蒋悦 2024-05-08 20:06:00 (1) Inform the dining hall of the tourists' special requests.
(2) Tell the tourists when and where to meet.
(3)Show the group to the dining hall and help the guests to be seated.
肖奕璇 2024-07-06 00:04:15 (1)Inform the dining hall of the tourists' special request
(2)Tell the tourists when and where to meet
(3)Show the group to the dining hall and help the guests to be sealed
(1) Inform the dining hall of the tourists' special requests. (2) Tell the tourists when and where to meet. (3)Show the group to the dining hall and help the guests to be seated.
(1)Inform the dining hall of the tourists' special request (2)Tell the tourists when and where to meet (3)Show the group to the dining hall and help the guests to be sealed