
发布时间:2018-08-21 11:25   发布人:张学芳   浏览次数:289

Unit 2 Asking the Way.ppt

Unit 02-Part1-A.mp3

Unit 02-Part1-B.mp3

Unit 02-Part2-B.mp3

Unit 02-Part2-C.mp3

Unit 02-Part2-D.mp3

Unit 02-Part2-E.mp3

Unit 02-Part2-A.mp3

                                                    Unit 2 Asking the Way

Aims: 1. The students can comprehend the conversations they hear, filling the missing words or choosing the right answer.

     2. The students can comprehend the passages they hear, filling the missing words or choosing the right answer.

Main points: to understand the meaning and write down the words or expressions

Difficult points: to understand the passages

Methods: communicative approach and audio-lingual method


Period I Parts 1-2

Aims: 1. The students can distinguish homophones.

     2. The students can comprehend the conversations they hear, filling the missing words or choosing the right answer.

Main points: to understand the meaning and write down the words or expressions

Difficult points: to understand the conversations

Methods: communicative approach and audio-lingual method

Teaching Course:

Step 1 Get the students to make a short speech about current affairs.

Step 2 Listen to the Warming-up exercises.

1. Decide which word of the homophones is used in the sentence. (Ex. A on page 14).

2. Decide which word of the homophones is used in the sentence. (Ex. B on page 15).

Step 3 Listen to the Conversations.

1. Learn the new words and expressions on page 16.

2. Fill in the blanks with the missing words by hearing the short conversations (Ex. A on page 16).

3. Answer the questions (Ex. B on page 17) by choosing the right answer after hearing a conversation.

4. Mark out on the map the places given and draw the route to Hilton Hotel from where the two speakers meet. (Ex. C on page 17)

5. Answer the questions (Ex. D on page 18) by choosing the right answer after hearing a conversation.

6. Write down the name of each place where Mike goes in the correct place and mark out locations A, B, C, D and E on the map. (Ex. E on page 18)

Step 4 Assignments:

       Watch CCTV-9 or listen to VOA or BBC, taking down at least just one piece of news and presenting it to the class next time.