


发布时间:2019-01-03 14:49   发布人:仪秀芳   浏览次数:547

1.    A Brief Introduction

The résumé is a tool with one specific purpose: to win an interview. If it does what the fantasy résumé did, it works. If it doesn't, it isn't an effective résumé. A résumé is an advertisement, nothing more, nothing less.

Here are a few guidelines on writing a winning résumé.

The résumé is visually enticing, a work of art. Simple clean structure. Symmetrical, balanced and easy to read. As much white space between sections of writing as possible; sections of writing that are no longer than six lines, and shorter if possible.

All the basic, expected information is included. A résumé must have the following key information: your name, address, phone number, and your email address at the top of the first page, a listing of jobs held, in reverse chronological order, educational degrees including the highest degree received, in reverse chronological order.

It is targeted. A resume should be targeted to your goal, to the ideal next step in your career. First you should get clear what your job goal is, what the ideal position or positions would be. Then you should figure out what key skills, areas of expertise or body of experience the employer will be looking for in the candidate.

Use power words. For every skill, accomplishment, or job described, use the most active impressive verb you can think of (which is also accurate). Begin the sentence with this verb, except when you must vary the sentence structure to avoid repetitious writing.

There are absolutely no errors. No typographical errors. No spelling errors. No grammar, syntax, or punctuation errors. No errors of fact.


2. Homework

Clarke Hooper is advertising for graduates. Read the advertisement carefully, then prepare the resume that you would send to Michelle Hocking. You may invent as many details as you wish.


Not your degree, this ad. Got your     attention though, didn’t it? And that’s our business. Promotional marketing     involves everything from sales promotion to product launches, direct     marketing to design. All of it involves grabbing people’s attention. If you’re     interested in becoming an account handler, and you think you’re capable of     the kind of ideas that stand out in an increasingly media literate society,     send your resume to Michelle Hocking at the address below.


Check out our work and who we do it for     at www.chc.co.uk. You’ll find more     detail about what we expect from graduates at www.chc.co.uk/gradrecruitment.     Whilst you’re there you’ll also find the questionnaire we’ll be asking the     best applicants to complete. If you want to get our attention, it might be     a good idea to complete it now, and send it in with your resume.


Clarke Hooper, St. Laurence Way, Slough, Berkshire, SL 12 BW.

E-mail: michelle@cgc.co.uk



















3. Sample


       Terry Tang

       52 Hanvor Street

       Edinburg EH2 5LM


       Phone: 0131 449 0237

       E-mail: TerryTang@hotmail.net



20022004   London Chamber of Commerce and Industry

                            Diploma in Public Relations

       19992002   University of London

                            BA in journalism and Media Studies

Professional Experiences

       2005present      Public Relations Office, Scottish Nature Trust

                            Responsible for writing articles on all aspects of Trustee’s activities

       20022005   Press Office, Highlands Tourist Board

                            Preparation of promotional materials and brochures

       2001             The Glasgow Tribune newspaper

       2000             Two three-month training periods as assistant to the Sports Editor


       IT                  Office 2007, Excel, Internet, PowerPoint

       Language      Fluent German and proficient in French

       Additional     Driving license


       Cross-country skiing, rock climbing and swimming

       Activities for disabled children


6. Sentence Translation

1. Should you make a serious driving mistake (e.g., change lanes when there is a car in your "blind spot"), the computer would sound an immediate warning.



2. Cars will be bunched into groups of ten to twelve vehicles, only six feet apart, traveling in unison, and controlled by computer.



3. This could prove to be an environmental boon as well, saving fuel, reducing traffic jams, decreasing air pollution, and serving as an alternative to highway expansion.



4. 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。

(The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century.)


5. 随着微芯片价格的大幅度下降,未来对全球卫星定位系统的应用几乎是无限的。

(With the price of microchips dropping so dramatically, future applications of GPS are virtually limitless.)


6. 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。

(The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century.  )


7. 在汽车事故中死亡或严重受伤的人数太多,我们已经不屑在报纸上提及。

(The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore.)


7. Proverbs and Quotations

1. Activity is the only road to knowledge.


2.    Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light.


3.    Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.


4.    The foundation of knowledge must be laid by reading. General principles must come from books, which, however, must be brought to the test of real life.

—Samuel Johnson, British writer


                                          —英国作家 S. 约翰逊

5.  Imagination is more important than knowledge.

—Albert Einstein, American Scientist


                                          —美国科学家  A. 爱因斯坦