序号 |
思政英语 |
知识能力目标 |
价值导向 |
展示形式 |
1 | 1.这一战,拼来了山河无恙、家国安宁,充分展示了中国人民不畏强暴的钢铁意志! 2.这一战,打出了中国人民的精气神,充分展示了中国人民万众一心的顽强品格! 3.这一战,让全世界对中国刮目相看,充分展示了中国人民维护世界和平的坚定决心!
| Words/expressions/sentences/
demonstrating suppression iron-like tenacious 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
一个强大的国家是给了我们尊严,我们的岁月静好,是因为有无数人的默默付出,梁启超说过:少年强则国强,作为新时代的大学生,我们应该如何?We are respected because we have a powerful country, and there are so many people making contributions for our peaceful life. Liang Qichao had ever said," our country will be powerful if the youth are powerful." As the college students, what we can do for our motherland? | 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
2 | 4.抗美援朝战争伟大胜利,是中国人民站起来后屹立于世界东方的宣言书,是中华民族走向伟大复兴的重要里程碑。 The great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a declaration that the Chinese people have stood firm in the East, and an important milestone in the Chinese nation's march toward the great rejuvenation.
| Words/expressions/sentences/
Resist/ Aggression/ declaration/ milestone / rejuvenation/stand firm 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| If necessary, will you serve in the army or perform military service? Why? 如果必要,你会服兵役吗?为什么?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
3 | 5.西方侵略者几百年来只要在东方一个海岸上架起几尊大炮就可霸占一个国家的时代是一去不复返了! The era of Western invaders setting up several /s in the oriental part of this world and occupying one nation as a result was gone! 6.中国人民深知,对待侵略者,就得用他们听得懂的语言同他们对话,这就是以战止战、以武止戈,用胜利赢得和平、赢得尊重。
| Words/expressions/sentences/
Era/invader/invader/ oriental 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| When our country is offended, what we should do? When you are offended in your daily life, what you should do? 当我们的国家收到侵犯时,我们该怎么做?当你在日常生活中遭到冒犯的时候,又该怎么做?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
4 | 7.中国人民不惹事也不怕事,在任何困难和风险面前,腿肚子不会抖,腰杆子不会弯,中华民族是吓不倒、压不垮的! 8.现在中国人民已经组织起来了,是惹不得的。如果惹翻了,是不好办的!
| Words/expressions/sentences/
Tremble/ bend down/ stand tough to/monger/consequence 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| 1.Why can we Chinese now have the power to confront the defiance from some foreign countries? 为什么现在我们中国人有实力来面对某些外国国家的挑衅? 2.If you want to be respected ,what qualities should you have ? 如果你想被尊重,你应该具备什么样的品质呢?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
5 | 9.面对来自各方面的风险挑战,面对各种阻力压力,中国人民总能逢山开路、遇水架桥,总能展现大智大勇、锐意开拓进取,“杀出一条血路”! In the face of all types of challenges and all sorts of pressures and obstacles, Chinese people are able to dig a tunnel through mountains, and build bridges across rivers and forge ahead with their wisdom, and make endeavors on the path to success.
| Words/expressions/sentences/
Obstacle/ tunnel/ forge ahead/endeavor 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| 1.What challenges is China now facing? What measures has our country taken to deal with the difficulties and pressures? 中国目前面临着哪些挑战? 我们国家采取了哪些措施来应对? 2. What challenges and chances do you meet in your college life? What have you done to solve them? 你在大学生活中遇到了哪些挑战和机遇?你是如何应对的? 3. Imagine that you suffer the great pressure from your work in the future, what will you do? 假设以后在工作中遭受了很大的压力,你如何来应对?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
6 | 10.没有任何一支政治力量能像中国共产党这样,为了民族复兴、人民幸福,不惜流血牺牲,不懈努力奋斗,团结凝聚亿万群众不断走向胜利。 No political force is like the Communist Party, who shed blood and fight tirelessly for the rejuvenation of the nation and the happiness of its people, and unite and lead the country toward one victory after another.
| Words/expressions/sentences/
Communist Party/ tirelessly 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| 1. Why can China do a good job in fighting the Novel Coronavirus? 为什么中国在控制新冠状病毒方面取得了显著成效? 2. As a college student, what we should do in fighting the Novel Coronavirus? 作为一名大学生,在防治新冠状病毒期间该如何做?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
7 | 11.当今世界,任何单边主义、保护主义、极端利己主义,都是根本行不通的!任何讹诈、封锁、极限施压的方式,都是根本行不通的!任何我行我素、唯我独尊的行径,任何搞霸权、霸道、霸凌的行径,都是根本行不通的!不仅根本行不通,最终必然是死路一条! In today’s world, any unilateralism, protectionism and ideology of extreme self-interest are totally unworkable, and any blackmailing, blockades and extreme pressure are totally unworkable. Any actions that focus only on oneself and any efforts to engage in hegemony and bullying will simply not work – not only will it not work, but it will be a dead end.
| Words/expressions/sentences/
unilateralism/protectionism /ideology/ unworkable/ blackmailing/blockade 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| Why are any unilateralism, protectionism and ideology of extreme self-interest totally unworkable? 为什么任何单边主义,保护主义和极端利己主义是行不通的? As a college student , how to find your own position in your class? 作为一名大学生,如何找准自己在班级中的位置?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
8 | 12.我们决不会坐视国家主权、安全、发展利益受损,决不会允许任何人任何势力侵犯和分裂祖国的神圣领土。一旦发生这样的严重情况,中国人民必将予以迎头痛击! We will never sit idle when our national sovereignty, security and development interests are undermined. We will never allow anyone or any force to invade or separate our sacred land. When such thing occurs, the Chinese people will meet the challenge head-on.
| Words/expressions/sentences/
Sovereignty/ security/ separate/ sacred/ meet the challenge head-on
单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| 1.when our national sovereignty, security and development interests are undermined,what should our country do in your idea? 当我们国家的主权,安全和利益受到侵犯时,我们该怎么做? 2.In daily life, if your interests are undermined, what will you do ? 在日常生活中,如果你的利益遭到侵犯,你会怎么做?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
9 | 1.和则两利 斗则俱伤 A peaceful and harmonious bilateral relationship between these two countries will make both winners,while a confrontational one will make both losers
| Words/expressions/sentences/
harmonious /bilateral /relationship/ confrontational
单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| 1. Why is the peace most important for the development of the world? 为什么和平是世界发展的主题? 2. How to keep a harmonious relation among your class? 如何形成良好的班级氛围?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
10 | 2.行百里者半九十 Half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the wayside 3.华山再高 顶有过路 No matter how high the mountain is ,one can always ascend to its tops
| Words/expressions/sentences/
embarked on/ wayside / ascend 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| 1. How can a country keep moving on for a long time? 一个国家如何保持长久向前的动力? 2. Why do we say: the more you learn, the more innocent you are? 为什么说知道的越多,越懂得自己的无知?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
11 | 4.我深深爱着我的国家 没有一片土地让我这样深情和激动 没有一条河流让我这样沉思和祈福 余心之所善兮 虽九死其尤未悔 I have deep love for this country I love every inch of its land I love every river that flows on this piece of earth with deep passion and deep affection For the idea that I hold dear to my heart I will not regret a thousand depth to die
| Words/expressions/sentences/
Passion/ affection/ depth 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| 1.What have you done to show your love to our country? 你爱国的具体表现是什么? 2. As a college student, what contributions have you made to your class or your college? 作为一名大学生,你对自己的班级或者学校做出过什么贡献?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
12 | 5.人或加讪 心无疵兮 My conscience stays untainted in spite of the rumors and slanders from the outside 6.兄弟虽有小忿 不废懿亲 Differences between brothers cannot sever their blood ties.
| Words/expressions/sentences/
Conscience/ untainted/rumor/slander /sever | When you are mistaken by others, what will you do? 当你被别人误解时,你会怎么做?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
13 | 7.不畏浮云遮望眼 只缘身在最高层 As a Chinese poem reads We have no fear of the clouds that may block our sights As we are already at the top of the height.
| Words/expressions/sentences/
block our sights / height. 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| How to make yourself better and better? 如何让自己越来越好?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
14 | 8.入则恳恳以尽忠 出则谦谦以自悔 When one is in office he should discharge his duty conscientiously When leaving office he should conduct himself with humanity and exercise self-reflection | Words/expressions/sentences/
discharge/ conscientiously/ conduct/ humanity 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| 1.What is your responsibility as a Chinese? 作为中国人的责任是什么? 2.What is your responsibility as a college student? 作为一名大学生的责任是什么?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
15 | 9.苟利国家生死以 岂因祸福避趋之 I shall dedicates myself to the interests of the country in life and death irrespective of personal will and world 10.知我罪我 其惟春秋 There are people who will appreciate what I have done, but there are also people who will criticize me, ultimately, history will have the final say | Words/expressions/sentences/
irrespective of/ appreciate/ criticize/ ultimately 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| 1. Will you sacrifice your own benefits for our country? 你会为了国家牺牲个人利益吗? 2. Do you care about the judgements from others? 你在意来自别人的评价吗? | 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
16 | 11.守职而不废 处义而不回 I will not waver and carry out my duties, And will remain true to my conviction | Words/expressions/sentences/
Waver/ remain/ conviction 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| When you are suspected by others, will you change your initial heart? 当你被他人怀疑时,你会改变初心吗? How do we keep our initial heart? 如何坚守初心?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
序号 | 单元主题 | 导入歌曲 |
知识能力目标 |
人生启迪 |
职场思考 |
成果展示形式 |
1 | Grow up成长 | Only Love | Words/expressions/sentences/ background confuse make up one’s mind dawn face to face see through pray play one’s part 单词/短语/歌词/背景 听说读写译 | 1.What can make you move on for a long time? 让你长时间坚持目标的动力是什么? 2.How can you find your real love? 如何找到自己心中真正热爱的事情? | 1.What kind of job do you want to have? 你想要从事什么工作? 2. What will you choose between a job which you like but the salary is not high and a job which you don’t like but the salary is ok? 在高薪但不喜欢与喜欢但不高薪的工作之间你如何选择? 3. When you lose your own life because your job is too busy , what will you do? 因为工作太忙而失去自己生活的时候,你该如何做? 4. When your lover will leave you because your job takes almost all of your time, what is your choice? 在爱人与工作之间,你的选择是什么? 5. What kind of life do you want? 你想要的生活是什么样子?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
2 | Friendship友谊 | Auld Long Syne友谊地久天长 | Words/expressions/sentences/ background
acquaintance/ bring to mind/change your mind/jewelry 单词/短语/歌词/背景 听说读写译
| 1.What qualities do you expect your friends to have? 你希望朋友具有什么样的品质? 2.What role does friendship play in your life? 朋友在你的生活中扮演着什么角色? 3. Are there any friends who you were intimate but now you have lost touch with each other? Why?有曾经很亲密的朋友现在走散了吗?
4. What will you do , if your best friend betrays you? 如果你最好的朋友背叛了你,你怎么做? 5. What position does friendship occupy among wealth, health ,power, lover, families? 在友谊,财富,健康,权力,爱情,亲情之中,友谊占据什么位置?
| 1. How to make friends in career? 如何在职场中交朋友? 2.Can you be real friends with your colleagues? Why and How? 职场中存在真正的朋友吗?为什么? 3.How to keep the relationship with your colleagues? 如何处理同时关系? 4. How to get on with your boss? 如何处理与老板之间的关系? | 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
3 | The American Dream美国梦 | Dream it possible 梦想成真 | Words/expressions/sentences/ background
club/soar/chord/unstoppable/chase/turn into/ come alive/worth doing 单词/短语/歌词/背景 听说读写译
1.What’s your dream? 你的梦想是什么? 2..Have you make any plans about your college life? 对大学生活的规划是什么? 3. Are you hard-working now? Are you cherishing your life now? 你觉得自己现在努力吗?你珍惜目前的生活吗? 4. To achieve your goals in college, what can you do now? 为了实现你的大学目标,你该怎么做?
| 1.What’s your dream in your career? 你的职场梦想是什么? 2. Do you have a plan about your development in career? 你对未来职场发展的规划是什么? 3. What qualities should you have in order to realize your dream in career? 为了实现你的职场梦想,你该具有什么样的品质,平时该怎么做? | 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
4 | Work to live or live to work活着是为了工作还是工作是为了活着 | What a wonderful world 多么美好的世界 | Words/expressions/sentences/ background
Wonderful/bloom/bless/sacred/rainbow/shake hands 单词/短语/歌词/背景 听说读写译
| 1.Do you always think that the world is wonderful? 你觉得世界美好吗? 2. Do you think you are living a happy college life? Why or why not? 你的大学生活快乐吗? 3.What determines your sense of happiness? 你的幸福感由什么决定? 4. How can we live a happy life ? 如何让自己更幸福?
| 1.What’s your purpose of working? 你工作的意义是什么? 2.If you don’t like your job, what will you do? 如果你不喜欢你的工作,该怎么办? 3.How to balance the relation between your job and life? 如何平衡工作与生活之间的关系? | 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
5 | Romance浪漫 | Casablanca卡萨布兰卡 | Words/expressions/sentences/ background
flickering/pop-corn/beneath/champagne/caviar/candle/shadow/spot/moonlight/silver 单词/短语/歌词/背景 听说读写译
| 1.What is romance? 什么是浪漫? 2.What kind of love is romantic in college life? 你觉得浪漫的大学爱情是什么模样? 3.What’s your attitude towards college love? 你对大学爱情的看法是什么?
| 1. Is love the most important part in your life? 爱情是生活中最重要的部分吗? 2. How to deal with the relation between love and job? 如何处理爱情与工作之间的关系? 3. How can you make your nervous and stressful working life romantic? 如何让紧张琐碎的职场生活浪漫有趣一些? | 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
6 | Educational Problems 教育问题 | Trouble is a friend 麻烦是朋友 | Words/expressions/sentences/ background
no matter/moan/lose control/wing/play a part/foe/sucker/charm 单词/短语/歌词/背景 听说读写译
| 1. What trouble do you often meet in your daily life? 你在生活中经常会遇到哪些麻烦? 2. When trouble comes to you, what will you do? 当有麻烦时,你如何处理? 3. How do you understand “trouble is a friend”? 你如何理解麻烦是朋友? 4. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Why do you think so? 你乐观还是悲观? 5. How much do you know about Depression or depressive disorder? 你对抑郁症了解多少? | 1. When you feel depressed or gloomy in your work, what will you do to relax yourself? 当你在工作中,觉得悲观沮丧的时候,该怎么做? 2. How can you take trouble as a friend in your career? 如何在职场中把麻烦当作朋友,与之和平共处?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露
6.Riverside Town | Rejuvenated, I my fiery zeal display; On left hand leash, a yellow hound, On right hand wrist, a falcon grey. A thousand silk-capped, sable-coated horsemen sweep Across the rising ground And hillocks steep Townspeople pour out of the city gate To watch the tiger-hunting magistrate. Heart gladdened with strong wine, who cares About a few new-frosted hairs? When will the court imperial send An envoy to recall the exile? Then I’ll bend My bow like a full moon, and aiming northwest, I Will shoot down the fierce wolf from the sky.
| 老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍。锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈。为报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎。 酒酣胸胆尚开张,鬓微霜,又何妨。持节云中,何日遣冯唐?会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。
| Words/expressions/sentences/
Chant /fiery /zeal/Leash /hound /wrist/Falcon /hillock /steep/Pour out/magistrate/ frost/Imperial /envoy / excile 单词/短语/句子 听说读写译
| 1.Translations 2. Can you comment on this poem?
| 1.课堂发言 展现自我 2.师生互动 思维碰撞 3.平台分享 百花齐放 4.随机点名 出其不意 5.弹幕开启 真我流露