教学目标 | 1.知识目标: (1)掌握check in;check out ;morning call的SP流程; (2)掌握相关英文表达 (3)掌握用西餐需要的英语词汇、短语及句型, (4)熟悉table service 的流程 2.能力目标: (1)能够协助地接办理check in/check out/商议并确定morning call; (2)能用英语协助地接完成西餐服务; (3)能较流利地向游客介绍西餐基本知识和礼仪. 3.素质目标: (1.)培养爱党、爱国、爱社会主义、爱人民的思想立场; (2.)养成良好的职业习惯; ( 3.)入乡随俗,尊重别国风俗习惯; (4)维护国家尊严 |
教学重难点 | 教学重点: (1)table manners of western food (2)relevant words and expressions used in food and accommodations; (3)remember we are Chinese so we should protect the interest of our country and the tour members 2.教学难点: (1)relevant words and expressions used in food and accommodations; (2)SP Procedure of this part |
教学方法 与手段 | group discussion;self-performance;role play; teacher-student dialogue; case analysis;video analysis |
教学设计与实施 | (说明:教学设计应覆盖整个教学单元,环节完整,重点突出,时间分配合理;教学目的明确,教学方法多样,思路清晰、结构严谨。 教学过程主线清晰、重点突出、逻辑性强、明了易懂;注重突出学生的主体性以及教与学活动的有机结合。) 环节一:lead --in Pictures and videos of western food Group discussion: Which one do you prefer, western food or Chinese food? And why?
环节二:presentation and participation
1.Case analysis: Breakfast Is Over! Divide the class into several groups and discuss the case. One student makes a presentation of the main points of the case and the others give comments on it.` Discussions: How would you handle the case if you were a tour leader? Comments: __1._______________2.___________3.__________ 小知识:下榻酒店后领队的工作 与地陪一起向总服务台提供团名、团队名单、团队签证,提出住房要求,协助地陪办理入住登记手续。 分配住房,领队应掌握分房名单,并与地陪相互告知各自的房号和联系电话,以便协调工作。 引领客人和行李进房,巡视客人的住房状态,询问客人是否拿到自己的行李,是否对房间满意。 提醒客人晚上出去的时候一定要结伴而行,带上宾馆的联系方式,告诉游客附近商店的位置。 与前台联系,定好叫早时间,协助客人解决入住后遇到的各种问题。如遇卫生问题、房间内设施问题,及时通知前台;如拿错行李或行李未到,协同地陪一起处理。 2.Listening part: Listen to the passage again, and try to give correspondent English version and put the sentences in the correct order. ______ 如果客房设施存在缺陷,客人要求调换房间,导游应要求酒店工作人员按合同规定更换客房,满足游客的要求。 ______ 告知海外游客当地时间。 ______ 检查客房设施并告诉游客使用方法。 ______ 如果客人要求入住套房替换原来已订的单人房,并愿意支付房费差价,导游可以协助办理。
3.Situational dialogue (role play: group role play teacher /student role play; self-presentation) Task 6-1 Checking in入住酒店 Bell Service Listen again, and do a situational dialogue with your partner.
Task 6-2 Concierge Keeping Valuables Role play: One student plays the role of the tour leader while another plays the role of the Bellman of Cloakroom.
Task 6-3 Inquires in the Hotel Inquires About City Tour Group discussion: If you are in London, where do you want to visit? Task 6-4 Laundry Service Inquires About Laundry Service
4.Practical Writing: Registration card Outline: (1) Name of the guest (2) Gender (3) Nationality (4) Passport number (5) Private address (6) Others 5. Cross-culture information: ABC about New Zealand Step 1:Divide the class into groups, and ask each student to take a note of what he or she has watched or heard. Compare the notes with his/her desk mate. Step 2: Make a brief summary of the destination country based on the information in the passage you’ve read as well as the video you’ve watched. 环节三:summary 1.Key words and expressions used in this part 2.SP standard of relevant services
教学评价 | (说明:教学评价方法得当,合理开展形成性评价,能将语言知识和技能评价与课程思政教学效果评价有机结合;能对教学效果进行反思,并提出创新点和改进教学的方法。) 1.这个部分涉及到西餐的内容,让不少爱好美食的同学很感兴趣,中西方美食对比,总是让人着迷。 2.中外酒店的条件优劣的反转,让同学们直观感受到了中国这些年发展的成就,增加了民族自豪感。 3.教学方法恰当,充分发挥学生学习的主动性和积极性,充分调动学生的参与,完成预定课堂目标。 |
教学反思 | (总结本节课教学的优点或成功之处,取得的成效,目标达成情况,反思在教学实施过程中值得研究的问题或存在的不足以及改进措施。) 1. 词汇的积累和使用始终是英语教学的重点和难点; 2. 如何鼓励大家开口说英语需要持之以恒的做下去。 |