实用英语A 韩青


  • 韩青

  • 韩青,女,1969年7月出生,副教授,硕士。日照职业技术学院公共教学部教师,公共英语院级精品课程主持人,长期从事高职英语一线教学和科研工作。

  • 参与老师:
  • 暂无


  • 2310 课程学习人数
  • 34 课程章节数
  • 1711 互动交流数
  • 1372 课程资源数
  • 7468 课程访问数



Can You Believe it.docx

Welcome to stories and idioms from real life!

Can You Believe it?

Stories and Idioms from Real Life (Book 2)

Jann Huizenga / Oxford

1.     It's no wonder!


One day, Olga Petrovic isn't feeling well. She goes to see the doctor in her small town in southernRussia. "What's the matter?" he asks. "I have a stomachache. And I'm running a fever," she tells him. The doctor takes an x-ray. He's shocked when he looks at it. There's a 12-inch piece of metal in Olga's stomach. "That takes the cake!" he thinks. "NO wonder she has a stomachache!" Olga remembers an operation she had 25 years ago. Apparently, the surgeon made a big mistake and left a medical instrument inside her. "We need to get rid of it," said the doctor. "You need an operation." Olga has cold feet and wants to put it off. But her doctor wants her to have the operation right away. Now the medical instrument is gone and Olga is recovering.

New Idioms & Expressions:

 (it's) no wonder = it's not surprising

What's the matter? = What's wrong?

have a stomachache = feel pain in one's stomach

run a fever = have a high body temperature 

That takes the care! = That's really strange!; That's the worse!

make a mistake = do something incorrectly

get rid of something = remove something

have cold feet = be afraid to do something

put something off = delay or postpone something

right away = immediately

...  ...

1、Week 19-2 Attendency
2、Revision for the final examination-2
3、Revision for the final examination-1
4、Week 16-2 Roll-Calling
5、Book 2 Unit 8 Writing & Revision
1、2023大数据与审计1班4组 Brand-naming Methods.pptx
4、2023大数据与审计1班 Group 3 Meeting Manners.pptx