


发布时间:2019-01-03 14:49   发布人:仪秀芳   浏览次数:495

After Reading

1. Useful Expressions

计算机革命                                        the computer revolution

制造业                                               manufacturing industry

长途司机                                        long-distance driver

被严重低估                                        be grossly underestimated

威胁生命的重大隐患                          life-threatening hazard

解决问题                                           cure the problem

积极的影响                                        a positive impact

与无线电信号调谐                             be tuned to radio signals

在任何一个特定时间                          at any given time

量子理论法则                                    the laws of the quantum theory

精确的频率                                        precise frequency

发出无线电信号                                 send out a radio signal

换算出                                               be converted into

导航能力                                           navigational capability

几乎无限                                           virtually limitless

手杖                                                  walking sticks

       遥控                                                 remote control

潜在的应用                                        potential use / application

要求                                                  call for

完全控制                                           take complete control of

被编成组                                           be bunched into groups

一齐行驶                                           travel in union

对环保有利                                        environmental boon


2. Listening Practice

(Directions:) Listen to a passage about Computer Recycling and fill in the blanks where needed.

Millions of personal computers are sold every day in theUnited States. They are ____(1) millions of other older computers. Experts say that within two years, more than fifty-million computers will no longer be used in theUnited Statesalone. Local, state and federal officials are trying to find ways to deal with these old computers. They say some of the parts contain lead and other dangerous ____(2) that could be harmful to people and the environment.

The National Safety Council says twenty-four-million computers in theUnited Stateswere retired last year. Yet, it says only about three-million of those were reused or____(3). The remaining twenty-one-million computers were kept in storage, shipped to foreign markets or thrown away in public landfills.

But experts say computers should not be thrown away in public________(4). They say harmful chemicals from computers can mix with other liquids in landfills. In some cases, these liquids go into the soil and threaten ground water.

Most people do not know about the dangerous substances in their computers. The computer screen, or monitor, contains about three kilograms of lead. _________________________________________(5)

Computers contain other harmful metals. Computer switches, batteries and wiring are made with small amounts of mercury and cadmium ().

Officials in charge of waste say a system is needed to collect old computers for reuse or recycling. But the electronics recycling industry is new and small. _________________________________________(6). The Environmental Protection Agency now requires large companies to follow rules for dealing with old computers. But recycling industry officials say many businesses fail to obey them. And small businesses and homes in most states are not included in the rules.

(key: 1. replacing      2. substances    3. recycled   4. landfills    

5. Lead is widely known to cause central nervous system problems in people, especially children.

6. Industry officials say they lack the support needed to deal with the large number of computers.)


3 Discussion

(Directions:) Design your own ideal car of the future.

Tips:      lead-free petroleum

              environmentally friendly


              develop new fuels



4. Talk about Pictures


5. Writing Practice