
发布时间:2019-01-11 10:40   发布人:杜丽丽   浏览次数:426

Entertaining Guests

 I  Teaching Objectives:

After learning this section, the students are required to :

1. master basic English expressions related to entertaining guests

2. understand conversations and passages about entertaining guests;

3. know how to entertain guests;

4. know some proper  etiquette about entertaining guests.

  II Important points:

the strategies to improve the listening ability about entertaining guests

Difficult points:

understand conversations and passages about entertaining guests

III Teaching Procedures:

Useful Words and Expressions








general manager




purchasing contract

Seeing is believing.


stand on ceremony

table manner

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

 Task1 Here is a set of English sentences with their meanings given in Chinese to the right. You will hear them read aloud twice. While listening, try to match the English sentences with their Chinese equivalents.     

1. We want to give a party for you. Hope you will enjoy it.

2. If its convenient for you, wed like to hold a party for you at the weekend.

3. Our general manager wants to have dinner with you tomorrow evening.

4. Would you like to eat out with us?

5. Id like to take you out to dinner this evening.

6. Would you like to come and have dinner with us?

7. What would you like to order?

8. Lets go Dutch, please.

9. I wonder if you would like to come to our dinner party.

10. Would you prefer Chinese, Japanese or any other kind of food?

11. Which would you rather have, rice or bread?

12. I propose a toast to your pleasant visit in Beijing.

13. Do you have any particular food in mind?

14. I must thank you again for such a wonderful dinner.

15. Thank you very much for the enjoyable dinner.


Task2  Listen to the following dialogues twice and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.  

1. A: Shall I take you to a            restaurant?

     B: Sorry. I dont like Japanese food.

2. A: What would you like to have for the appetizer?

     B: A cup of            .

3. A: Is there            particular youd like to eat?

     B: No, nothing particular.

4. A: I wonder if you would like to come to our            party.

     B: Id love to. But Im afraid I cant.

5. A: Lets go Dutch, please.

     B: Its my            . Ill pick it up.

6. A: What would you like to eat?

     B: A            .

7. A: Thank you for the very enjoyable dinner.

     B: Im            you enjoyed it.

8. A: Help yourself to some more fish, please.

     B: No. Thanks. Im            .

9. A: How about another            of wine?

     B: No, thanks. I have had enough.

10. A: Lets propose a            to our friendship, shall we?

       B: Cheers.


Task3 You will hear 10 incomplete short dialogues. While listening, you are required to complete the dialogues by ticking the appropriate responses out of the four choices provided.

1 A. Thank you so much.        B. Have a cup of coffee, please.

   C. No smoking, please.       D. Never mind.

2 A. Have a good meal.          B. Id rather a cup of coffee.

   C. A small piece of cake.      D. Nothing else.

3  A. Its late.                B. Its delicious.

C. Its a cake.             D. Its clear.

4 A. I like eating fish.            B. I dont want anything else.

   C. Id love to. Thanks.       D. I enjoyed it very much.

5 A. Its delicious.              B. A piece of bread, please.

   C. I dont really like it.       D. I like it.

6 A. Chinese food, of course.       B. I like it, of course.

   C. The food is delicious.        D. It is tasty.

7 A. No, I have had it before.       

B. Yes. I like it very much.

  C. Thank you. I have had more than enough.   

D. Yes. It smells very good.

8 A. The cake is sweet.                  B. A small piece is OK.

   C. It smells good.                    D. Its fine.

9 A. OK. The peach is fresh.              B. OK. I wont eat it.

   C. OK. The apple is cheap.            D. OK. Never mind.

10 A. I am happy to do it.               B. I am glad to see you here.

D. I am happy you like it.          D. I am glad you can come.

Task4  In this task, you will hear one long conversation. After the conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken twice. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.

1 A. 5:00 PM.                      B. 6:00 PM.

   C. 6:30 PM..                    D. 7:00 PM.

2 A. 5:00 PM.                      B. 6:00 PM.

   C. 6:30 PM..                    D. 7:00 PM.

3 A. Brandy.                       B. Wine.

   C. Juice.                       D. Beer.

4 A. How to speak Chinese.           B. How to use chopsticks.

   C. Where to do shopping.          D. What to eat.

5 A. Strangers.                      B. Doctor and patient.    

   C. Boss and employee.             D.Business Partners.

Task5  Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

Mr. Brown: Good evening, Mr. White. Welcome to the dinner party.

Mr. White: Good evening, Mr. Brown. Thank you very much to                the party for me.

Mr. Brown: Please take               , Mr. White.

Mr. White: Thank you.

Mr. Brown: What would you like to have for the appetizer?

Mr. White: Id like a glass of dry wine, please.

Mr. Brown: Please            Mr. White a glass of dry wine, Peter.

Peter:     OK, wait a minute, please, Mr. White. Mr. White, here is your wine.

Mr. White: Thank you very much. (To Brown) Is this young guy your            ? I saw him at the exhibition of your products.

Mr. Brown: Yes, he is a competent boy.             yourself to anything that you like, Mr. White.

Mr. White: Thank you. The soup is            . I like it.

Mr. Brown: Please have some fish.

Mr. White: Its really something            Ive never tasted. You know the contract we  signed this morning to buy your products is not the last one. We will have more in the future.

Mr. Brown: Great. It is the best news for me as a sales manager.

Mr. White:  If the price were 15% off, more orders

would            .

Mr. Brown: 15% might not be practical. But Ill report your suggestion to the general manager.

Mr. White: Thank you.

Mr. Brown: Lets a            toast to our future cooperation.

Mr. White: Cheers.

Mr. Brown: Cheers.

Mr. White: Thank you for all youve done for me during my stay here. And thank you for this wonderful dinner.

Mr. Brown: Im very happy to hear you enjoyed it.

Task6  Listen to the following summary and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(      ) 1. Mr. White held a dinner party for his partner Mr. Brown.

(      ) 2. Mr. White was going to buy some products from Mr. Browns company.

(      ) 3. Mr. White suggested that the price for future orders be further cut up to 10%.

(      ) 4. Mr. Brown would report Mr. Whites suggestion to his general manager.

(      ) 5. The two business partners had a good time at the lunch.

Task7  You will hear a set of topic-related English sentences. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

1. May I invite you to have dinner at a            restaurant?

2. Our            manager wants to have a dinner party for you.

3. We hope you will come to our            .

4. Are you             to order?

5. Help yourself to the shrimps and             .

6. What would you like to            , Mr. Black?

7. I dont drink alcohol. Can I have             ?

8. This is the specialty of the             .

9. Help yourself to anything that you             .

10. Dont            on ceremony; make yourself at home.

11. Would you like another            of wine?

12. Let me            your glass.

13. Do you            Chinese food or Japanese food?

14. Do you have anything particular            ?

15. Lets            , please.  

16. I have had more than             .

17. Im            .

18. You take your coffee            , dont you?

19. I must thank you            for the very enjoyable dinner.

20. Im very            you enjoyed it.


Task8 Listen to the above English sentences again and then interpret them into Chinese.

1. 第六项是电话收费。

2. 您的国际长途电话费含在账单中。

3. 我可以辅音一下您的卡吗?

4.  这是您全部的行李吗?

5.  我想兑换一些旅行支票。

6. 您要兑换多少钱?

7. 这肯定有错,请您再查一下好吗?

8. 费用中含税和服务费。

9. 我是来这里度假的,为什么要发传真呢?

10. 非常抱歉,看来是我们搞错了。

11. 现在我可以结账了吗?我要赶飞机。

12. 房费标在最上面。

13. 总共是1620美元。

14.  请在这里写下您的名字和护照号码。

15.  这是您的收据和找的钱。

16. 这是您的房间,先生。要我把百叶窗打开吗?

17. 电视机旁边的迷你吧下面有个小冰箱。

18. 浴室洗脸池上方有个剃须刀插座。

19. 我来把您的箱子放在行李架上。

20. 非常感谢,你帮了很大的忙。

Task9  You will hear a short narration about the unit topic twice and find out the answers to these questions.

1. What is the big difference between Chinese and Westernen people in their table manners?


2. Why is it unbearable for people to talk or laugh loudly in a Western restaurant?


3. What would it result in if Chinese tourists make a lot of noise when they are eating in a Western restaurant?


Task10  Listen to complete a funny story by filling in the blanks in it.

A lawyer and a            were having dinner at their country club. I have a real            ,the doctor said to the lawyer. Members at this club ask me all kinds of            questions. This hurts my practice. What can I do?” “Thats            ,the lawyer replied. Send them a            .Two days later the doctor received a bill from the lawyer.