


发布时间:2019-01-03 15:34   发布人:仪秀芳   浏览次数:1836

After Reading


1. Useful Expressions

1. plot out                                                          遮蔽

2. plunge into                                                   使陷入

3. Kamikaze attack                                          自杀性袭击

4. think back on/to                                          回顾

5. in crystal detail                                            详细(清晰)地

6. in the aftermath of                                       刚结束之后,紧跟着

7. a handful of people                                    几个人

8. sap one's strength and hope                  消耗力量

9. a particular explosive coup                      一场特别猛烈的政变

10. in convoy                                                    结队(而行)

11. point fingers at                                          指责

12. round up                                                     围捕

13. bring down                                                 使倒下,击落;降低

14. fade the memory of                                  记忆

15. mourn the thousands who perished   哀悼数千名死者

16. a thin silver of history                              历史薄薄的一页

17. in / within the space of                                   期间内

18. fill / step into sb.’s shoes                        接替某人的职位

19. remain haunted by                                   无法摆脱

20. pick at                                                          触摸,轻轻拉扯

21. revolve around                                          围绕旋转

22. cling to                                                  粘住,抱紧,坚持



2. Sentence Translation


1. But bluster is not remembrance. We must take clear stock of where we are and what we must do, for much has been lost over these last seven years.



2. The UN nations joined in collective effort to identify and track down those committed to terror.



3. But rather than staying focused on that threat, America chose instead to invade Iraq, driven by the hubris, fears and grudges of the Bush administration.



4. And in fact we’re a long way from a “victory” in Iraq, if that is defined as President Bush and John McCain say, as leaving behind a stable, democratic government that is a secure American ally.



5. 早晨的咖啡还没有凉,我们最宏伟的幻想却已被粉碎。

 (=The morning coffee was still cooling when our grandest illusion was shattered.)


6. 天暗之前,已有不太准确的报道,称愤怒的美国正对喀布尔采取连续不断的报复行动。

 (=Before dusk, there were inaccurate reports that an angry America was raining revenge on Kabul.)


7. 早在那两架波音飞机撞倒双子塔之前很久,诗人珀西·比希·莱就写道悲伤一年一次轮回。纽约也是这样

 (=Long before the Boeings brought down the towers, poet Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote “grief returns with the revolving year.” So it is with New York.)


8. 尘土刺痛了前来送别的伤心欲绝的人们的双眼,粘在他们的泪水中。

 (=The dust stung the eyes and clung to the tears of the brokenhearted who came to say farewell.)



3. Discussion  

(Directions:)  Discuss and list the possible causes, targets, forms of the terrorism.

Causes political oppression, cultural domination, economic exploitation, ethnic discrimination, religious persecution













Terrorism often targets innocent civilians in order to create an atmosphere of fear, intimidation, and insecurity. Some terrorists deliberately direct attacks against large numbers of ordinary citizens who simply happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

More selective terrorist attacks target diplomats and diplomatic facilities such as embassies and consulates; military personnel and military bases; business executives and corporate offices; and transportation vehicles and facilities, such as airlines and airports, trains and train  stations, buses and bus terminals, and subways. Terrorist attacks on buildings or other inanimate targets often serve a symbolic purpose: They are intended more to draw attention to the terrorists and their cause than to destroy property or kill and injure persons, although death and destruction nevertheless often result.


( Keys: innocent civilians, diplomats and diplomatic facilities, military personnel and bases, business executives and corporate offices, transportation vehicles and facilities )



Bombing Shooting Hijacking and Skyjacking Biological Weapons   Nuclear Weapons   Suicide Attacks  Assassination  Kidnappings and Hostage-Takings

4. Debate

(Directions:) Two groups of people are divided on the topic How we should fight against international terrorism.


 Now prepare and debate by taking the following steps:

Step 1        Form teams

Make teams of four people. Half of the teams will take the side of Group A and the other half Group B.

Step 2     Have a pre-debate discussion

 Prepare your arguments and supporting facts by the information discussed

Step 3      Hold the debate

The debate begins between the two teams having contrary views. It will go on until one side fails to respond.



                      How Should We Fight Against International Terrorism?




Group A

Group B








Group A

Topic: Terrorism is equivalent to the use of violence. All we   have to do is resorting to arms, meeting violence with violence.

 Tips: We insist   that…

       There is no possibility that…

       We intend to…



Group   B

Topic: Before we can   put a stop to terrorism we must first try to discover its causes and then do   something to get rid of them.

Tips:  We think you should…

         Why not…?

We suggest…











##5.  Writing Practice        


Writing a proposition


1.    Brief Introduction


The purpose of persuasion or argumentation is to convince readers that a particular opinion or point of view is the right one. It is to persuade someone to think something, to feel something or to do something that they might not have thought, felt, or done before.

     Argumentative essay comprises paragraphs that lay out an argument. In such a paragraph, your topic sentence is a proposition. The proposition states your position on an issue. The proposition must


 * be arguable — in other words, an idea you can support with reasons;

 * be an opinion;

 * deal with a single point;

 * not be a fact;

 * be limited enough to be discussed in one paragraph.


Note that modals such as should, ought to and must help you state a strong proposition.



2.    An Example

   Which of the following can be used as a proposition?

A. Ali stared silently at the big-screen television while the World Trade Center buckled and crumbled.

B. We must not equate Muslims with terrorists.


(Key: B)


3. Homework

Directions: Write an essay based on the title How We Should Combat Terrorism



How We Should Combat Terrorism

  In my opinion, we need to be both tough on terrorism and tough on the causes of terrorism. Let us take the second point first. It is sometimes said that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter. There is obviously an element of truth in this, for while the events of September 11 clearly shocked the West, in a number of Muslim countries opinion was more divided. There were many viewed the United States as an enemy that deserved to be attacked. Much of this hostility springs from America’s support for Israel and could be diminished through a successful effort to end the Arab-Israeli conflict.

     Could, then, eliminating the underlying causes eliminate all terrorism? This seems doubtful. A world without conflicting interests seems a pleasant dream, but a dream nonetheless. There will always be people with a grievance and people heartless enough to pursue their grievance through taking innocent lives. This means that we will need to continue to be on our guard and ready to take forceful measures to confront terrorism. 


6. Talk about the Pictures


7. Proverbs and Quotations

1.    A man is not so soon healed as hurt.


2.    It is not work that kills, but worry.


3.    Misfortune tells us what fortune is.


4.    No government can be long secure without a formidable apposition.

Benjamin Disraeli, British Statesman


                      英国政治家  本杰明·狄斯雷列

5. The administration of justice is the firmest pillar of government.

                George Washington, American president


美国总统    乔治·华盛顿

6. The government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.

                             Abraham Lincoln, American President


                            美国总统   亚伯拉罕·林肯