
发布时间:2019-06-21 08:48   发布人:厉梅   浏览次数:324

Entertaining Activities

 I  Teaching Objectives:

After learning this section, the students are required to :

1. master basic English expressions related to entertaining activities

2. understand conversations and passages about entertaining activities;

3. know how to describe entertaining activities;

4. know some proper  etiquette about entertaining activities.

  II Important points:

the strategies to improve the listening ability about entertaining activities

Difficult points:

understand conversations and passages about entertaining activities

III Teaching Procedures:

Useful Words and Expressions


be fascinated by






music chart

Spring Festival Gala



Task1 Here is a set of English sentences with their meanings given in Chinese to the right. You will hear them read aloud twice. While listening, try to match the English sentences with their Chinese equivalents.     

1. What kind of movies do you like?

2. Is it an adventure or a comedy?

3. Dont you ever watch music programs?

4. I like Round the Worldon Channel 2.

5. It is said there is a magician performance tonight.

6. Is there anything worth watching on the other channels?

7. The World Cup will be televised next week.

8. I bought two balconies for Star Wars.

9. I will pick you up at six to go to the theatre.

10. The movie is too violent for children.

11. Do you know he is a film superstar?

12. Love Storyis a touching movie.

13. I am fascinated by Michael Jacksons songs.

14. Her debut album reached the top of the charts.

15. BTV Channel 6 features various teleplays.


Task2  Listen to the following dialogues twice and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.  

1. A: What            do you often watch?

  B: The MTV Channel.

2. A: I prefer TV            to movies, and you?

  B: Movies are my favorite.

3. A: What is your favorite kind of music? Pop music, isnt it?

  B: No, I like            music.

4. A: Could you buy me the entertainment            ?

  B: OK, I will take it back after work.

5. A: What are the chief            in the concert?

  B: There will be the super-girlscompetition.

6. A: Do you know that            ?

  B: Yes, this is one of Beethovens.

7. A: Will you go with me to a            this evening?

  B: What concert is it?

8. A:             channels can you get on your TV set?

  B: About 50 channels.

9. A: When will the Spring Festival Gala start?

  B: It will            at eight.

10. A: There will be a piano solo by a famous                   tomorrow.

   B: Really? I will get a ticket for that            

Task3 You will hear 10 incomplete short dialogues. While listening, you are required to complete the dialogues by ticking the appropriate responses out of the four choices provided.

1 A. No, I will go with you.     B. In the Grand Theater.

 C. Wait a minute.          D. 100 yuan is enough.

2 A. An interview with a film star.   B. At 20:30.

 C. In the cinema.              D. Sunday evening.

3  A. I like it.                   B. Not bad.

   C. Yes, I have.               D. A foreign movie.

4 A. A musician from Germany.     B. All right.

 C. Just so so.                 D. Good idea.

5 A. Give me two.                B. Row 10, number 2.

 C. I cant agree more.         D. Thank you very much.

6 A. I like both.                  B. It is my favorite.

 C. I believe it is.              D. Id like the balcony.

7 A. 20 minutes later.             B. Yes, he was.

  C. No, he didnt.             D. Pop music.

8 A. They are not bad.             B. Yes, I am.

 C. Its free.                  D. I like classical music.

9 A. I am not free at that time.       B. It is quite a surprise.

 C. I dont care much for the pop music.   D. Wait for me.

10 A. Yes, it is in the morning.      B. Violin solo.

   C. Dont believe it.         D. Sure, just a minute.


Task4  In this task, you will hear one long conversation. After the conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken twice. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.

1 A. They plan to watch a music program on TV.   

   B. They plan to see a movie.

   C. They are going to have dinner together.   

   D. They are going to see a magician performance.

2 A. Hot Fuzz.                      B. Shaun of the Dead.

C. You, Me and Dupree.           D. Becoming Jane.

3 A. Action.                        B. Tragedy.

   C. Comedy.                     D. Action-comedy.

4 A. Because he made a phone call to the booking office.                     

   B. Because he has a membership in Phoenix Theaters.

   C. Because he booked the tickets on line.                      

   D. Because he has a friend in the booking office.

5 A. 8:00 pm.                             B. 6:45 pm.    

   C. 7:45 pm.                             D.7:00 pm.

Task5  Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

Jenny: Hello John, what are you going to do this evening?

John: Hello Jenny, I            some information from the entertainment newspaper.

Jenny: Anything special?

John: It says there is a grand            in the Library Concert Hall.

Jenny: Who is the chief player?

John: Robert Wells, one of the three most famous pianists.

Jenny: Piano is not my            . Anything else?

John: A magician performance at 19:00 tomorrow in the Capital Concert Hall.

Jenny: Who will            ?

John: David Copperfield, the most famous magician at present.

Jenny: Yes, I heard of him. He is very            these days. Did you get tickets?

John: I have reserved two balconies from the Internet. Would you like to go with me?

Jenny: Its so kind of you. When will we meet?

John: I will go to            you up at 17:30, and we can have dinner together before the performance.

Jenny: That            sweet. See you tomorrow.

John: See you.

Task6  Listen to the following summary and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(      ) 1. John and Jenny were talking about the news in the newspaper.

(      ) 2. The piano performance would be played by a famous pianist David Copperfield.

(      ) 3. Jenny was glad to go with John for the piano performance.

(      ) 4. They would meet at half past five pm.

(      ) 5. They would have dinner together after the performance.

Task7  You will hear a set of topic-related English sentences. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.

1. Anything special in the            newspaper?

2. How about going with us for the            this evening?

3. I am fascinated in the compositions of Beethoven, my                    musician.

4. Thats a cable            musical channel.

5. I can imagine that this movie must be quite                   .

6. The whole family is            of rock and roll.

7. The advance tickets for classical plays are very                    .

8. Im told a movie by a            will be on next week.

9. There has been little difference recently in the popular music            .

10.             , children are greatly influenced by violent movies.

11. David Copperfield is a very famous            .

12. There is            worth watching on the TV channels.

13. The Spring Festival            begins at 20:00 every year.

14. They will go for a            concert tonight.

15. The movie is about an            to the stars.

16. The tragedies are more attractive than the            in Shakespeares plays.

17. I            two balconies. How about going with me?

18. How about having            at 17:00 before the performance?

19. The TV programs are becoming more and more            .

20. My father            the News program at 19:00 every day.


Task9  You will hear a short narration about the unit topic twice and find out the answers to these questions.

1. Why do people have more and more choices in their leisure time?


2. What do people usually do in their leisure time?


3. Why do people usually reserve tickets for a performance in advance?


Task10  Listen to complete a funny story by filling in the blanks in it.

   Would you like to follow your fathers            and become a composer?I once asked my niece. No,she said             any hesitation. Id rather be a            . A singer can earn a hundred times more than a composer.” “Is that so?” “Sure,she said, if it takes me ten            to sing a song, it will take my father ten hours to                     one.