


发布时间:2018-03-03 21:42   发布人:丁琪   浏览次数:426

Unit 1--lesson 1

  Factory Tour

1. Pre-viewing

Step 1. New words and Expressions

Step 2. Discuss the following questions: what are these logos? Which company do they belong to?

2. Viewing

Step 1. Watch the video and fill in the following blanks.

Step 2. Watch the video again and find out how long each part of the factory tour will last.

3. Post-viewing

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

Unit 1-lesson 2

Video 2   Factory Tour

1. Pre-viewing

Step1: New Words and Expressions

Step2: Could you list some instant foods? Do you like them? Why or why not?

Step 3:Read the following chart to have a rough idea of the video.


Step1. Watch the video. As you watch, rearrange the producing procedure in the correct order.

Step2. Correct the answers.

Step3.Watch the video again, and fill in the blanks.

3. Post-viewing

 Retell the story

Unit 2 -- lesson 3

 Exhibiting at Trade Fairs

1. Pre-viewing

Step 1. New words and Expressions

Step 2. Read the following chart to have a rough idea of the video.

2. Viewing

Step 1. Watch the video and identify who is the speaker of each of the following sentences.

Step 2. Correct the answers.

Step3. Watch the video again and choose the correct answer to each question.

3. Post-viewing

Work in groups. Here are seven steps considered important for planning a trade show. Rank the importance. Exchange ideas and give explanations to your group members.

Unit2- lesson 4

A Trade Fair

1. Pre-viewing

Step1. New Words and Expressions

Statistics; booth; delegate; profile; promotional literature; deadline

Step 2.  Read the following chart to have a rough idea of the video.


Step1. Watch the video. As you watch, write down the questions James Goldman asked.

Step2. Correct the answers.

Step3.Watch the video again, and choose the correct answer to each question.

3. Post-viewing

 Retell the story



 Enquiring about price

1. Pre-viewing

Step 1. New words and Expressions

Step 2. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.

2. Viewing

Step 1. Watch the video and pay attention to what Jacques says and fill in the blanks.

Step 2. Watch the video again. This time please pay attention to what Rocky says and fill in the blanks.

3. Post-viewing

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.


Video 2  Commission in business

1. Pre-viewing

Step1: New Words and Expressions

Step 2. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.


Step1. Watch the video and choose the best answer to each question.

Step2. Correct the answers.

Step3.Watch the video again, think over and discuss what role commission plays in business.

3. Post-viewing

 Retell the story



 Price negotiation

1. Pre-viewing

Step 1. New words and Expressions

Step 2. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.

2. Viewing

Step 1. Watch the video and pay attention to the way of negotiating of the two sides. Then choose the correct answer to each question.

Step 2. Watch the video again and fill in the chart.

3. Post-viewing

Work in small groups. If you encountered each of these people in a negotiation, what would you think of them? Discuss some skills and techniques that can be used in such negotiations.

Unit 4

 Negotiating Price and commission

1. Pre-viewing

Step1: New Words and Expressions

Step 2. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.


Step1. Watch the video carefully. Make brief notes on the content of the dialogue, and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

Step2. Correct the answers.

Step3.Watch the video again. Pay attention to the expressions used in the negotiation and complete the chart below.

3. Post-viewing

 Retell the story

Unit 4-lesson 8

Role Play by groups on price negotiation and giving marks

Unit 5-lesson 9

 modifying an order

1. Pre-viewing

Step 1. New words and Expressions

Step 2. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.

2. Viewing

Watch the video and pay attention to the modifications the importer wants to make as well as the response of the exporter, and fill in the blanks.

3. Post-viewing

Work in small groups. Discuss the functions of packaging in transcontinental trade.

Unit 5-lesson10

Video 2  confirming a contract

1. Pre-viewing

Step1: New Words and Expressions

Step 2. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.


Step1. Watch the video and complete the sales contract below.

Step2. Correct the answers.

3. Post-viewing

  Discuss with your partner about the importance of accuracy and clarity in the placing of an order.


 modifying an order

1. Pre-viewing

Step 1. New words and Expressions

Step 2. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.

2. Viewing

Watch the video and pay attention to the modifications the importer wants to make as well as the response of the exporter, and fill in the blanks.

3. Post-viewing

Work in small groups. Discuss the functions of packaging in transcontinental trade.

Unit 6-lesson12

Video 2  confirming a contract

1. Pre-viewing

Step1: New Words and Expressions

Step 2. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.


Step1. Watch the video and complete the sales contract below.

Step2. Correct the answers.

3. Post-viewing

  Discuss with your partner about the importance of accuracy and clarity in the placing of an order.

Unit 6-lesson 13


unit 7- lesson14

Step 1. New words and Expressions

Step 2. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.

2. Viewing

1. Watch the video. Note down the disagreement between Mr. Hall and Mr. Aubery on the matter of delivery time.

2. Watch the video again and fill in the blanks.

3. Post-viewing

Work in pairs. Suppose you are the seller and the buyer respectively. Make up a dialogue according to the following situation.

Unit 7-lesson15

 Dealing with a wrong delivery

1. Pre-viewing

Step1: New Words and Expressions

Step 2. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.


Step1. Watch the video. Note down the reasons for the wrong delivery and solution to the mistake.

Step2. Watch the video again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

3. Post-viewing

 Retell the story.

Unit 8-lesson 16


entertaining claims

1. Pre-viewing

Step 1. New words and Expressions

Step 2. Discuss: what should be the sell make sure before entertaining a claim?

Step 3. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.

2. Viewing

1. Watch the video. Pay attention to the negotiation between Mr. Carlos and Mr. Lin, and complete the table below.

2. Watch the video again. Stop each time when Mr. Carlos raises a question about the claim and repeat the sentences.

3. Post-viewing

Work in pairs. One of you plays the role of seller and the other plays the role of buyer. Make up a dialogue according to the following situation.


Video 2 Refusing a claim

1. Pre-viewing

Step1: New Words and Expressions

Step 2. Discuss: why are some claims refused?

Step3. Look at the following pictures to have a rough idea of the video.


Step1. Watch the video and fill in the note below.

Step2. Watch the video again and answer the following questions.

3. Post-viewing

 Retell the story.

Unit 9-lesson 18



1. Pre-viewing

Step 1. New words and Expressions

Step 2. Discuss the following questions: How many marketing strategies you know?

2. Viewing

Step 1. Watch the video and fill in the following blanks.

Step 2. Watch the video again and find out answer.

3. Post-viewing

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

Unit 9-lesson 19

Video 2  

1. Pre-viewing

Step1: New Words and Expressions

Step2: Give marketing plans, describe marketing results and make marketing prediction

Step 3:Read the following chart to have a rough idea of the video.


Step1. Watch the video. As you watch, rearrange the producing procedure in the correct order.

Step2. Correct the answers.

Step3.Watch the video again, and fill in the blanks.

3. Post-viewing

 Retell the story

Unit 9-lesson 20

Role-play and valuation

Unit 10-lesson21


1. Pre-viewing

Step 1. New words and Expressions

Step 2. Discuss the fundamentals of advertising

2. Viewing

Step 1. Watch the video and fill in the following blanks.

Step 2. Watch the video again and find out answer.

3. Post-viewing

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

Unit 10-lesson 22

Video 2  

1. Pre-viewing

Step1: New Words and Expressions

Step2: Could you list some famous advertising in your mind? Why is it so impressive?

Step 3:Read the following chart to have a rough idea of the video.


Step1. Watch the video. As you watch, rearrange the producing procedure in the correct order.

Step2. Correct the answers.

Step3.Watch the video again, and fill in the blanks.

3. Post-viewing

 Retell the story

Unit 10- lesson 23

Role -play on learned lesson and giving marks to Ss'work