机辅助订货系统 computer assisted  ordering

6.管理信息系统 Management information systemMIS

7.自动补货 automatic repIenishment

8.电子商务 e-commerce

9.数据挖掘 dat mining 

10.数据仓库 data warehouse

11.商业智能 business intelligence(BI)

12.自助结账 self check -out

13.订单时点系统 oder poht system

14.协同规划预补货 collaborative pIanningforecasting&repIenishment(CPFR)