
发布时间:2022-03-16 14:19   发布人:杜丽丽   浏览次数:314

Asking for Directions

 I  Teaching Objectives:

After learning this section, the students are required to :

1. master basic English expressions related to asking for directions

2. understand conversations and passages about asking for directions;

3. know how to ask for directions;

4. know some proper  etiquette about asking for directions.

 II Important points:

the strategies to improve the listening ability about asking for directions

Difficult points:

understand conversations and passages about asking for directions

III Teaching Procedures:

Useful Words and Expressions

baggage claim

Big Ben


bump into



the British Museum

the Tate Modern

Task1 Here is a set of English sentences with their meanings given in Chinese to the right. You will hear them read aloud twice. While listening, try to match the English sentences with their Chinese equivalents.     

1. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Peace Hotel?

2. Good morning, could you tell me which way the Foreign Trade Building is?

3. Excuse me, can you tell me where the baggage claim area is?

4. Excuse me. Im looking for the personnel department.

5. Excuse me. Is this where I can catch the bus for the shopping center?

6. Im new here, so I really dont know my way around yet.

7. Excuse me, is this the right bus to the station?

8. Go straight along the road till you come to the corner. Then make a left turn.

9. Walk two blocks and turn right. The building is about fifty meters down the road on your left.

10. Its next to the bank. You cant miss it.

11. Its far away from here. Youd better take a bus.

12. Get off at the fifth stop, and there you are.

13. Its on the sixth floor. Youd better take the elevator lift.

14. Turn round when you get downstairs. And youll see it.

15. Its the first office on the right.


Task2  Listen to the following dialogues twice and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.  

1. A: Excuse me, Im looking for your managers office.

    B: The managers office is on the            floor.

2. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me which way the International                       Center is?

    B: Its that way.

3. A: Is it            far to walk? Should I take a bus?

    B: No, you neednt take a bus. Its not far at all.

4. A: Which direction are you going?

    B: Im going            .

5. A: Excuse me, is this the right bus to the airport?

    B: No. Youre going the            way.

6. A: How long is the            ?

    B: About ten minutes.

7. A: Number 8 buses run more            , dont they?

    B: Yes. They run every five minutes.

8. A: Im going to Peace Insurance            . Do you know where it is?

    B: Sure. Its next to the Yuanhua Building.

9. A: Excuse me, I want to return to my hotel, the River Bank Hotel.

    B: Just go            this road and turn right when you come to a cinema. You cant miss it.

10. A: Excuse me. Would you please tell me where the accounting                       is?

   B: Turn right. Its the third office on the left.


Task3 You will hear 10 incomplete short dialogues. While listening, you are required to complete the dialogues by ticking the appropriate responses out of the four choices provided.

1 A. Its very difficult.                  B. Thats right.

 C. Take a right turn at the next corner.      D. Yes. I hope so.

2 A. Go straight on for five minutes.       B. Dont mention it.

 C. Thats interesting.                 D. No, I dont like them.

3  A. 10:30 on track 2.              B. No, they live on the second floor.

   C. Yes, I like it very much.         D. Please wait.

4 A. I am sorry to hear that.            B. No, thank you.

  C. Bus 12 over there.               D. Its over there across the street.

5 A. How could I know?              B. Excuse me, youre wrong.

  C. Go straight for two blocks.        D. Thank you very much.

6 A. Take the first turning on your left.   B. No, I dont think so.

  C. I go to school by bus.   D. It takes twenty minutes to walk there.

7 A. By bike.                B. Sorry, I cant help you.

C. Its wonderful.        D. In the library.

8 A. Im from Beijing.        B. Yes, for about two years.

 C. Its about 50 meters from here.   D. Yes, it is.

9 A. Its on the third floor.          B. Sorry to trouble you.

 C. Thats true.                   D. Oh, I come from the North.

10 A. She forgets to bring her card with her.      B. Walk about 3 blocks.

  C. She cant help her.              D. Just a moment, please.

Task4  In this task, you will hear one long conversation. After the conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken twice. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.

1 A. Yes, both are British.                    B. No, neither is British.

   C. One of them is British.                  D. Not mentioned.

2 A. Big Ben.                              B. The Tate Modern.

C.Buckingham Palace.                     D. The British Museum

3 A. Big Ben.                             B. The Tate Modern.

  C. Buckingham Palace.                   D. The British Museum

4 A. By signs all over the city.           B. By the mans suggestion.    

 C. By himself.                       D. Led by the man.

5 A. The guards.                     B. The man.

 C. The tourists.                     D. The driver.

Task5  Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

Dale:     Excuse me. Could you tell me how to            the Palace Museum?

Nancy: You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off.

Dale:    Yes, but Im            my own car.

Nancy: Oh, then you drive along this street, turn right at the third                    of the road, then take the first left. Keep straight on until you see a road                        that saysPalace Museum, and then you follow the sign. It will direct you to the Palace Museum.

Dale:    Drive along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight, and then Ill see the road sign?

Nancy: Thats right.

Dale:    Are you sure that I wont bump into any                     streets?

Nancy: Well... I dont think you will... I dont see any car around here. Where is your car?

Dale:    I             it over there. You see?

Nancy: Oh, no. Youd better move it before a policeman sees you parking there.

Dale:    Why? I dont see any No Parkingsigns.

Nancy: But youre parking in a bus            .

Dale:    Here comes a policeman. Id better run... Thank you. Oh, by the way, how long will it take for me to get to the museum?

Nancy: About ten minutes.

Dele:    Thanks again. Youve been very            .


Task6  Listen to the following summary and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(      ) 1. Dale wants to go to the Summer Palace.

(      ) 2. Dale will go there on foot.

(      ) 3. Dale should turn right at the third cross.

(      ) 4. A policeman reminded Dale that he had parked in the bus zone.

(      ) 5. It will take Dale ten minutes to the place.

Task7  You will hear a set of topic-related English sentences. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

1. Excuse me. Is this where I can            the bus for No.1 Department Store?

2. Im a            here.

3. Walk two            and turn right.

4. The personnel department is on the fifth floor. Youd better take the              .

5. Its that way. Go            along the road till you come to the corner.

6. When you come out of the elevator, turn left. Its the             office on the right.

7. Get off at the fourth stop and there you are. You cant                  it.

8. Ive been here only a few days. I really dont know my way                   yet.

9. Taxi!             Trade Tower, please.

10. About half-an-hours            from your hotel.

11. Youll have to            at Green Street for the Number 11.

12. It is easy to find your way from the            to our company.

13. When you come out of the station, turn left and walk                  you reach the traffic lights.

14. There is a business            opposite.

15. If you walk, itll take you a            of an hour.

16. Excuse me, I wonder if you can tell me where I can have my computer fixed. Im            in this city.

17. Excuse me, could you tell me which floor the sales                        is?

18. Take the escalator at the far end of the hall, turn             when you get downstairs. And youll see it.

19. Could you please tell me            the bus gets there?

20. You can take the            to Victoria Square.

Task9  You will hear a short narration about the unit topic twice and find out the answers to these questions.

1. What should you do in a strange place without a map?


2. What is the bad idea when you are giving directions?


3. What do the policemen and bus-drivers use to help people get their way?


Task10  Listen to complete a funny story by filling in the blanks in it.

   Is this            Springfield?an old lady asked the bus driver.

      No, madam,the driver replied.

      Well, please tell me when we get there, she requested.

      Ill do that,             the driver.

      Later, the driver got careless and passed through Springfield before he realized it.

      He apologized to the other passengers, turned round, and drove            . Then he said to the old lady: This is the town where you wanted to get            .

      Who wanted to get off? she asked.

      The drive said, You did.

      No, she said, my daughter told me that when I               through this town, I should take my pills.