


发布时间:2019-01-03 14:39   发布人:仪秀芳   浏览次数:879

Paragraph Development

1.    A brief introduction

As we all know, one of the central components of an essay or a paper is the paragraph. In order to develop a good paragraph, let us have a clear idea of some special terms about it. They are: (1) topic sentence; (2) controlling idea; (3) supporting sentences; (4) concluding sentence; (5) unity; (6) coherence.

Topic sentence The sentence within a paragraph or discourse that states the main thought, often placed at the beginning.

Controlling idea – The word(s) or phrase that expresses the main idea, your attitude, your evaluation of something. It is the main element of a topic sentence.

Supporting sentences The sentences within a paragraph that support the main idea of that paragraph. These sentences could include examples, direct quotes, explanations, details, etc.

Concluding sentence – The sentence which completes that paragraph and often sums up or reaffirms the main idea of that paragraph.

Unity – One of writing principles referring to the fact that the sentences all refer to the main idea, or thesis of the paper.

Coherence – One of writing principles referring to the fact that the sentences should be organized in a logical manner and should follow a definite plan of development.


These special terms summarize the way to develop a good paragraph. That’s to say, a good paragraph should have a topic sentence, in which controlling idea is very important. Other sentences in the paragraph should develop the main idea and should be organized in a logical manner and follow a definite plan of development .

Besides the terms mentioned above, the formation of a paragraph is also worth mentioning. Generally speaking, a complete paragraph should include three parts: an introduction sentence, a body and a concluding sentence. But in reality, many a time there is not a “concluding sentence”, especially one paragraph in a long story or essay.


2.    An example and practice

1. An example

 We had a wonderful vacation! (1) We visited my grand parents’ home for the holiday. (2) There we met all my cousins, aunts, and uncles. (3) We ate good food and played a lot. (4) We went shopping and sightseeing. (5) I didn't feel like coming back! (6)

Sentence (1) is a topic sentence. The controlling idea is “wonderful”. Therefore, in sentences (2), (3), (4) and (5), the author develops this controlling idea by means of providing details. In sentence (2) he uses “visited my grand parents' home”, in sentence (3)met all my cousins, aunts, and uncles”, in sentence (4)ate and played”, in sentence (5) went shopping and sightseeing”. The last sentence serves as a concluding sentence. In this way he develops this paragraph logically, coherently and completely.


2. Practice

(Directions:) The following paragraph is from Unit 1, Book III. Now you are required to analyze the structures by pointing out the controlling ideas of the topic sentence and details.

It’s a self-reliant sort of life.(1) We grow nearly all of our fruits and vegetables.(2) Our hens keep us in eggs, with several dozen left over to sell each week.(3) Our bees provide us with honey, and we cut enough wood to just about make it through the heating season.(4)


( =Reference keys:

  Controlling idea: self-reliant  

      Details: In Sentence 2 fruits and vegetables

          In Sentence 3 eggs

          In Sentence 4 honey and wood)


3. Homework

(Directions:) Write two passages based on the two topic sentences and details given.

Passage One:

     Topic sentence: John is a good student.

     Details: 1) studies hard

            2) ready to help others



(=John is a good student. He studies very hard. Every morning he is always the first one to come to school. In class, he listens carefully to the teachers. After class, he finishes homework as soon as possible. Besides, John is ready to help others. Whenever his classmates ask him for help, he will help them at once. For example, When Jack was ill last week, John went to his home and told him what the teachers had taught in class. Because of these, all the teachers and his classmates think John is a top student.)       


Passage Two:

     Topic sentence: T-shirts are very popular inUSA.

     Details: 1) people at different places wearing T-shirts

            2) people at different ages wearing T-shirts



(=T-shirts are very popular inUSA. Wherever you go, you can see people wearing T-shirts. When you go to the beach, you can see almost all people there wearing T-shirts. If you go to buy something in the supermarket, you can see most customers are in their colorful T-shirts. Besides, it seems that American people at different ages like wearing T-shirts. You can see not only kids and students in elementary schools but also workers and college students wearing T-shirts. You can even meet some old ladies wearing T-shirt in the street. All in all, T-shirts are really popular among American people. )


7. Sentence Translation  

1He was prepared for the fierce resistance of the Russian people defending their



2As the Russian army was gathering its strength, the French had to flee Russia to avoid certain defeat.


3The loss of the battle for Stalingrad finally turned the tide against Hitler. The German victories were over, thanks in part to the Russian winter.


4With the arrival of 5 June, the weather was so bad that General Eisenhower  , supreme commander of the invasion forces, was forced to postpone the invasion by one day.



(=Napoleon had a clear path to Moscow, but the occupation of the city became an empty victory.)


(=The French soldiers dragged on, leaving the dead along every mile.)


(=Meanwhile, critical errors by the German side allowed them to be taken completely by surprise.)


(=Within a year Hitler’s empire, which he had boasted would last a thousand years, lay in ruins.)

8. Proverbs and Quotations

(1)  An army marches on its stomach.



(2)  He that forecasts all perils, will never sail the sea.

    担惊受怕者航不了海。 /懦者事之贼。


(3)  Either by might or by sleight.



(4)  All delays are dangerous in war.

    John Drydon, Briish poet


    英国诗人 J. 德莱顿


(5)  In war, whichever side may call itself he vicor, there are no winners, but all are losers.

    Nerille Chamberlain, British prime minister

(6)  战争中只有输家,没有赢家,尽管双方不论哪一方均可能自称为胜利者。

    英国首相 N. 张伯伦