
发布时间:2019-01-11 10:45   发布人:杜丽丽   浏览次数:524



 I  Teaching Objectives:

After learning this section, the students are required to :

1. master basic English expressions related to shopping

2. understand conversations and passages about shopping;

3. know how to shop;

4. know some proper  etiquette about shopping.

  II Important points:

the strategies to improve the listening ability about shopping

Difficult points:

understand conversations and passages about shopping

III Teaching Procedures:

Useful Words and Expressions



clearance sale


department store


out of stock






Task1 Here is a set of English sentences with their meanings given in Chinese to the right. You will hear them read aloud twice. While listening, try to match the English sentences with their Chinese equivalents.     

1. Are you being served?

2. Im looking for a souvenir for my friend.

3. Do you have any souvenir albums?

4. Im sorry. We are out of stock at the moment.

5. We have 18K gold necklaces, chains and earrings.

6. Whats the regular price?

7. Is this the sale price?

8. On-sale items are over there.

9. Milk is sold by the pint, butter by the pound, and eggs by the dozen.

10. It is selling well in the market.

11. I bought this recorder yesterday, but it doesnt seem to work. Id like a refund.

12. Im sorry, we dont give refunds on sale items.

13. Its the latest fashion, very popular.

14. It is the preferential price.

15. Im sorry, goods purchased in this store are non-refundable.


Task2  Listen to the following dialogues twice and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.  

1. A: Are you being            ?

  B: Im just looking around, thanks.

2. A: How much does it cost?

  B: Nineteen dollars,            tax.

3. A: Thats a bit too expensive. Do you have something cheaper?

  B: Im sorry, but its the cheapest we have in                   .

4. A: Could I try the next size            ?

  B: Try this then.

5. A: Do you sell color film?

B: Im sorry, its just sold              .

6. A: Do you have sun glasses?

  B:            .We have a good selection of sun glasses.

7. A:              I have a look at the facial cream?

  B: Certainly.

8. A: Some            brands of suits are at half price. Shall we go and have a look?

  B: Sure. Lets hurry. Its first come, first served.

9. A: They are having a clearance sale at the Eastern Shopping Center.

  B: Really? I dont want to            it.

10. A: By the way, could you have it delivered?

   B: Yes, of course. All goods            here can be delivered free.


Task3 You will hear 10 incomplete short dialogues. While listening, you are required to complete the dialogues by ticking the appropriate responses out of the four choices provided.

1 A. I like the blue color.     B. Actually, I prefer the woolen ones.

  C. I am terribly sorry.      D. I will do it.

2 A. Here is a one-hundred-dollar bill.    B. Thats too bad.

   C. Id like five dozen.             D. I like the coat.

3  A. Thats a good idea.             B. Its too expensive.

C. No problem. We have that color.   D. Thats it.

4 A. Thats nice. Ill take it.          B. Oh, yes. Thank you.

   C. Good. Lets go.       D. I am sorry. Its out of stock now.

5 A. I usually spend ten dollars for a gift.   B. Thank you for your help.

   C. How nice it is.                   D. No problem.

6 A. Id like to refund it.      B. Thats three hundred dollars.

   C. Yes, here it is.           D. Its very expensive.

7 A. Id like something red. B. What about a necklace with a precious stone?

   C. Nothing but price.        D. Yes, sir.

8 A. I dont like it.           B. This one is better on me.

   C. Its very popular.       D. It sells at forty dollars.

9 A. Good. Ill take it.        B. Yes, it is 50 percent off the regular price.

   C. Yes, I did.              D. Not any more.

10 A. Yes. But we havent got any more.     B. Sorry to disturb you.

   C. Yes. This one is the latest fashion.    D. Its first come,first served.

Task4  In this task, you will hear one long conversation. After the conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken twice. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.

1 A. She wanted to buy some fabric for a suit.                                   

   B. She wanted to buy a suit for her friends wedding.

   C. She wanted to go to the tailors shop to make a suit.                                  

   D. She wanted to make a suit for a funeral.

2 A. All cotton fabric.            B. Heavy woolen cloth.

D. Cotton/ polyester blend.     D. Wool/ cashmere blend.

3 A. White.                     B. Black.

 C. Brown.                     D. Red.

4 A. Because she thought black is a bit dull.  

B. Because she would attend a wedding.

C. Because she doesnt like the color.             

D. D. Because she already has three black suits.

5 A. Teacher and student.           B. Friends.    

 C. Customer and shop assistant.     D.Boss and clerk.

Task5  Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

Shop assistant: What can I do for you?

Mrs. Richard: I want to buy a sweater for my husband. May I look at that one?

Shop assistant: This            sweater is of good quality. It feels soft and warm. This            is very famous in China. And the                     is quite fashionable.

Mrs. Richard: It looks really nice. But I dont like the red color. Are there any other colors?

Shop assistant: Yes. There are dark blue, light yellowwhat about silver gray? Its rather             this year.

Mrs. Richard: That looks smart! The price must be high, I guess.

Shop assistant: It usually costs 500 yuan. But this week we take 20 percent                    all goods in our            department store. So now its only 400 yuan.

Mrs. Richard:  Its a real bargain. Thats a            .

Shop assistant: What size does he take?

Mrs. Richard: Extra large.

Shop assistant: I see. Here you are. An extra large silver gray sweater. Do you need anything else?

Mrs. Richard: May I look at that T-shirt?

Shop assistant: Sure. Its one hundred            cotton and very washable.

Mrs. Richard: Its lovely. Ill take three of them. One large, one medium, and one small. How much are they             in all?

Shop assistant: 45 yuan for each.

Mrs. Richard: Can I pay by credit card?

Shop assistant: Sure. Please pay at the cashier            over there. Ill pack them for you.

Task6  Listen to the following summary and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(      ) 1. Mrs. Richard went to buy a sweater and a T-shirt for her husband.

(      ) 2. Mrs. Richard didnt liek the silver gray color.

(      ) 3. Mrs. Richard bought a sweater for 500 yuan.

(      ) 4. Mrs. Richard paid 135 yuan for all of the T-shirt.

(      ) 5. Mrs. Richard paid for what she bought by cash.

Task7  You will hear a set of topic-related English sentences. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

1. May I help you/            I help you/Are you being served?

2. I just want to look            .

3. Id like to buy a            .

4. What            do you take?

5. How do you like this            ?

6. How much do you            that?

7. I have nothing            in mind to buy.

8. Im sorry, but we are            .

9. There is no            in stock right now.

10.             , we are all out of the small size.

11. If you want, I can            one for you.

12. You look nice in this            .

13. Can you            the price?

14. Can you give me a            ?

15. Do you want to pay by            or in cash?

16. What kind of            plans do you have here?

17. Do you            credit cards here?

18. Please            this for me.

19. She loves to            in the malls.

20. Shop till you            !

Task9  You will hear a short narration about the unit topic twice and find out the answers to these questions.

1. What are usually called department store?


2. What do department stores have?


3. What are there in large cities?


Task10  Listen to complete a funny story by filling in the blanks in it.

One day, when I was walking along a London street, I saw a friend of mine standing in front of a            . She was looking at a                     in the window attentively and didnt notice me. When I said hello to her, she asked me whether I liked the dress. I looked at it. Oh, my God! It was terribly ugly! In order not to hurt her            , I said, Well, not bad.” “My dear!She            me surprisingly. Your            is too bad,she said, Ive never seen a dress as ugly as this!