教学目标 | 1.知识目标: (1)了解主要出境游目的地的主要特色商品 (2)了解皮具、化妆品、酒类等常用词汇和句型 (3)了解自由活动涉及的主要词汇,句式 (4)知道指导客人自由活动是的原则和方法 2.能力目标: (1)应游客要求,能熟练、恰当的协助游客购买当地特色商品 (2)能指导和协助游客安全地进行自由活动
素质目标: (1.)养成良好的职业风貌 (2.)坚持职业操守,不参与强迫购物 ( 3.)具备安全生产的意识,确保自由活动的安全性 |
教学重难点 | 教学重点: (1)relevant words and expressions used in shopping and free activities; (2)remember we are Chinese so we should protect the interest of our country and the tour members 2.教学难点: (1)relevant words and expressions used in shopping and free activities (2)SP Procedure of this part |
教学方法 与手段 | group discussion;self-performance;role play; teacher-student dialogue; case analysis;video analysis |
教学设计与实施 | (说明:教学设计应覆盖整个教学单元,环节完整,重点突出,时间分配合理;教学目的明确,教学方法多样,思路清晰、结构严谨。 教学过程主线清晰、重点突出、逻辑性强、明了易懂;注重突出学生的主体性以及教与学活动的有机结合。) 环节一:lead --in News broadcast; video analysis; case analysis If you are in France, what do you want to buy? 环节二:presentation and participation 1.Case analysis: An Unpleasant Shopping Divide the class into several groups and discuss the case. One student makes a presentation of the main points discussed and the others give comments on the presentation.
Discussions: What could the tour leader do when tourists make some shopping? Comments: _1______2_____3____
小知识:购物时领队的工作 1. 领队应监督导游安排购物次数。如导游拟增加购物次数,事先须与领队商量,并且必须征得游客的同意。 2. 领队应向游客介绍本地商品的特色、讲清购物停留时间、介绍购物的有关注意事项。 3. 领队应随时向游客提供在购物过程中所需要的服务,如语言翻译、介绍托运手续等。 4. 领队应了解欧洲国家的退税规定,提前向游客介绍。在游客到商店购物时,提醒游客别忘记要发票。 5. 商店不按质论价、抛售伪劣商品、不提供标准服务时,领队应出面与商店交涉,以维护游客的利益不受侵害
2.Listening part: Shopping Tips (1) Tourists will find that department stores __________________ provide discount to encourage them to spend. (2) With the right shopping ___________________, tourists can still look good and feel good when they are shopping. (3) For label lovers, off-price stores offer heavily _________________ brand-name items direct from department stores.
3.Situational dialogue (role play: group role play teacher /student role play; self-presentation) Task 8-1 Shopping Abroad境外购物 At Duty-free Shops在免税店 Listen to the dialogue and write numbers in the blanks to show the correct order of the conversation. Task 8-2 Public Transportation公共交通 Taking Subways乘坐地铁 Pair Work: Make a situational dialogue with your partner.
Taking Taxis乘坐计程车 Divide the class into groups of two or three students, and do the dialogue again. Task 8-3 Bars and Restaurants酒吧餐馆 At the Restaurant在餐馆 Footing the Bill付账 (1) The tourists had their dinner_______________________. (2) The tour leader showed the waiter_______________________. (3) The waiter would put the charge_______________________. (4) The tourists would check out by_______________________.
Task 8-4 Others其他事项 At the Post Office在邮局 Role play: One student plays the role of the staff at the post office while another plays the role of the tour leader.
Currency Exchange货币兑换 Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions: (1) What was the exchange rate on that day? ________________________________________ (2) What should the tour leader write on the memo for exchanging dollars? ________________________________ (3) What did the cashier remind the tour leader to do after exchange of the money? __________________________________ (4) What could the tour leader do with the dollars left with him? __________________________________________________________
4.Practical Writing: Currency exchange Outline: 1. Traveler’s Full Name 全名 2. Nationality 国籍 3. Passport No. 护照编号 4. ID. No. 身份证号 5. Full Address in xxx 详细地址 6. Currency 币种 7. Cash Notes 金额 8. Travelers’ Checks 旅行支票 9. Bank Checks 银行支票 10. Other 备注
5. Cross-culture information: ABC about Italy Step 1: Divide the class into groups, and ask each student to take a note of what he or she has watched or heard. Compare the notes with his/her desk mate. Step 2: Make a brief summary of the destination country based on the information in the passage you’ve read as well as the video you’ve watched. 环节三:summary 1.Key words and expressions used in shopping and free activities 2.SP standard relevant procedures
教学评价 | (说明:教学评价方法得当,合理开展形成性评价,能将语言知识和技能评价与课程思政教学效果评价有机结合;能对教学效果进行反思,并提出创新点和改进教学的方法。) 1购物的内容,对女同学吸引力很大,学生们很感兴趣。 2.相关词汇和sp 流程仍然需要加强; 3.教学方法恰当,充分发挥学生学习的主动性和积极性,充分调动学生的参与,完成预定课堂目标
教学反思 | (总结本节课教学的优点或成功之处,取得的成效,目标达成情况,反思在教学实施过程中值得研究的问题或存在的不足以及改进措施。) 1. 对于部分女同学表现出来的对购物的热情和一些不现实的消费观,应该进行正确的引导和纠正,帮助学生养成量入为出,适度的消费观。 2. 对于在国外的安全意识,仍然需要提高。 |