


发布时间:2019-01-03 15:10   发布人:仪秀芳   浏览次数:724

Detailed Reading

1. Difficult Sentences

For my own part I find … the more they puzzle me.

  1.What does “for my own part” mean?

  (=It means as far as I am concerned.)

  2.Translate this sentence into Chinese.



Unless I had heard the story from his own lips, … capable of such an action.

  Paraphrase this sentence.

  (=If I hadn’t heard the story told by himself, I should never have believed that he could do such a thing. This is a subjunctive mood.)


Here if ever was a man all of a piece.

   1. Paraphrase this sentence.

   (=Here if there ever was a man who is the same as he looks like.)

   2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.



He played a good game and a generous one.

   Paraphrase the sentence.

   (=He played well and did it in a graceful way.)


5… he could tell with point a good … something of an athlete.

   1. What can we infer from this part?

   (=We know this guy was quite humorous and easy-going. The second sentence implies he looked healthy. Short and small as he is, he does not look morbid. All his things depict a good and kind elderly man.)

   2. Translate this part into Chinese.



He stroked his shaven chin with his thin hand; … almost transparent.

    1. What can we infer from this sentence?

    (=He was very frail. His appearance suggests no hurt. This description of his hand is a proof of what has been mentioned in LL.34-36 that he was very frail and could easily arouse others’ instincts of protection and seemed to be a man who would not bear to hurt a fly.)

2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.



I suppose that is why he came to me when … a namesake of mine.

   1. Analyze the structure of this sentence.

   (=I suppose 后接宾语从句;从句中的主语为that; that and the fact 为前一个that 的同位语用来进行补充说明。也就是说,他来找我的原因有二:一是that(两个that 指代的是相同的事件) 二是the fact that.)

   2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.



I got some glimmering of what … at their university to be impressed by it.

  Translate this sentence into Chinese.



But I needn’t have hurried; he never turned up.

    What does the sentence imply?

   (=He (Burton) was evil-minded and cold-blooded, had no sympathy at all.)


Well, I hadn’t got a vacancy in my office at the moment.

    What does the sentence imply?

    (=He’d never taken seriously the friend’s need for help, or actually he had never thought of giving his poor friend a hand.)



2. Words and Expressions

definite: adj. clear; that can’t be doubted


=We demand a definite answer.

* It’s definite that he’ll come.



 a definite success          绝对的成功

 definite period of time       确切的时间


CF: definite & definitive


definite 表示某事界限分明,以至于就其意义或范围不会产生任何疑问、误解。例如

        * The doctor is quite definite about the patient having developed a lung cancer. 医生非常肯定病人是患了肺癌。

         * The chairman asked the speaker to be more definite in his statements. 主席让发言的人把话说得更明确些。

definitive 表示某事确定、明确无误常含决定性的最后的意思。例如

          * This is a definitive judicial decision by the Supreme Court.                 这是最高法院的最终判决。

          * She has written a definitive biography of Byron.                她写了一本很具权威性的拜伦传。


wrinkle: vt. tighten the skin of the face into lines or folds

* The woman was fifty, but looked sixty. Her cheeks were sunken and her skin was wrinkled and yellow.


(=He wrinkled (up) his nose at the bad smell.)


in accordance with: in agreement or harmony with

    (=Students will be criticized or punished if their behavior is not in accordance with school regulations.)


=I sold the house, in accordance with your orders.



in accordance with the principle of consultation on an equal footing          根据平等协商的原则


spicy: adj. exciting, esp. because of being slightly indecent;      

containing or tasting like spice


(=You can often read spicy stories about film stars in the local newspapers.)

   * People from Sichuan province like to eat spicy food.


instinct: n. a tendency that one is born with to behave in a certain way without reasoning or training 

   *Some animals hunt by instinct.


   =Trust your instincts and do what you think is right.


clap: v. strike (the inner surface of one’s hands) together

 * The teacher clapped her hands to attract the class’s attention.

    * The audience clapped enthusiastically as the singer stepped on to the stage.


sip: v. drink (sth.), taking a very small amount each time

*She sipped politely at her drink.


=He sipped the glass dry.


   Pattern: sip (at/from) sth.


in a way: to a certain extent but not entirely

 (=I agree with you in a way, but there are still some areas on which I can’t see eye to eye with you.)

   * The work is well done in a way.


stroke: vt. pass the hand gently over (a surface), usu. several times

* At the sight of her husband getting off the train, the woman walked forward and embraced him and gently stroked his white hair.

* I reached out and stroked the baby’s cheek tenderly.


shave: vt. cut or scrape thin slices from the surface of;

vi. cut (hair) off one’s face, etc. with a razor

* In the Qing dynasty men shaved the front of the head and wore the hair at the back tied in a queue or pigtail.

   * He washed and shaved, then hurried out of the house.


transparent: adj. allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be seen clearly

 (=The cup is made of transparent colored plastic.)

* Her silk dress was almost transparent.


go broke: have no money; go bankrupt


(=Many multinational companies went broke during the financial crisis, not to speak of small businesses.)

   * He invested all his money in stocks; unfortunately he made one wrong choice after another and finally went broke.


 stick to: refuse to abandon or change (sth.)

* The mother asked her son just to tell the cops what he saw and stick to his story.

* The old man stuck to jogging every morning although he was eighty years old.



stick to one’s word      遵守诺言

stick to the point      紧扣要点


commit: vt. do (sth. illegal or wrong)

=*It is illegal to commit violations of the copyright.

     *The man was suspected of committing murder.


drive at: be trying to say


(=I have no idea what you’re driving at.)

* The teacher didn’t mention the word “cheating” but I knew what he was driving at.


NB: ing形式表示非正式



1. n. continuous flow of water or air in a particular direction

 (=Under normal conditions, the ocean currents of the tropical Pacific travel from east to west.)

*Swimming against the current is energy-consuming.         

2. adj. of the present time; happening now

* The current situation in this area is quite different from that in the 1990s.


(=He doesn’t like the current job, and is planning to quit it.)



current fashions             时装

current events               时事

current prices                      现价


be taken aback: be shocked or surprised

* He was taken aback when a woman answered the phone.


   (=I was taken aback when I found my computer was gone.)


in bad/good condition: in bad/good health

 (=In spite of the surgery he is still in bad condition.)

* The car is in very good condition.


turn up: arrive; make one’s appearance

* He didn’t turn up until the end of the examination.


   (=She turns up late for everything.)


funk: vt. (infml) avoid because of fear

* He was given a chance of taking part in the speech contest, but funked it.

* He promised to climb the mountain with us, but he funked it at the last moment.



funk water          怕水

funk riding a horse  怕骑马


constitution: n. condition of a person’s body with regard to health, strength, etc.

*A boxer must have a strong constitution.

*Having been ill for several years, he has a particularly fragile constitution.



an old man with a weak constitution           一位体弱的老人

build up a strong (tough) constitution          练出强健的体格


trifle: n. a thing, a matter or an activity that has little value or               importance


 (=My daughter always wastes her money on trifles.)

   (=The couple often quarreled about some petty trifle connected with the housework.)

Phrasea trifleslightly 

 * George was a trifle awkward with girls but fond of dancing.

* She was a trifle breathless after the run.


candid: adj. not hiding one’s thoughts; frank and honest


 (=Let me be absolutely candid with you: your work is not good enough.)

    * Nancy is candid about the problems she is having with Steve.


Pattern: be candid about/with


a candid opinion              直言


CF: candid, frank & open



* To be candid with you, your son is not trustworthy. 不瞒你说你儿子是靠不住的。

* The politician promised to be candid, but we wondered. 那位政治家曾答应要做到坦率公正但我们对此感到怀疑。


* He gave a very frank reply. 他坦率地作了答复。

* To be frank with you, I don’t know what you are talking about. 老实讲我不知道你们在谈些什么。


* She is a very friendly, open person. 她是个非常友好、坦率的人。

* She told her troubles with an open heart. 她坦率地说出了自己的困难。


rub: vt. move one’s hand, an object, etc. backwards and forwards repeatedly on a surface while pressing


(=She bent over and rubbed her sore ankle.)

    * He looked tired and sat rubbing his eyes.


vacancy: n. unfilled position or post


(=The company has a vacancy in the accounts department.)

 (=There are three vacancies in this apartment house.)