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发布时间:2018-12-13 22:38   发布人:李巧霞   浏览次数:436

Unit 7.ppt

教学目标 :

After studying this unit, you are expected to:
• acquire basic knowledge about customer satisfaction and survey, making and handling customer complaints, and after-sales service
• master the words and expressions concerning customer service
• master the skills of writing a letter of adjustment

Conducting a Survey

• Establish the goals of the project—what to learn;

• Determine what people are targeted and how many are to be interviewed;

• Choose how to interview (face to face, telephone, etc.);

• Design the questionnaire;

• Pretest the questionnaire, if practical;

• Conduct interviews and collect data;

• Analyze the data—produce the findings.

Letter of Adjustment

Replies to letters of complaint, often called “letters of adjustment”, must be handled carefully. Here are some suggestions that may help you write letters of adjustment:
1. Refer to the letter of complaint by date;
2. Identify the item or problem that the customer has encountered;
3. If your company is at fault, apologize;
4. Explain how the error occurred;
5. State exactly how you intend to solve the problem;
6. If you cannot solve the problem as they wish, try to make a slight adjustment.

Useful expressions for a letter of adjustment

Step 1 Acknowledging receipt of a complaint letter
● Thank you for your letter of… regarding/concerning…
● I refer to your letter of… about/relating to…
Step 2 Apology for the error or fault
● We must/sincerely apologize for…
● Please accept our apologies for…
● I would like to apologize for…
Step 3 A short explanation of the fault
● As a result of our investigation, we found that...
● The error was caused by…/was due to…
● The cause of/reason for the mistake was…
Step 4 Proposal to settle the problem
● To show goodwill, we are prepared to…/we are willing to…/we would like to…