2018-2019-2 Team-work Topics & Role-play Topics

发布时间:2019-02-23 17:33    浏览次数:280


2018-2019-2 Team-work Topics

1. Unit 1:  Unit 1: Mini-project – Preparing for a Labor Day Party

2. Unit 1: Self-study Room – Time Management & Task

3. Unit 1: Campus Fashion Trends

4. Unit 2 Warming-up – Meeting Management Tasks

5. Unit 2: Self-study Room – Taking Notes in Class

6. Unit 2: Meeting Manners/Etiquette

7. Unit 3: Warming up – Business Trip Checklist

8. Unit 3: Mini-project – Gift-giving Etiquette

9. Unit 3: How do you arrange a business trip successfully?

10. Unit 3: Letter of Appreciation/Thank-you Letter

11. Unit 4: Business Know-how (Handling Money When Traveling Overseas)

12. Unit 4: Mini-project (Class Picnic Budget)

13. Unit 5: Warming-up (Common Brand-naming Methods)

14. Unit 5: Business Know-how (Building up brand recognition 建立品牌认知度)

15. Unit 7 Mini-project (Advertising a product using at least two advertising media)

16: Unit 8: Warm-up

17. Unit 8 Business Know-how (Do you qualify as an employer?)                                                 

18. Unit 8: Our Career Plans     

2018-2019-2 Role-play Topics

1.      The Spring Festival

2.      My Winter Holiday

3.      Asking and Giving Directions

4.      My favorite… fashion

5.      In your opinion, how do you manage a successful meeting?

6.      How do you usually take notes in class?

7.      If you will go traveling overseas, what will you do before you leave for there?

8.      Advantages and Disadvantages of owning a credit card as a college student

9.      Which do you prefer, a credit card or a debit card?

10.   My favorite product brands

11.  Which do you prefer when you pay, Alipay or WeChat pay? Why?

12.  Talking about your career dreams in your lifetime.

13.  Talking about your business you may start after graduation.

14.  Talking about your work experience in your spare time if possible.

15.  Since one year has just passed after you entered RZPT, what do you think about your achievements so far?

16.  传统节日/传统文化(Traditional Festival &Traditional Culture

17.  守时 Punctuality

18.  安全 Safety

19.  分享…(…. Sharing)

20.  商业道德 Business Ethics