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发布时间:2020-03-10 21:04   发布人:仪秀芳   浏览次数:907

English for Careers 2

Unit 8 Business Start-up

Teaching objective

After studying this unit, the students are able to master the key words and structures, and more importantly, to communicate for the following purposes:

ü understanding why people should risk it when young

ü understanding how to Set up a Home-based eBay Business

ü Starting a Business

ü understanding and writing a Report

ü Drafting a Business Start-up Plan

ü Using the Internet to Learn English


The method of approach

1. Discussing, listening, reading, presenting, and role-playing by the students;

2. Explanation and demonstration by the teacher;

3. After-class research and practice by the students.

Unit content

Reading A: Risk It When Young

Reading B: Setting up a Home-based eBay Business

Listening & Speaking: Starting a Business

Writing: Report

Mini-project: Drafting a Business Start-up Plan

Learning Strategy: Using the Internet to Learn English

Time requirement: 8-9 periods

Unit Focus


approach        suck someone into something         slip away

hindsight        dumb           course            scrape

get (something) off the ground       pay off           raise

high-profile      rang            utility            on track


Teaching procedures


This unit is arranged for a time span of 8 hours, during which a time limit is suggested for each step. Though it’s always important to keep a time limit in mind for each activity, a teacher should never stick to a rigid time plan in teaching, but rather follow a more flexible time table when dealing with unexpected in-class occurrences and make necessary adjustments accordingly. Note that not every step suggested here is a must in teaching. A teacher can make whatever changes he thinks necessary.

Hour 1:


  Course introduction     45 minutes      

Warming-up  Task 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can identify the advantages and disadvantages of being an employee and a self-employer.


• Ss read Warming-up Task.

• Explain difficult words to Ss.

• Ask Ss to discuss with their partners and do the task.

• Ask Ss to give their answers.

• Give comments.





New words in Reading A 15 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.


• Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc.

• Ss read the new words and expressions, etc.


Notes: For a class with higher English proficiency, the teacher may follow the following steps:

• Ss preview the new words and expressions.

• Ss read the new words and expressions.

• Ss dictate several important new words and expressions.

Discussions before Reading A 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc..


• Ss know something about Reading A.

• Ss discuss the following two questions:

1. What did Rich Aberman and Bill Clerico do after they finish their senior year at Boston College?

2. Why should people risk it when young?

• Comment briefly on their work.

Hours 2-3:


  Reading A     45 minutes   

Language points 35 minutes




Paragraph 1

approach: v. to come near to someone or something in distance or time; to begin to deal with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way

e.g. It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.

As they approached the wood, a rabbit ran out of the trees.

I don’t think refusing to negotiate is the right way to approach this problem.


Paragraph 2

suck someone into something: to involve someone in an activity or a situation, especially one they don’t want to be involved in

e.g. The government should carry out a policy to help the teenagers who are sucked into a life of crime.

My parents were getting sucked into their research jobs, so I had to look after myself.

slip away: to stop existing; to disappear

e.g. Their support gradually slipped away.

Another month has slipped away.

Those young guys were sucked into computer games and time slipped away quickly.


Paragraph 4

hindsight: n. the ability to understand facts about a situation only after it has happened

e.g. By hindsight, I should have gone there earlier.

We often realize mistakes we’ve made with hindsight.

Hindsight is always clearer than one’s view at the time.

dumb: a. (informal, especially AmE) stupid

e.g. What a dumb question!

That was a pretty dumb thing to do.


Paragraph 5

course: n. the general direction in which someone’s ideas or actions are moving

e.g. The president appears likely to change course on some key issues.

Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between different interests.

scrape: v. to manage to win or get something with difficulty

e.g. The family scraped together some cash to send the boy to further his study abroad.

That poor guy scraped a living by the craft of making furniture.

I can just scrape by on what my parents give me.

get (something) off the ground: to start happening successfully

e.g. Without more money, the movie is unlikely to get off the ground.

He helped me get the novel off the ground.


Paragraph 6

pay off: (of a plan or action) to be successful and bring good results

e.g. You are taking a risk on a bet that will pay off poorly.

The effort pays off in the long run.

raise: v. to bring or collect money

e.g. The local government raises money from the neighbors for a charity every year.

He failed to raise the extra three thousand dollars.

They are trying by all possible means to raise funds.

high-profile: a. (only before noun) receiving or attracting a lot of public attention on television, in newspapers, etc.

e.g. a high-profile figure

They have started a high-profile campaign to raise standards.


Paragraph 7

range: v. to include a variety of different things in addition to those mentioned; to vary between two particular amounts, sizes, etc.

e.g. His interests range from chess to stamp.

The paper deals with the nation’s problems, ranging from inflation to air pollution.

There were 120 students whose ages ranged from 10 to 18.

utility: n. a service provided for the public, such as water, electricity, or gas; the state of being useful, profitable or beneficial

e.g. The most important thing to do now is to develop the public utilities.

Their research project has limited practical utility.


Paragraph 8

on track: acting or thinking in a way that is likely to achieve a particular result

e.g. James is on track for the gold medal.

China has kept the economy on track in the past twenty years.

After long frustration, we have put the project on track again.


Task 1 5 minutes

Objective: Ss can understand the passage and accurately write down the important events.


• Ss do Task 1.

• Ask Ss to work individually.

• Check the answers.


Suggested Answers:

1. At the end of their senior year at Boston College

Both Rich Aberman and Bill Clerico faced a tough decision as to whether they should start an online-payment processing business, or graduate school and a new job.

2. Just a few months after graduation

They changed course: Aberman left law school and Clerico quit his job, and they founded WePay.

3. A year after their founding the company

Aberman and Clerico have raised nearly $2 million for WePay from high-profile Internet investors.

4. On March 30

WePay launched its service, allowing individuals and groups all over the world to establish an account and collect money in a variety of ways. 


Task 2 5 minutes

Objective: Ss can write down the missing information according to the passage.


• Ss read the passage.

• Ss complete the task.

• Ss compare their work with others.

• Select Ss to present their work.


Suggested Answers:



Language lab 45 minutes

             Task 1 5 minutes

Objective: Ss know the spelling and meaning of the words and expressions from Reading A.


• Ss read Task 1.

• Allow Ss 5 minutes to do the task.

• Check the answers.



1. A    2. D    3. F    4. E    5. G   6. B    7. H    8. C    9. J    10. I


             Task 2 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can use the words and expressions from Reading A.


• Ss do Task 2.

• Ask Ss to work individually.

• Check the answers.



1. dumb          2. raise          3. innovative        4. ranging

5. sucked/sucks    6. impressive     7. approaches        8. route

9. slip           10. hindsight


             Task 3 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can use the words and expressions from Reading A.


• Ss do Task 3.

• Ask Ss to work individually.

• Check the answers.



1. She tried to get her life back on track after her divorce.

2. The UN is piling on the pressure and the two sides may both have to with draw.

3. One month’s hard work paid off, and they were very happy to find the sales went up dramatically.

4. One cannot be successful in business unless he is willing to take a risk.

5. I just want to check the time of the meeting with you and won’t take up much time.


             Task 4 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can express ideas in writing using the two models outlined for Task 4.


• Read the models to Ss with an explanation if needed.

• Ss work in pairs.

• Check the answers.



Model 1

1. Her mother could hear her singing as she ran upstairs.

2. We found him waiting to receive us.

3. Many people observed the ship leaving the harbor.

Model 2

1. Will you drop the letter in the post box as you go past the post office?

2. I was doing my homework as my father was watching TV. / My father was watching TV as I was doing my homework.

3. It will warm up a little bit on Sunday as the cold front passes.


             Task 5 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can use the vocabulary in Reading A for translation.


• Ss work individually or in pairs and translate the sentences.

• Ask two Ss to write their translations on the board.

• Comment briefly on their work with emphasis on the structures of their sentences.


Suggested Answers:

1. You will regret it if you let this opportunity slip away.

2. Little by little he revealed his ambitions.

3. Walk softly as you approach the bed.

4. He makes a living by doing odd jobs.

5. The damage is estimated to range from $1 million to $5 million.

6. You need some work experience under your belt.

7. She just manages to scrape by on her cleaner’s salary.

8. It took a while for the business to get off the ground, but it’s making a profit now.


Hours 4-5:


        Listening 45 minutes

             Task 1 5 minutes

Objective: Ss can decide whether the statements are true or false.

M: Thanks for meeting with me.

W: It’s my pleasure. We’re eager to hear your ideas about our companies doing business together in the future.

M: Well, I wanted us to meet because I think our two companies can create great opportunities together.

W: I agree. What do you have in mind?

M: We seem to have core capabilities that complement each other, and I want to see how we can create a partnership that would be to our mutual benefit.

W: Yes, that’s why I’m here. I think we’re thinking along the same lines.

M: Good. I’m glad to hear that. If we can pull off a partnership, we could really dominate the market.

W: Yes, I think that’s true, too. What kind of partnership do you have in mind?

M: Well, that’s why I wanted to meet with you. I’d like to get your ideas on that.

W: I see. When your company approached us about working together, we thought that you already had some good ideas.

M: Oh, we do. I just want to get your suggestions before we present a formal proposal.

W: Let’s do this. Why don’t you send me a proposal in writing and I’ll make sure that we give it our full consideration.

M: We’ll do that. Thanks for your time.

W: Don’t mention it.



1. T      2. T       3. T       4. F


             Task 2 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can choose the best answer according to the conversation.


M: Hi, Linda. I heard that you had quit your job to strike out on your own.

W: Yes, Paul. I decided to start my own business.

M: What kind of business?

W: We provide technology consulting services for small- to medium-sized companies.

M: Good for you. Where did you raise your money?

W: At first, I considered becoming partners with one or two of my co-workers. But, eventually I raised the money by taking on a silent partner, my uncle. He has a lot of investment capital but doesn’t want to be involved in the day-to-day operations of a business now that he’s retired.

M: How are you able to cut down on expenses?

W: I made it a home-based business. I changed my garage into an office where my employees and I can work. Since most of the work will be done on site at my client’s office, I don’t need a lot of office space.

M: Are you nervous about quitting your job to start your own business?

W: It’s a big risk but I am looking forward to the challenge.

M: Well, I really hope your business takes off!


Q1: What kind of business is Linda going to start?

Q2: Why is Linda’s uncle called a silent partner?

Q3: What did Linda do to cut down on expenses?



1. C       2. C         3. B   


             Task 3 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can accurately write down the missing information according to the conversation.


M: Ms. Gardner, we’ve done business with each other for nearly four years, if I’m not mistaken.

W: Yes. And I have to say that we get along with each other quite satisfactorily.

M: Did it ever occur to you that we might take a new step forward? Have you ever considered taking us as your sole agent in Australia?

W: It all depends on what you can do.

M: How about an annual sale of 40,000 sets of kites?

W: I think it is not enough. After all you sold around 40,000 sets last year.

M: That’s the result of our hard work. Well, what quantity would you suggest for the new agreement then?

W: 50,000 sets.

M: No, no. That’s too big a number to be acceptable. Let’s put it at 45,000 sets. And we’ll do our best to sell more, of course.

W: All right, let’s fix it at 45,000 sets then. And for every additional 200 sets sold, we’ll give you 1% more in commission.

M: I suppose all the other terms remain unchanged.

W: Yes. I don’t think it necessary for me to emphasize that as our sole agent you are not to handle similar products from other companies.



1. satisfaction         2. 45,000      3. kites     4. 1%       5. 200


             Task 4 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can accurately write down the missing information according to the conversation.


W: Thanks for meeting with me today. I’ve read through the materials your company sent me, but I still have some questions about opening a franchise.

M: That’s what I’m here for. What questions are there?

W: Well, I’m familiar with the franchise fee, but are there other fees not listed in these materials?

M: That’s a good question. In addition to the annual franchise fee, we also charge a training fee and an advertising fee. Here’s a list of the fees.

W: Oh, that’s very useful, thanks. I was also wondering what kind of quality control is required.

M: As you know, we offer a ready-to-use operation and you will be trained on how to run your business. We do field tours from time to time and we check the books of each franchise once a year to make sure that our standards are being met.

W: What if I have problems along the way? What kind of support is there?

M: We give our franchises as much support as possible. After all, it’s in our own best interest that you succeed. We provide troubleshooting and training for your management and employees.

W: I think those are all of the questions I have right now. I really appreciate your time. I’ll contact you if I have other questions in the future.


Suggested Answers:

1. training, advertising

2. field tours

3. management, employees


             Task 5 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can accurately write down the missing information.

Script & Key:

A question facing most start-up entrepreneurs is whether to go into business alone or with a partner. This decision can be made easier by preparing a “for” and “against” list. Some of the reasons for a partnership are:

First of all, there is safety in numbers. You have two heads instead of one to discuss issues and make decisions. Secondly, two can accomplish more than twice as much as one. If one fails, the other pulls him up. One standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three is even better, for a disagreement can be settled by a vote. Thirdly, you will not need to be in the office at all times. You will have someone else who will be there to share the load and permit you to take vacations or have sick time.

While some of the arguments against having a partner are: You will have to share the rewards if the business is successful, and you will lose total control over the business, particularly if you and your partner have difficulty in making decisions, and also a partner can be a disaster if his or her judgment is not good.

A good partnership will require the partners to have some characteristics in common. It is important that they have similar work habits, business ethics and common objectives.


Speaking 45 minutes

Task 6 20minutes

Objective: Ss can complete information by practicing.

Suggested Answer:

1. A: I think our two companies can create great opportunities together.

B: Yes. If we can set up a partnership, probably we could have half of the local market in two years.

2. A: What kind of business do you provide?

   B: We provide technology consulting services for small-to medium-sized companies.

3. A: Have you ever considered making us your sole agent in New York?

B: It depends on how much you can sell in your local market per year.

4. A: What quantity would you suggest for the new sole agency agreement?

   B: 5,000 sets a year.

5. A: In addition to the annual franchise fee, are there any other fees to be charged?

   B: We also charge a training fee and an advertising fee.

             Task 7 25 minutes

Objective: Ss are able to practice discussing how to establishing ones own business.


• Ss read Task 7.

• Ss work in pairs, discussing how to improve product quality with the useful expressions.


Key: (Omitted)


Hours 6-7:


        Reading B   45 minutes

             New words   5 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.


• Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc.

• Ss read the new words and expressions, etc.


             Fast reading       20 minutes

Objective: Ss can comprehend Reading B.


• Ss read the passage.

• Provide help if needed.


             Task 1   10 minutes

Objective: Ss can decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the passage.


• Ss read the passage.

• Ss complete the task.

• Ss compare their work with others.

• Select Ss to present their work.


Key: 1. T    2. F    3. T    4. F    5. T    


             Task 2   10 minutes

Objective: Ss can comprehend the specific information taken from the passage.


• Ss read the passage.

• Ss complete the task.

• Ss compare their work with others.

• Select Ss to present their work.


Key:  63824517


        Writing   45 minutes

             Task 1   15 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the style of report.


• Ss do the task individually.

• Ss compare with each other’s answers.

• Provide help if needed.

• Present the answers.


Key: 5, 1, 3, 2, 4


            Task 2   15 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the style of report.


• Ss do the task individually.

• Ss compare with each other’s answers.

• Provide help if needed.

• Present the answers.



1. recommendation            2. recommendation          3. finding

4. conclusion                 5. conclusion               6. finding  



            Task 3   15 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the style of report.


• Ss do the task individually.

• Ss compare with each other’s answers.

• Provide help if needed.

• Present the answers.


Key (Omitted)



Hour 8:


       Mini-Project   40 minutes

Objective: Ss can write a business start-up plan and demonstrate it to the class.


 Grouping. Divide the class into groups.

 Defining the project. Go through the project with the class and clarify requirements. Explain briefly what each part of a business plan is about.

 Timing & cooperation. Give Ss the deadline for completion and guidelines on working together.

 Presentation. Ss present their evidence for completion. In this project, they need to present their business plan to the class and give explanations. Ask them to do it after studying the whole unit.



• Business plans can be very complex, demanding a comprehensive professional knowledge about how to run a business. Ask Ss to build a plan based on what they know and ignore what is beyond their knowledge and abilities.

• Since it takes time and efforts to complete the project, two or three groups of Ss may be asked to present their work. Feedback can be provided from other Ss. In this way, Ss could learn from each other.


       Quiz   5 minutes