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发布时间:2020-03-10 20:55   发布人:仪秀芳   浏览次数:1559

English for Careers 2 

Unit 1 Workplace

Teaching objective

After studying this unit, the students are able to master the key words and structures, and more importantly, to communicate for the following purposes:

ü understanding workplace fashion trends

ü understanding a code of conduct (of a workplace)

ü having internal communication

ü understanding and writing a notice

ü preparing for a party

ü mastering time management


The method of approach

1. Discussing, listening, reading, presenting, and role-playing by the students;

2. Explanation and demonstration by the teacher;

3. After-class research and practice by the students.

Unit content

Reading A: Workplace Fashion Trends

Reading B: Code of Conduct

Listening & Speaking: Having Internal Communication

Writing: Notice

Mini-project: Preparing for a Party

Learning Strategy: Time Management

Time requirement: 8-9 periods

Unit Focus


fit in with         reputation        pros and cons        outfit

compliment       for instance       casual              setting

productive        incorporate


Teaching procedures


This unit is arranged for a time span of 8 hours, during which a time limit is suggested for each step. Though it’s always important to keep a time limit in mind for each activity, a teacher should never stick to a rigid time plan in teaching, but rather follow a more flexible time table when dealing with unexpected in-class occurrences and make necessary adjustments accordingly. Note that not every step suggested here is a must in teaching. A teacher can make whatever changes he thinks necessary.

Hour 1:


  Course introduction     45 minutes      

Warming-up  Task 1 10 minutes


Objective: Ss can identify different rooms in an office.



Ss read Warming-up Task 1. 

Get Ss to look at the layout of the office. 

Ask Ss to identify different rooms.

Give the suggested answers.


Suggested answers:

B—4  C—5   D—3   E—6   F—2   G—7


Task 2 10 minutes


Objective: Ss can give directions.



Ss read Warming-up Task 2. 

Get Ss to look at the picture of Task 1. 

Ask Ss to work in pairs and tell each other how to find Mike and Jack in the office.  

Ask some Ss to report in class. 

Give the suggested answers.

Suggested answers:

Go through the reception room to the hallway. The first room on your left is the multifunction meeting room. Mike is having a meeting there. Keep going straight along the hallway till you get to the end of it. Jack is working in the last staff office on your left.


New words in Reading A 15 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc..


• Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc.

• Ss read the new words and expressions, etc.


Notes: For a class with higher English proficiency, the teacher may follow the following steps:

• Ss preview the new words and expressions.

• Ss read the new words and expressions.

• Ss dictate several important new words and expressions.

Discussions before Reading A 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc..


• Ss know something about Reading A.

• Ss discuss the following two questions:

1. What are the pros and cons of relying on workplace fashion trends?

2. Before relying on workplace fashion trends, what will you do?

• Comment briefly on their work.


Hours 2-3:


  Reading A     45 minutes   

Language points 35 minutes

Paragraph 1

fit in with: to live, work, etc. in an easy and natural way with someone/something

e.g. He’s never done this type of work before; I’m not sure how he’ll fit in with the other people.

Our national policy fits in with the changed international situation.

reputation: n. the opinion that people have about what someone/something is like, based on what has happened in the past

e.g. The school has a good reputation for examination results.

He earned the reputation of being a hard worker.

trendy: a. showing or following the latest trends of fashion

e.g. My aunt always wears trendy clothes.

   These jeans are quite trendy.

display: v. put something on show; show signs of having

e.g. It is the first time the painting has been displayed to the public.

   Her writing displays natural talent.

caution: n. being careful to avoid danger or mistakes

e.g. You should exercise extreme caution when driving in fog.

   He received a caution for being late this month.

Paragraph 2

pros and cons: the advantages and disadvantages of something

e.g. What comment do you have on the pros and cons of studying abroad?

We weighed up the pros and cons of starting up our own business.

outfit: n. a set of clothes, especially one that you wear for a special occasion

e.g. She was dressed in a white outfit.

On the opening ceremony of the sports meet, all of us wore sports outfits.

The football team members were wearing orange outfits.

compliment: n. a remark that shows you admire someone/something

e.g. Thank you very much for your compliment.

He knew that he had just been paid a great compliment.

She took his acceptance as a great compliment.


Paragraph 3

for instance: for example

e.g. What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing?

His spelling is terrible. For instance, look at this word!

For instance, an electric fire is a relatively expensive method of heating a room.

casual: a. informal

e.g. He was wearing casual clothes, not his school ones.

We don’t like his casual behavior.

professionally: ad. in a professional way

e.g. She started playing golf professionally when she was 16.

   Her voice has been trained professionally.

run into: meet, encounter

e.g. We ran into a patch of thick fog just outside Edinburgh.

    The project is running into financial difficulties.

Paragraph 4

in question: being considered or discussed

e.g. The woman in question is sitting over there.

    The job in question is available for three months only.

setting: n. a set of surroundings; the place at which something happens

e.g. It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas.

People tend to behave differently in different social settings.

The old castle would have provided the perfect setting for a horror story.

hamper: v. prevent the free movement or activity of somebody; hinder somebody/something

e.g. Our progress was hampered by the bad weather.

   The accident hampered the search for the missing child.

productive: a. producing or achieving a lot

e.g. Agriculture and industry both become more productive.

There are a lot of productive workers in this factory.

Paragraph 5

take…into consideration: take account of; consider 

e.g. I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car.

   Your teacher will take your recent illness into consideration when judging your examination results.

Paragraph 6

incorporate: v. to include something so that it forms a part of something else

e.g. Many of your suggestions have been incorporated into the plan.

We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design.

His picture had been incorporated without his permission into an advertisement.


Task 1 5 minutes

Objective: Ss can understand the passage and write the correct order.


• Ss do Task 1.

• Ask Ss to work individually.

• Check the answers.


Suggested Answers:

1. C  2. D  3. B  4. F  5. E     6. A



Task 2 5 minutes

Objective: Ss can decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the passage.


• Ss do Task 2.

• Ask Ss to work individually.

• Check the answers.


Suggested Answers:

1. F  2. F  3. F  4. F  5. T


Language lab 45 minutes

             Task 1 5 minutes

Objective: Ss know the spelling and meaning of the words and expressions from Reading A.


Ss read Task 1.

Allow Ss 5 minutes to do the task.

Check the answers.


Key: 1. J 2. I    3. F   4. H   5. B  6. G 7. D    8. E   9. A   10.C


             Task 2 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can use the words and expressions from Reading A.


Ss do Task 2.

Ask Ss to work individually.

Check the answers.



1. incorporate    2. hampered    3. displayed    4. reputation     5. impartially

6. abused       7. approve      8. violation    9. for instance   10. underlies


             Task 3 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can use the words and expressions from Reading A.


Ss do Task 3.

Ask Ss to work individually.

Check the answers.



1. You can display your company’s products if you go to the trade fair.

2. Despite severe discomfort, she remains actively engaged in helping those in need after the earthquake.

3. We can ensure the safety of the workers if we check the machines carefully.

4. To make sure the plan fits in with our arrangements, you need to have a discussion with him.

5. We have to rely on ourselves to solve the problem because they are very busy for the moment.


             Task 4 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can express ideas in writing using the two models outlined for Task 4.


Read the models to Ss with an explanation if needed.

Ss work in pairs.

Check the answers.



Model 1

1. Before booking a train ticket, you’d better find out if the time suits you.

2. After finishing his paper, he checked his spelling very carefully.

3. He was very sorry for being late for school again.

Model 2

1. What interests the children a lot is that there are many animals in the zoo.

2. What she said at the meeting is that the program will be put off.

3. What Mr. Li was proud of was that his son won in the match.


             Task 5 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can use the vocabulary in Reading A for translation.


Ss work individually or in pairs and translate the sentences.

Ask two Ss to write their translations on the board.

Comment briefly on their work with emphasis on the structures of their sentences.



1. All the company rules and regulations must be strictly observed.

2. We should be casual when we stay with these students.

3. The above-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an office setting.

4. We have a professional team to market our products.

5. Do you know black clothes will be trendy this fall?

6. We would rather rely on ourselves instead of seeking help from others.

7. New vehicles must comply with national standards.

8. Some young people in our company may come to seek your advice.


Hours 4-5:


        Listening 45 minutes

             Task 1 5 minutes

Objective: Ss can accurately write down the missing information.


W: Roy, I shall work out a time to meet with your people to discuss the new project.

M: Do you wish everyone in the department to be there? Wilson is on vacation this week.

W: It would be best if everybody could be there. When will Wilson come back?

M: Next Monday.

W: How about sometime next week?

M: Let me look at the schedule first. I’ll get back to you this afternoon.

W: Thank you.



1. the new project          2. on vacation

3. next Monday            4. the schedule


             Task 2 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can decide whether the statements are true or false.


M: Hi, Shelly, how are you today?

W: Well, I didn’t sleep very well last night. I’m having a slight headache now.

M: I’m sorry to hear that. Hope you’ll be better soon.

W: Thanks. Do you know that a shift-work system is to be introduced next month?

M: Really? How will we be affected?

W: The system will affect everyone in our office. It will be on a two-shift basis—

7 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.

M: I wonder which shift I’ll be working on.

W: Why don’t we go and ask the manager?

M: I shall wait. Actually it doesn’t make any difference which shift I am allocated.



1. T     2. F     3. T     4. F


             Task 3 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can accurately tick off the items according to the conversation.



W: What do you usually wear for work?

M: I don’t need to meet customers too often, so I usually wear very casual clothes in my office, like jeans and T-shirts. I feel more relaxed in that.

W: What do you think of the dressing policies of a company?

M: Well, I think formal business clothes should be worn when meeting with customers and clients at scheduled meetings. That gives people a sense of trust and authority.

W: Yes. By looking neat and smart, we’ll be able to gain the trust of customers.

M: Right. But at other times, staff can wear business casual clothes. This includes dress shirts, collared sports shirts, sweaters or skirts. But shoes should be formal. I suppose casual sandals and slippers are not suitable in the workplace.

W: And I think blue jeans, T-shirts and shorts are far too casual to be accepted in the office.

M: I don’t agree on this. I think casual wear brings a sense of freedom in the office and can inspire us in our job.

W: Maybe you are right.





             Task 4 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can understand the conversation and choose the best answer.



M: A report says that there has been too much water cooler chat in the company recently. I don’t think Mr. Blacksmith will be happy when he reads it.

W: Well, the boss may not like it, but we do. It’s always relaxing to stay at the water cooler and chat for a while. It helps to ease the tension from the workload.

M: Yes, I agree. But haven’t you noticed that some of our workmates are spending too much time chatting around the water cooler?

W: You are right. I guess we need to come back to work once we finish our cup of coffee or tea.

M: I don’t want our nice and pleasant water cooler chats to ever get the boss angry.

W: Neither do I. I think the point is that we keep chatting at the water cooler until it is too long.

M: Yes. Otherwise we might drink too much water and spend a lot of time in the bathroom!

W: You bet!


Q1: Who is Mr. Blacksmith?

Q2: What does the woman think of the water cooler chat?

Q3: Which of the following statements is true according to the conversation?

Q4: What are the attitudes of the man and the woman toward the recent water cooler chatting in the company?



1. A     2. B     3. B     4. C


             Task 5 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can find specific information from listening to a passage related to the theme.

Script & Key:


We all know that communication is the key to a healthy relationship in and out of work. Dealing with people can be very annoying, because each of us has a different view on life and how things ought to be. Try your best to speak to your boss, but in a polite and respectful way. Always remember that a good job is hard to find and one should be professional under all situations.

Another brilliant way of dealing with your boss is by studying him. Notice the signals he or she sends; pick up on body language as well as spoken language. Figure out your boss’s agenda. Then, you’ll be able to read your boss better, understand what he or she is telling you and decide the best course of action. And don’t be afraid to ask your co-workers for help.

Get yourself ready to help in the work, and always look on the positive side of things. If your boss says he or she needs something done, don’t say, “That’s impossible.” Say, “I’m on it.” If you were in your boss’s position, wouldn’t you want someone telling you that they’re on board and ready to help?

Speaking 45 minutes

Task 6 20minutes

Objective: Ss can complete information by practicing.

Suggested Answer:

1. A: When can we have a meeting to discuss the new project?

B: Let me check my schedule first. I will call you later.

2. A: Hi, Shelly. Why do you look tired?

   B: Well, I work the night shift this week, which is from 10 at night till6 in the morning.

3. A: What do you usually wear for week?

B: I wear casual clothes, like jeans and T-shirts.

4. A: Why do office workers like water cooler chat?

   B: For me, it helps to ease the tension from the workload.

5. A: What is the dress code of our company? You know, I’m a newcomer…

   B: All employees are supposed to wear formal business clothes.


             Task 7 25 minutes

Objective: Ss are able to practice showing a new colleague around the office (and the other as a newcomer) with the useful expressions.


Ss read Task 7.

Ss work in pairs, one showing a new colleague around the office and the other as a newcomer.


Key: (Omitted)


Hours 6-7:


        Reading B   45 minutes

             New words   5 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.


• Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc.

• Ss read the new words and expressions, etc.


             Fast reading       20 minutes

Objective: Ss can comprehend Reading B.


Ss read the passage.

Provide help if needed.


             Task 1   10 minutes

Objective: Ss can decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the passage.


Ss read the passage.

Ss complete the task.

Ss compare their work with others.

Select Ss to present their work.


Key: 1. F    2. F    3. T    4. F    5. T


             Task 2   10 minutes

Objective: Ss can comprehend the specific information taken from the passage.


Ss read the passage.

Ss complete the task.

Ss compare their work with others.

Select Ss to present their work.



1. N    2. R    3. N    4. R    5. R


        Writing   45 minutes

             Task 1   15 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the style of notice.


Ss do the task individually.

Ss compare with each other’s answers.

Provide help if needed.

Present the answers.


Key: 53412



Kindly note that our Healthcare Center will be relocated to the following address with effect from September 1, 2009.

New address: 909 J 2nd Street North,


New York

Telephone numbers and fax numbers remain unchanged.

Thanks for your kind attention and continuous support.


             Task 2   15 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the style of notice.


Ss do the task individually.

Ss compare with each other’s answers.

Provide help if needed.

Present the answers.






Please be informed that Office Safety Training will be conducted from 2:30 to 4:30 this Friday afternoon in Conference Room 109.

All staff are required to come. Handouts will be available after the section.

                                                    Jacky Tam

                                                   Office Manager

July 15, 2014 


             Task 3                                   15 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the style of notice.


Ss do the task individually.

Ss compare with each other’s answers.

Provide help if needed.

Present the answers.




Please be informed that a three-day sightseeing trip will be arranged for all the staff in our company.

Time: May 28—May 30, 2010

Destination: Guilin, Guangxi Province

Itinerary: May 28 evening Train to Guilin, Guangxi Province

May 29 morning City tour in Guilin

May 29 afternoon Cruise on Lijiang River

May 29 evening Free time in Yangshuo

May 30 morning Train back

Accommodation: Three-star hotels

Transportation: Train, bus and cruiser

Trip Fare: Covered by the company

Others: No family members allowed

Those who will participate please confirm with me before May 20, 2010.


Office Supervisor

May 15, 2014

Hour 8:


       Mini-Project   40 minutes

Objective: Ss can know how to hold a party.


• Grouping. Divide the class into groups. There are several ways: Ss pick up their own partners; Teachers group fast learners with slow learners; Ss find their partners by drawing lots.

• Defining the project. Go through the project with the class and clarify requirements. They may search online for information on how to do the preparations.

• Timing & cooperation. Give Ss the deadline for completion and guidelines on working together. Time management and job division are likely to be serious problems at the beginning, where basic instructions from the teacher should come in. As Ss get used to the Mini-project, they will become more experienced. Remind them that different Ss have different work but everybody contributes to the project. They discuss first and then decide who will do what.

• Presentation. Ss present their evidence for completion. In this project, they need to present their preparations to the class. Ask Ss to rehearse before giving performance in class.


       Quiz   5 minutes