
发布时间:2019-01-11 10:50   发布人:杜丽丽   浏览次数:332

Sightseeing and Traveling

 I  Teaching Objectives:

After learning this section, the students are required to :

1. master basic English expressions related to sightseeing and traveling

2. understand conversations and passages about sightseeing and traveling;

3. know how to describe sightseeing and traveling;

4. know some proper  etiquette about sightseeing and traveling.

 II Important points:

the strategies to improve the listening ability about sightseeing and traveling

Difficult points:

understand conversations and passages about sightseeing and traveling

III Teaching Procedures:

Useful Words and Expressions

arrival lounge




Customs Inspection Counter

declaration slip


departure lounge


Immigration Counter

in case of

in charge of



Pan American

round-trip flight

Terminal Building


Task1 Here is a set of English sentences with their meanings given in Chinese to the right. You will hear them read aloud twice. While listening, try to match the English sentences with their Chinese equivalents.     

1. What places of historical interest can we see in this city?

2. Can I join the sightseeing tour at this hotel?

3. Do you have any tours with Chinese speaking guides?

4. Have you already decided on the course of your hike?

5. We will go along the Great Canal.

6. Can I have a tour brochure?

7. You can find tour information on the Internet.

8. The sightseeing coach starts at the railway station.

9. Where is the tourist information office?

10. Where can I buy a bus route map?

11. Do you have any change in the itinerary today?

12. Do you have any other tours?

13. There are many special attractions in this city.

14. We are preparing for a vacation in Britain.

15. You can be our guide in charge of the itinerary.


Task2  Listen to the following dialogues twice and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.  

1. A: Is there anything            you want to see?

  B: No, just the interesting and historical places in the city.

2. A: I            a sightseeing tour to see all of the famous sights.

  B: Then I would like to follow your suggestion.

3. A: Where is the tourist            office?

  B: I dont know, you can inquire the next office.

4. A: I bought a sightseeing            for this town.

  B: So we can choose the best places to go.

5. A: The guide service includes transport service and explanation about


  B: Does the English tour guide do the same?

6. A: How much does it cost for a 15-day-tour in China?

  B: It depends on what route you will            .

7. A: It takes 30 minutes to get there on foot. Youd better take a taxi.

  B: Thanks a lot, but we would            to walk there.

8. A: How long does it take to get there and            ?

  B: Not more than 20 minutes.

9. A: I think we can enjoy a nice            of nature in Australia.

  B: I couldnt agree more with you.

10. A: Im afraid one day isnt enough for us to visit all the famous            .

   B: We advise you to spend another day here.


Task3 You will hear 10 incomplete short dialogues. While listening, you are required to complete the dialogues by ticking the appropriate responses out of the four choices provided.

1 A. Sorry, it is not necessary.       B. Come here after dinner.

 C. You can read the brochure here.   D. Dont worry about it.

2 A. Most of them are around the suburb.  B. You could go there in the evening.

 C. In your hometown.           D. Go as fast as you can.

3  A. It is not available at the weekend. B. An all-day tour is more expensive.

  C. Of course, here are the route map.     D. Just go by taxi.

4 A. It wont rain tomorrow.        B. The bus goes up right to the top.

 C. It costs a little more.            D. The tour guide is helpful.

5 A. A good guide is available.         B. An all-day tour.

 C. A panoramic view of the city.    D. A large supermarket.

6 A. It is more than 100 yuan.          B. You can buy a student ticket.

 C. Its very easy to go there.         D. No, its an additional part.

7 A. An all-day tour and free lunch.   B. The sightseeing bus does not pass by the museum.

 C. Admission to the park is free.    D. No, it is not available.

8 A. Yes, 20 yuan for one person.   B. You are welcome to the all-day tour.

 C. Go directly to the tourist office. D. It is not permitted to go inside the hall.

9 A. Its a good recommendation.  B. Evening tour is not available until next month.

 C. No, you have to buy it yourself.  D. You can enjoy a free trip.

10 A. You can go there by yourself.  B. The insurance is included in the tour package.

  C. Please contact us again.     D. Dont hesitate to ask.

Task4  In this task, you will hear one long conversation. After the conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken twice. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.

1 A. Railway station.          B. Guest wharf.

   C. Airport.               D. On a bus.

2 A. Baggage claim area.       B. Immigration Counter.

C. Information Counter.       D. Customs Inspection Counter.

3 A. In the South Wing of the Arrival lounge.   

B. In the front of the Arrival lounge.

  C. In the South Wing of the Terminal Building.    

D. In the front of the Terminal Building .

4 A. Wine.                   B. Nothing.    

 C. Cigarette.                D. Camera.

5 A. In the South Wing of the Arrival lounge.                 

   B. In the East Wing of the Arrival lounge.

   C. In the South Wing of the Terminal Building.                  

   D. In the East Wing of the Terminal Building.

Task5  Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

Woman:             to Angel Travel Agency. What can I do for you?

Man:  We are planning a visit to China in July. How much does it             ?

Woman: We have different courses in China to meet your interest.

Man:  OK, we would like to spend one week in Beijing. What do you recommend?

Woman: You can only visit some important             of interest there. Is there anything particular you want to see?

Man:  Just the interesting and historical places in the city. And we need a             .

Woman: An English speaking guide?

Man: Yes, of course. Is it expensive?

Woman: A little bit, but guide service is            .

Man:  What does guide service include?

Woman: It includes not only              but also transport service and explanation about the local sights.

Man:  Thats not bad, so how much should we            for that?

Woman: 3 500 dollars each including the round-trip             and the guide service.

Man:       It sounds great; two of us will go at the beginning of July. Thanks a lot for your information.

Woman: You are welcome.


Task6  Listen to the following summary and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(     ) 1. The tourists want to visit China because they can speak some Chinese.

(     ) 2. The tourists decide to visit China at the end of July.

(     ) 3. The tourists want an English speaking guide.

(     ) 4. The guide service includes instructions, transport service and so on.

(     ) 5. The tourists are interested in the historical places in Beijing.

Task7  You will hear a set of topic-related English sentences. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

1. What kinds of            do you offer, please?

2. Is it enough to spend two days            all the famous sites?

3. Is the travelers check            for the fee?

4. The environment here is very quiet and            .

5. A valid passport and visa are            for traveling abroad.

6. How shall we travel there, by            or by ship?

7. Id like to            two seats on the tour boat.

8. Remember to take the maps and the tour            with you.

9. All tourists are strongly advised to obtain travel            .

10. I suggest that you drive there in your            car.

11. You can stay here until the            ends.

12. It would be a            of time to go and visit there.

13. He decided to            one day more to visit all the places of interest.

14. How have you            for this tour?

15. We must take more money in case of            needs.

16. You can find the information about your tour on the            .

17. There are            buses to take you from here and there.

18. Our            includes transport and sightseeing explanation.

19. Can you provide the information about the            level there?

20. I cant find any weather information from todays            .

Task9  You will hear a short narration about the unit topic twice and find out the answers to these questions.

1. What do people usually do before their departure for traveling?


2. What information should the tourists learn about for their traveling?


3. What service could the travel agency provide?


Task10  Listen to complete a funny story by filling in the blanks in it.

   One day, Mr. William said to one of his friends, Im going to have a holiday in Athens. But I dont speak            , so Ill go to evening classes and have Greek lessons for a month before I go.

     He studied very hard for a month, and when his holiday                      he went to Greece.

     When he came back a few weeks            , his friends said to him, Did you have any            with your Greek when you were in Athens?

     No, I didnt have any trouble with it,answered Mr. William, But the Greeks            .