


发布时间:2019-01-03 14:36   发布人:仪秀芳   浏览次数:1176

Detailed Reading

1. Difficult Sentences

1. (L. 4) But he was not prepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscow –

the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter.

1. Analyze the structure of the sentence.

 ( = “that met him in Moscow” is an attributive clause modifying “ the devastating enemy” while “the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter” is in apposition to “ the devastating enemy”.

2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.



2. (LL. 10~11) Hitler expected a short campaign but, like Napoleon before him, was taught a painful lesson.

What does this sentence imply?

(= It implies that Hitler’s Russian campaign still ended in failure. )


3. (LL. 11 )  The Russian winter again came to the aid of the Soviet soldiers.

Paraphrase the sentence.

   (= The Russian winter at last helped the soviet soldiers to fight off their enemy.)


4. (LL. 16~17 )  Napoleon, confident of a quick victory, predicted the conquest ofRussiain five weeks.

1.    What’s the function of “confident of a quick victory” in the sentence?

(= It is an adjective phrase, which serves as an adverbial modifier(状语),indicating the cause.)

2.    What can you infer from the sentence about Napoleon’s characters?

 (= He is self-confident, but too proud.)


5. ( LL 21~23) The Grand Army followed, but its advance march soon became bogged

down by slow-moving supply lines.

1. What is the meaning of “became bogged down ”?

(= become/be/get bogged down: be unable to make progress.

*Most of the tanks were bogged down because of mechanical defects and inexperienced crews.

*The local government got bogged down in problems of how to handle the emission of hazardous chemicals by industrial facilities.)

2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.

(= 大军紧追不舍,但它的长驱直入很快由于粮草运输缓慢而停顿下来。)


6. (LL. 38~41)  Napoleon offered a truce to Alexander I, but the Russian czar knew he could bide his time: “We shall let the Russian winter fight the war for us.

1.    Paraphrase “offered a truce” and “ bide his time” .

(= “offer a truce” means “offer an agreement to stop fighting.” “bide his time” means” wait patiently for a chance”.)

2.    Why did the Russian czar say “We shall let the Russian winter fight the war for us”?

(= Because the Russian winter was raw, better, bleak and the Grand Army supply lines moved slowly, the Russian czar was confident that they would defeat the Grand army.)

7. (L. 52~53) ) At the Berezina River, the Russians nearly trapped the retreating French by burning the bridges over the swollen river.

1. Paraphrase the phrase “the swollen river”.

(= the swollen river: the rising river.)

2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.


8.  (L. 71~72) Caught off guard by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to “scorch the earth” in front of the German invaders. 

1.    What’s the meaning of “caught off guard”?

(= catch off guard: take sb. by surprise

* The invitation to his wedding caught me off guard.

*The manager didn’t know what to say. It was clear that my question had caught him off guard.)

2.    Why did Stalin instruct the Russian people to “ scorch the earth “?

(=In this way, Hitler’s army couldn’t get any supply.)

    3. What is the meaning of this sentence in Chinese ?

(= 苏联领导人约瑟夫·斯大林被打了个措手不及,他指示全国人民在德国入        侵者到来之前实行焦土政策。)

9. (L.102) The loss of the battle for Stalingrad finally turned the tide against Hitler.

.    Paraphrase the sentence.

     (= In Hitler’s Russian campaign, the battle for Stalingrad was a turning point,   from which German troops became weak and was at a dilemma.)


## 2. Words and Expressions

1. (L 5) raw: adj. cold and wet; not cooked, refined, processed, organized or analyzed

         *The event took place on a raw February morning.


(=This cutting board is only used to cut raw meat.

*Raw materials are the natural substances from which industrial products are made.


2. (L 7) launch: vt.

1) start

     * Beginning in the early 1960s, humans launched probes to explore other planets.


(=This computer company launches a new product this year.

2) send (sth.) on its course

*On October 4, 1957, Soviet scientists launched the world’s first artificial satellite, called Sputnik.


    launch an attack                             发动进攻

    launch a massive campaign            发动一场大规模的运动

    launch a company                          开一家公司

    launch threats at sb.                      向某人发出威胁

    launch into                                     (积极有力地)开始

    * He launched into a long speech about the danger of taking drugs.


    launch out                                      (精力充沛或戏剧性地)开始          

    * She wants to be more than a singer and is launching out into films.



3. (L 10) campaign: n. a series of military operations or planned activities with a particular aim


         (=The government is launching a massive campaign against corruption.


       (=The campaign against rats in our city got off to a good start.

CF: campaign, battle & war  





(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.

1.    Many _____ criminals were proceeded against following World War II. (=war)

2.    The American presidential _____lasts for eighteen months. (=campaign)

3.    It was a decisive ____ we won the ___ because of it. (=battle, war)

4.    ThePhilippineshad suffered grievously under the Japanese occupation. A highly effective guerilla ____ controlled sixty percent of the islands, mostly jungle and mountain areas. (=campaign)


4. (L 15) efficient: adj. working well, quickly and without waste

*To cut back on fossil fuels, we should build more efficient cars.


(=It is not efficient to hire poorly trained workers.  


5. (L 16) conquest: n. conquering, defeat

*Hitler badly miscalculated when he assumed the conquest of theUSSRwould be simple.


(=The year 1939 had witnessed the conquest of Poland by Germany.


6. (L 21) retreat: v. move back or withdraw when faced with danger or difficulty

*After a fierce battle, the troops retreated southward.


    (= We adopted the following strategies: When the enemy advances, we retreat: when they retreat, we pursue.

NB: retreat 的反义词是 advance 

例:to advance against (on, to, toward) 朝……前进

to retreat from 从…撤退

to retreat to 撤退到

CF: conquest, triumph & victory  





(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.

1.    Under the leadership of the Party, we are marching from ____ to ___. (=victory, victory)

2.    The Yangtze Bridge is a great _____ of modern civil engineering. (=triumph)

3.    It was a _____ of human intellect, and also international cooperation and communication (=triumph)

4.    In process of time, Rome became a great empire by___. (=conquest)


7. (L 24) engage: vt.

1) begin fighting with sb.

  *The commander ordered the soldiers to engage the enemy immediately.


(=They engaged the enemy.

2) draw into; involve

  *We tried to engage him in our conversation, but in vain.

3) attract sb.’s interest

*We failed to engage any active support for our project.


(=His good nature engages everyone.)

4) occupy

*Studying engages most of a serious student’s time.


(=Work engages much of her time.)


   engage (sb.) in sth. : (cause to) take part in sth.

* They are currently engaged in lengthy trade negotiations.

* The teacher tried to engage the shy boy in conversation.


 engage as 使聘为……

 engage in  从事;使参加

 engage with 啮合


8. (L 27) be faced with: have to deal with

* The librarians were faced with the huge task of listing all the books.

(= We were faced with an exceptionally difficult situation.)


9. (L 27)crucial: adj. very important (followed by to)

*Amazingly, our soccer team won the victory in the crucial final game.


(=Improved consumer confidence is crucial to economic recovery.)

CF: crucial, critical & decisive  

这三个词都是形容词,都有“紧要的, 紧迫的,重要的”之意。


*We must pay attention to this crucial test. 我们必须重视这次决定性的试验。


* The patient’s condition is critical. 病人情况危急。

decisive 意思是决定性的、果断的,只有重要、特殊或决定性效果。例如:

* Our air forces were decisive in winning the war. 我们的空军对打赢这场战争有决定性的贡献。


10. (L 30) take a gamble: take a risk

* The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products, and it paid off.

= I think she’s taking a gamble investing all her money in stocks.


11. (L 30) press on/ahead: continue doing sth. in a determined way (used in the pattern: press on/ahead (with sth.))

*Our school authorities are keen to press on with educational reform.

   *Organizers of the strike are determined to press on.



12. (L 39) bide one’s time: wait patiently for a chance

* His political rivals are biding their time for an attack on his policies.

*He bided his time until Harvard University offered him a professorship.


13. (L 46)minus: prep. below zero; made less by; slightly lower than the mark stated

* Tomorrow’s temperature will be as low as minus ten degrees centigrade.

* 20 minus 10 is 10.


(= I got B minus in the final examination.)


1) minus 的反义词是plus(加上)。例如:3 plus 6 is 9.

2) minus 还可以作形容词,意为“负的;减去的””。例如:a minus quantity负数;

minus electricity负电。此外,minus还可作名词,意为“负号,减号;负数”。


14. (L 50) drag on: move slowly and with effort; continue endlessly and tediously

*These compensation cases have already dragged on for one year.


(=How much longer is the meeting going to drag on?)


15. (L 55) at the cost of: with the loss of

*The local government developed its economy but at the cost of environment.


(= Bill saved John at the cost of his own life.)


          at any cost  不惜任何代价

          at all costs   不惜一切代价

          at no cost    不需花代价


16. (L 56) limp:

1. vi. walk with difficulty, esp. when one foot or leg is hurt

  *That dog must be hurt – it’s limping.

*I injured my ankle and had to limp.


(=He limped off the football field.)

2. adj. lacking or having lost rigidity, as of structure or substance; lacking strength or

firmness; weak or spiritless

a limp handshake (无力的握手)

limp opposition(微弱的反抗)


17. (L 71) catch sb. off guard: take sb. by surprise

*The invitation to his wedding caught me off guard.

(=The manager didn’t know what to say. It was clear that my question had caught him off guard.)


18. (L 71) instruct: vt.

1) give orders or directions to (sb.) 

  *The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation.

*The professor instructed us that we had one month to conduct the project.


(= I’ve been instructed to wait here until the teacher arrives.)


instruct sb. to do sth.;

instruct sb. that;

instruct sb. with quote 


2) teach (sb.)

*He instructed family members in nursing techniques.


(= They instructed me in the best ways of doing the job.)

Pattern:  instruct sb. in/on sth

CF: instruct, direct & order



* He was instructed to represent the Government. 他奉命代表政府。

* He hasn’t instructed us where to go. 他还没指示我们去哪里。

direct 一般指上级对下级进行的指示、命令等,须采取的行动有准确说明。例如:

* The owners directed that the factory be closed. 厂主下令关厂。

      * The officer directed them to advance. 军官命令他们前进。

order 是普通用语,往往带有强制性,语气较强。 例如:

* He ordered the enemy to lay down their arms. 他命令敌人放下武器。

      * The policeman ordered the motorist to stop. 警察命令摩托车手停车。


19. (L 73) render: vt. cause (sb./sth.) to be in a specified condition (same as make)

*The drug will render the tiger harmless for up to two hours.

*He was rendered unconscious by a blow on the back of the neck.


(=Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake.)


render into                译成(某种语言)

render up                 (祷告); 放弃, 交出

render blow for blow  以牙还牙

render good for evil    以德报怨


20. (L 75) casualty: n. a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident

*First reports of the traffic accident tell of more than 50 casualties.

 (=The precise number of casualties in yesterday’s bomb explosion is not known.)


21. (L 91) bring to a halt: stop completely

*Air traffic inPolandhad been brought to a halt by an air traffic controllers’ strike.


=Our journey was brought to a halt by a storm.


22. (L 91) offensive:

1. n. aggressive action, attack

   *The Red Army brought its winter offensive to a successful conclusion.


=The Red Army led a massive military offensive.


       launch/mount an offensive                                    发动进攻

       carry out/undertake an offensive                          进攻

       on the offensive                                                   处于攻势

assume/go on/go over/take the offensive                    进攻,采取攻势

       * If all else fails, I’ll go over to the offensive.



2. adj. of or about attack; causing offense; unpleasant


(=The offensive troops gained ground quickly.

* My neighbor is really an offensive person. He always plays the piano deep into the night.


23. (L 103) thanks to: because of

*Thanks to her financial support, the two children in the remote village could go to school.

*Thanks to their tireless efforts, the performance was a great success.


24. (L 114)reckon: v. count; consider; think

 The existence of theU.S.is reckoned from the Declaration of Independence.


=Many people reckon him to be a great basketball player.


NB: 常用的搭配:be reckoned with: be taken into consideration

 All these problems had to be reckoned with as they arose.

CF: reckon, regard, consider & count


reckon 用来指对事件全面权衡,在有些非正式的行文中,也用来表示建议或想法。后面接宾语从句或复合宾语(和as连用,但在被动语态中也常不带as)。例如:

* I reckon it’s time to go. 我认为该走了。

       * They reckon the book as one of his best works. 他们认为这本书是他最


regard 源自法语,意为看、观察,因此,该词更多地通过对事物外表的评价或视觉感观反映出这一本义。 注意其后一定要用as。例如:

* He is generally regarded as an authority on ancient bronzes. 一般把他看作是古铜器研究的权威。


consider 表示经过深思熟虑或亲身经历之后而相信或确认。其宾语后面的补足语可以是名词或形容词。例如:

* I consider him a good musician. 我认为他是一个优秀的音乐家。

      * They always considered themselves very important. 他们总以为自己很了不起。

count 表示看法多侧重于一种判断。注意其宾语后面不用as。例如:

* After such a bad accident you should count yourself lucky you’re alive.



25. (L 116) toll:

1. n.

1) the number of people or animals killed or injured in particular circumstances

  * The death toll rose from 270 in 1952 to 5,000 in1954.

2) money paid for the use of a bridge, road, etc.

* Each car must pay a toll to cross the bridge.


   charge/exact/impose a toll          征收(道路、桥梁等的)通行费

   levy toll on sb.                                   向某人收费(或征税)

   war toll                                        战争伤亡人数

   take a heavy toll                          造成重大伤亡(或损失)

   * The earthquake took a heavy toll on several villages.


take a/its toll                                造成损失(或危害、伤亡等)

* The flood took a toll of 3,000,000 lives.



2. v. sound (a large bell) slowly at regular intervals

Bells were tolled all over the country at the President’s death.