
发布时间:2019-01-11 10:46   发布人:杜丽丽   浏览次数:367

At the Hospital

 I  Teaching Objectives:

After learning this section, the students are required to :

1. master basic English expressions related to hospital

2. understand conversations and passages about hospital;

3. know how to see a doctor;

4. know some proper  etiquette about seeing doctors.

  II Important points:

the strategies to improve the listening ability about seeing doctors

Difficult points:

understand conversations and passages about seeing doctors

III Teaching Procedures:

Useful Words and Expressions

adverse reaction
















Task1 Here is a set of English sentences with their meanings given in Chinese to the right. You will hear them read aloud twice. While listening, try to match the English sentences with their Chinese equivalents.     

1. I think my tonsils are swollen.

2. My tooth filling has fallen out.

3. Please rinse out your mouth.

4. I have got corns on my right foot.

5. I think I have broken my leg.

6. Im suffering from indigestion these days.

7. I could hardly sleep last night.

8. Is it necessary to follow a special diet?

9. Ill write you a prescription.

10. Did the doctor give you a chest X-ray?

11. The patient needed a blood transfusion.

12. Its just a slight infection.

13. For oral administration.

14. For external use only.

15. I have a hoarse cough.


Task2  Listen to the following dialogues twice and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.  

1. A: Are you a            patient?

  B: No, its my first time here.

2. A: What if my arm is            ?

  B: Then, well put you in a cast.

3. A: Are these medicines expensive?

  B: Dont worry. All the expenses will be            by your insurance.

4. A: Should I take them after meals or on an empty            ?

  B: Youd better take them after meals.

5. A: Are there any foods            to my health?

B: Eat food with a lot of calcium and iron.

6. A: I want to have a complete medical checkup.

  B: OK, a            will be there in a minute and take you to the checkup center.

7. A: Have you ever been treated for excessive use of                   ?

  B: Yes, I once got a transfusion for being in a coma by drunkenness.

8. A: What sort of            will help?

  B: I think youd better stay at the hospital.

9. A: What symptoms do you have?

  B: I cant            one color from another.

10. A: Is there any adverse reaction to it?

   B: A little, but you can take some            to lessen it.


Task3 You will hear 10 incomplete short dialogues. While listening, you are required to complete the dialogues by ticking the appropriate responses out of the four choices provided.

1 A. Stand up, please.         B. Come again tomorrow.

 C. Open your mouth, please.   D. Take these medicines.

2 A. No, there isnt any.      B. Have a good rest.

   C. Open your mouth.       D. Drink more water.

3  A. Give him an injection.    B. Take him to the emergency room.

C. Let him have a rest.     D. Stop talking with him.

4 A. Go back home.            B. Dont worry.

   C. Twenty dollars.          D. The day after tomorrow.

5 A. Three tablets after meals.    B. A week from today.

   C. I feel much better.        D. Its aching.

6 A. Yes, I think so.            B. Several days now.

   C. Follow the directions on the bottle.    D. Not very good.

7 A. Since last night.            B. An injection is better than pills.

   C. Put out your tongue.       D. Do the same as I am doing.

8 A. My wound feel very painful.     B. No, I see objects dimly.

   C. No, I dont.                D. Put on your clothes.

9 A. I have a pain in my throat.      B. OK, give me your prescription.

   C. No, I cough a little.          D. Yes, he is allergic to aspirin.

10 A. It started to hurt at breakfast.   B. No, there isnt any.

     C. A week long.             D. Thats nothing. I can stand it.


Task4  In this task, you will hear one long conversation. After the conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken twice. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.

1 A. Hes got a high fever.   B. Hes got a headache and a runny nose.

  C. Hes got a terrible stomachache.      D. All of the above.

2 A. He bit it by his own teeth a few days ago.   

  B. It was allergic to some seafood.

  C. He burnt it on the hot coffee a few days ago.   

  D. He scalded it on the hot water a few days ago.

3 A. He took the red tablets before lunch.       

B. He took the tablets just in the middle of the lunch.

  C. He took the white tablets after lunch.    

D. Both A and C.

4 A. Water.                     B. Soup.

  C. Juice.                      D. Soda.

5 A. Hed like to eat some sandwich.   B. Hed like to eat some soup.    

  C. Hed like to eat some salad .   D.Hed like to eat some noodles .


Task5  Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

Doctor: Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

Patient: Thats all right. Ive got a            throat and a headache.

Doctor: Do you feel tired?

Patient: Yes, my whole body feels weak, and I really feel terrible.

Doctor: I see. Ill have to            you. Now open your mouth wide so that I can look at your throat. Yes, its very red. It looks sore. Ill have to you an injection.

Patient: Can you give me pills?

Doctor: An injection is better than            . If I gave you pills, maybe youd be ill for a few days; but if I give you an injection, youll                                 tomorrow.

Patient: All right. Give me an injection then.

Doctor: Have a good rest and get plenty of sleep. Youll be all right soon. Heres a prescription for some medicine.              it every two hours so that you wont cough.

Patient: Thank you very much, doctor.

Doctor: Not at all.

Task6  Listen to the following summary and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(      ) 1. The patient got a sore throat and a stomachache and felt tired.

(      ) 2. The patient wanted to be prescribed some pills.

(      ) 3. The doctor believed that an injection would be more effective than pills.

(      ) 4. The doctor advised that the patient take some medicine every four hours.

(      ) 5. The effect of the medicine is to prevent inflammation of throat.

Task7  You will hear a set of topic-related English sentences. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

1. Do you have a            after meals?

2. Is it very long since you had            in your chest?

3. Do you have            sweats?

4. Have you ever felt your heart            fast?

5. Did you vomit after being            ?

6.             where you have a pain.

7. Come for treatment            .

8. Dont wipe your eyes with your            .

9. I am going to            your finger.

10. You should not take more than the indicated                   .

11. Relax your            , please.

12. Which are the best headache            ?

13. Almost all the            of my body are aching.

14. Carry him into the            ward. Well be there immediately.

15. I have a            and its hard for me to breathe through my nose.

16. Ambulances are not enough to            every call.

17. Take just a glass of milk and a little            twice a day.

18.             your mouth with this solution.

19. At first, I had a chill and then a high                    .

20. Dont read in dim light or in a lying                    .


Task9  You will hear a short narration about the unit topic twice and find out the answers to these questions.

1. What is another name for doctors and nurses?


2. How can doctors give appropriate treatments, prescriptions or operations to patients?


3. What should patients do after the diagnoses?


Task10  Listen to complete a funny story by filling in the blanks in it.

A man went to see his doctor one day because of            in his stomach. The doctor examined him carefully and said, Your only trouble is that you            too much. I had a man with the same trouble as you a few weeks ago, and I gave him the same            as Im going to give you. He was worried because he couldnt pay his tailors bills. I told him not to worry about the bills any more. He            my advice, and two days ago he told me that he now feels quite alright again.

    I know all about that,answered the patient ,You see, Im that mans tailor.